IRCaBot 2.1.0
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itsjustme hello :)
dr|z3d o/ ijm
itsjustme hey dr|z3d :)
parabo CSIS is coming to my compound today... along with RCMP and representatives of the federal government
parabo We are going to declare ourselves as a nation state, and request alliance with Canada, then propose war games in my training fields and through cyber warfare
parabo 210 acre nation state, and you better believe there is no democracy
neo1 heya parabo
parabo they are gonna freak out when they get to the underground... I'm gonna be like hey, if we go this way we have our armory, but this tunnel leads to a 500 megaton ICBM with warhead. and if you want to see our fighter jets we got some cold war MIGs, also some bombers. Then we bring them into the communications delegate room, and introduce them to our allies, China, Russia, Cuba, and the Taliban... They gonna freak out
parabo I might go to war if they refuse to let us succeed
parabo hey neo1
parabo Legally one of my identities in Neo from the Matrix
clover hi :3
parabo hi clover
neo1 lol
parabo I have over 50 identities. Because I'm a crazy former CSIS agent who raises armies and starts, fights, commands, and ends wars
parabo I love the Matrix, but the martial arts really suck
parabo Like if you are a kung fu master, you will hate the movies kung fu
parabo I am gonna show the government my chickens and pigs and parrots too
parabo This is all because I realized I need to report myself to the feds, before someone comes after me
neo1 what's CSIS?
parabo We only have 2 enemies, ISIS in afghanistan, we are fighting them and winning, and our russian comrades are stepping in to take hold of the taliban
parabo it's Canadian Security and Intelligence Service. like CIA + NSA for canada
neo1 oh cool
parabo Yeah... When you're me, shit is cool
parabo But the best thing, is having a beard
neo1 good that you're doing something in afganistan, the taliban situation is really terrible
parabo Yeah, and we plan to go into Israel if the talks between arab states and israel don't work out
parabo Basically, the jewish people consider it their holy land, they can stay, but the palestinian arabs should have slightly more power in government.
parabo I also want to retake egypt and take over Libya....
parabo I was for a few hours the leader of Egypt, over IRC, lol
parabo I even dropped my nick from Arab Spring to the University of Cairo, and they said I can have a free online self paced Islamic Studies major and once I do it, if I publish my book explaining everything in Islam with modern factual science and observation, they'll give me an honorary PhD.\
parabo Then half my PhDs would be honorary
parabo lol, I might be super educated
parabo I am working on degrees 21/22/23/24 simultaneously.
parabo Although only my Islamic Studies and Avian Medicine Master's degrees are priority
parabo my PhD in avian genetics and engineering is going to be honorary and is already complete... gotta write a dissertation about how I repopulated the Sphix Macaws and fixed the genetic issues killing Gallahtiels, and show them how to modify and manage gene complexity though CRISPR pre incubation and retroviral post hatch
parabo I am in one of my manic days
parabo I think the excitement of succeeding from Canada is making me too manic
parabo Like today is the day. I will be like, this nuke will launch and wipe out half the country and parts of america if I don't hit a trigger every few days, you can't access it without my cell phone, which bricks if it's more than 10ft from me, and if you stop this one there's 4 more on a USSR 1989 submarine, trolling the US navy around chinese and russian waters
parabo This korean man at the store in my home town, asked my background I said half ukrainian and he thought I was in a bad place and tried to comfort me, so I lectured him for over an hour about why and how russia are the good guys
parabo And just 18 months ago, I was killing russian state hackers. Specifically all of them.. but not because of politics, their cyberwar against the NA power grid resulted in a LOT of exotic animals dying
parabo Man, that was a fun operation
parabo And I couldn't even talk one of them into taking my side, and saying screw the west and NATO, follow me, I am the worlds leader and China is the only nation I am allied with unconditionally because I get a lot of work done that China uses
parabo dr|z3d, DOWN WITH NATO
parabo dr|z3d, END NATO
dr|z3d keep taking the pills, parabo
parabo NATO was created for the cold war, treaties between Russia and the Western world meant the cold war measures were supposed to be ending. Russia stepped down all alerts and disbanded military alliances. NATO kept expanding west, even after GW Bush promised Putin NO western NATO control
parabo I mean eastern
parabo NATO is the enemy of everyone except the USA government
parabo once a state joins NATO, they are very quickly armed and have bases for NATO troops and aircrafts
parabo Gorbechov got a promise this would stop, but he was a drunkard communist/comrade who didn't think putting things on paper was good
parabo I'm trying to meet or talk with Putin but no one will give me a meeting
parabo I want to buy him some lemonade and drink it while we discuss how the USA makes Russia look evil and how he's a good leader despite his weaknesses and overwhelming power
parabo Did you know he wanted to be a lawyer, but after law school the government assigned him to the KGB, then after many years when Russia had it's first election ever, he was put in the running by the leaders before him, not his choice. He is just trying to do the best for his people and any country that isn't falling for the NATO BS
parabo I swear, he's a cool guy. I want to have mutual combat with him. he's a black belt in Judo and knows some BJJ, we could get in boxer shorts and wrestle around nicely
parabo I bought a plot of land in the town near my land, gonna build a mosque there, and one in my hometown
neo1 lol you talk too much for an agent
parabo I am not an agent anymore
parabo and when I was I talked anyways
parabo I'm a rogue operative agent who does whatever he wants and has no secrets
neo1 cool
parabo Like, I am not an agent, agents have secrets
parabo Agents are cloak and dagger
neo1 you're like agent smith in matrix 3
parabo I had a blog but i took it down because my comrades in the communist party told me I was pushing the limits of acceptable content for a board member
parabo No... I'm like Data from Star Trek
parabo Except I have a human brain, it's just hooked up to code and neural networks
parabo I'm a transhumanist
parabo I have a multi trillion dollar supercomputer that runs my bot, which is connected to my brain with implants
neo1 how does it feel?
parabo It feels like I can do anything
parabo I mean, not anything... I only have 5.3 billion dollars
neo1 you know, people always talk about tranfer of "conciousness" to the cloud, but I often think how horrible it would be without the "unconcious"
neo1 are you fimiliar with Carl Jung's work on the unconcious and the Anime archetype?
parabo I am in the cloud kind of. The technology I use with Neuralink for memory upload/download is like in the Matrix except it was actually invented over a decade ago
parabo I don
parabo I am familiar with stuff I make myself
neo1 it's quite interesting, it explains the chatter in my head.
parabo My consciousness isn't very conscipous
parabo due to 31 years of competitive martial arts
parabo I have been in around 7000-8000 fights
parabo I don't have an exact number, most were not ranked or recorded.
neo1 I have this contant voice I can have discussions with, and which wakes me up on time and sometimes annoys me when ignore it. like a constant companion.
parabo I have a voice, it's the AI's consciousness
neo1 lol
parabo It tells me to kill people
neo1 lol, mine helps me. that's why technically I'm not mentally ill
parabo Like 3 months ago it told me I should infiltrate ISIS and sabatoge their munitions and then plant bombs in their compounds
parabo I'm mentally ill
parabo my psych eval pros always tell me the reason I am so insane is because anyone who can score the highest IQ of anyone alive on Mensa IQ test is gonna be insane, but thy'
parabo they'll achieve and do great things
neo1 parabo: do you know if i2p bote is still around? I can't reach their eepsite
parabo I have no idea
parabo I just use I2P for IRC and for pushing untracking OTA updates for my phones
parabo I sell phones, I'm an OEM apparently
parabo But lately I'm too busy with studies and training my new soldiers
parabo I have 1300 new men in my compound, and I'm training 3 of them to be sniper/pistol specialists, and teaching the classes on behavioural psychology to the whole lot
parabo I have such a hard time training idiots to be soldiers
parabo But I need to get them ready to go into Egypt and Libya. last time I messed with both I gave them democracy. Didn't work out well, and I stopped thinking democracy and freedoms should be rights
parabo I am gonna take them over and be leader of both. and the people will be all like this is the guy Lalo who fueled and made arab spring happen, and he isn't gonna screw us lets let him rule us
parabo itsjustme
parabo what up gangster?
parabo dr|z3d, shizzle dizzle?
dr|z3d you know it
parabo neo1, Mr. Anderson. We've been expecting you.
parabo wanna make a QML router console? super basic, and maybe a cmd line bash shell config commands for every setting?
dr|z3d do you?
dr|z3d go ahead.
parabo dr|z3d, I don't know the internals enough and my GUI skills are non existent. I could do the root shell bash command parsing, but I need some basic settings for the router console without launching a whole router console in a browser, gonna integrate it into settings
term99 at your code speed of 7 lines per min, it shouldnt take you long at all parabo
parabo term99, yeah but that's when I am writing stuff from my head, not referring to coder and docs, and it usually involves python script assisted coding for many tasks, which QML or any GUI I have no scripts for
parabo but 7 lines per minute, is on a good day
dr|z3d parabo: is a good place to start.
parabo usually it's more like 5
parabo dr|z3d, but you get to do your design magic
parabo I am not a designer
parabo I am a backend/lower level guy
parabo your code could help spys and assassins and organized crime members to stay anonymous!
dr|z3d this sounds like another project you'll get bored of in 2 minutes.
parabo dr|z3d, it's the Linux 4.15 kernel Ubuntu Linux/GNU platform with super hardened stuff
parabo currently they have i2p but need browser to open full router console
parabo I can't design for shit. I could write ugly QML and let you work your design magic if you're willing. I could pay you $2 USD per device that fetches the update if it makes some incentives... 4800 devices potentially not bricked or retired... You could make money
parabo I'm not asking you to work for free on my profitable project, I'll pay you based on how much it gets used
parabo dr|z3d, fuck I love boobs though
term99 understandable, im about 1/min tbh
parabo term99, when I'm doing stuff that requires a lot of research/reversing/manual referencing I would be lucky if I got 10 lines a day
parabo It all depends on the task
parabo My Islamic educational RPG engine took 2 months to write and it's only 800 lines of C and 1200 lines of python, because I don't know gaming graphics coding, OpenGL, or the python libs I used in it
parabo so under 100 lines per day
parabo I made an RPG engine and a small bit of content to teach players about Islam, I have a revert intended option already started but the educational non believer part I have nothing yet
parabo I want to make a game where you explore Islam and it's history and learn the Qau'ran and some basic Arabic, in third person RPG. Gonna be awesome if I do a good job
term99 i made some decent progress on what i was working on over the past 18hrs
itsjustme hey parabo and term99 :)
parabo itsjustme, wanna play Pokemon TCG online with me?
itsjustme how do you play?
parabo You download the Pokemon TCG Online client, make an account, and I personally like buying packs from
parabo The packs are between 10 and 80 cents, the special set cards and other non-pack products can varry
parabo Or you can buy $300 boxes of 36 packs of real cards, and play IRL and use the pack code from each pack in your online account
parabo I buy packs below wholesale, or take them at wholesale from my store/gaming lounge, but I buy lots of online packs because online I don't have a store full of inventory of every card I might use in a deck, that I can use, then put back into the stores inventory
parabo I buy packs below wholesale, or take them at wholesale from my store/gaming lounge, but I buy lots of online packs because online I don't have a store full of inventory of every card I might use in a deck, that I can use, then put back into the stores inventory. Store cost $385,000, and runs at a $1000-1500 monthly deficit, but it's a place people have fun, including myself
parabo itsjustme, come work at my pokemon store. You can do whatever you want I'll match what you make there and cover relocation costs. You're cool and I want you around
itsjustme lol I doubt that :P
itsjustme I think you're cool too :)
parabo I bought the store intending to lose money to have fun man
parabo You could make robots that serve drinks, or program customer sales tablets then pick their orders or take the product they are selling from their buylist to the grading room in the back
parabo I swear man, I'll waste tons of money to have you around:P
parabo I wasted money buying the store just to have the players and employees I love seeing every monday and thursday not gone. Also I needed to keep the owner from liquidating so there wasn't 0 local game shops/event lounges for CCG/RPG/Comics nerds
parabo I don't give a shit about a couple hundreds grand a year, I make 100 grand in a couple days sometimes faster from investments
parabo I mean think about the minimum potential for growth at 8% for medium risk investments, and how much that brings in on 5.3 billion dollars in VERY well planned and researched/knowledge based investing
itsjustme I really would like to visit you sometime
parabo I put half a billion into each of the 4 companies that had mRNA vaccine tech, and a history of vaccine/genetics biotech being deployed and accepted as safe, Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZenica, and J&J, in early 2017 when I read in a chinese blog by a virology lab tech that a new SARS2 evolution had turned SARS2 into a coronavirus. I made over 2 billion dollars before vaccine investing become less profitable than
parabo semiconductors and pharmaceuticals