IRCaBot 2.1.0
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dr|z3d what up itsjustme
itsjustme Not much been really tired lately :(
itsjustme I got covid a week or so ago :(
dr|z3d ah, that would explain the tiredness. you'll be fine :)
itsjustme I hope so
itsjustme It's been pretty miserable
dr|z3d yeah, can't imagine it's much fun. like flu on steroids.
itsjustme Yeah its mostly the tiredness that gets to me
wellicht itsjustme: it usually passes in a couple of weeks
itsjustme wellicht: yeah that's the hope
parabo itsjustme
parabo dr|z3d, what up gangster
dr|z3d shizzle dizzle, yo. you?
parabo Oh you know. Straight up gangster shit
dr|z3d parabo: saving the world in minecraft then?
parabo I'm doing nothing
dr|z3d how are the birds?
parabo any work on i2pmessenger recently?
dr|z3d no, you volunteering?
dr|z3d *crickets*
mesh It's so sad that that HTTP 1.1 is so successful because it's so simple and anybody can and does write a server in a weekend or 2
mesh then Google got their hands on it and created a hideously complex monstrosity that is HTTP/2
mesh and now HTTP/3, despite being sort of amazing, is so hideously complex that nobody but google could ever hope to actually implement it
mesh this is what I call a "complexity attack". Google et al took something so simple -- browsers, http, html -- and created something so hideously complex that nobody but them could ever hope to understand or implement it
mesh now, let there be no doubt, Google controls the web. they decide the protocl, the browser, and the data format
mesh does I2PTunnel not send a Date to http servers?
mesh that doesn't seem right. I understand you don't want to reveal the user's Timezone... but why not send a UTC date in the request?
mesh whoa... does I2PTunnel seriously send HTTP/1.0 requests...? argh
mesh or maybe that's firefox doing it?
mesh man I2PTunnel is a mess
parabo itsjustme
dr|z3d should be 1.1 mesh
parabo dr|z3d, what up?
dr|z3d shizzle dizzle, you?
dr|z3d mesh: timezone timestamps doesn't sound great, where are you seeing that?
mesh dr|z3d: honestly between firefox and I2PTunnel I'm going a little crazy
dr|z3d mesh: crazy is good, looking forward to your patches :)
parabo straight up gangster set
mesh for sopme strange reason Firefox was sending I2PTunnel HTTP/1.0 requests which I2PTunnel turned into 1.1
mesh then... for no reason I can understand... firefox started generating 1.1 requests
mesh GET / HTTP/1.1
mesh Host: ewk3xco43tlcwiscm7f2ohsn2idtq7uqfidivmdov4hwqaplw56q.b32.i2p
mesh User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:100.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/100.0
mesh Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
mesh Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
mesh Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
mesh Connection: keep-alive
mesh Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
mesh apparently there is some weirdness where firefox talks to proxies like I2PTunnel
mesh also, frankly, I wonder how well the people who hacked together I2PTunnel really understood the http protocol
dr|z3d user-agent isn't right. should be MY/OB for .i2p
mesh that's whate firefox sends, my web service does get MYOP
mesh from i2ptunnel
dr|z3d I tend to use a user-agent spoofer so not too much is exposed, regardless of request.
mesh I've uncovered bugs in i2ptunnel tho. It's very annoying. the behavior of proxies like I2PTunnel is clearly defined in
dr|z3d and how do the bugs impact browsing?
mesh they don't really but for me writing my own HTTP 1.1 server they are problematic
dr|z3d ok, well, I suggest you might want to file them on i2p's gitlab.
dr|z3d if you've got patches for i2p+, I'd be happy to take a look.
mesh I now have to choose between (a) trying to fix the bugs in I2PTunnel that do not follow the spec and waiting forever or (2) writing my server to simply expect and work around the bugs
dr|z3d a) is best.
dr|z3d always better to fix bugs than workaround them.
mesh probably yeah but I don't really want to wait another 3 months for this stuff to be fixed by zzz
dr|z3d > if you've got patches for i2p+, I'd be happy to take a look.
dr|z3d file bugs, submit patches, shouldn't take 3 months. you've got something solid for i2p+, we can get in done in short order :)
mesh it's not really just an I2P+ thing it's everybody who uses Firefox+I2PTunnel
dr|z3d sure, but i2p+ is what you're using.. not saying you shouldn't also submit patches / MRs to i2p, but if you want it fixed quick, you know where I am :)
mesh I mean fixing it in i2p+ doesn't help the other 95% of people who are using Firefox+I2PTunnel
itsjustme Hey parabo
parabo what's up itsjustme?
itsjustme Recoving. You?
mesh but yeah, I'll keep digging. the reality is nobody really follows the http spec and if you write a server you gotta deal with all sorts of nonsense
parabo nothing really
dr|z3d that's where you'd also submit patches upstream.. users are likely not quite so impatient as you for a fix to something that don't know there's a problem with :)
parabo what you recovering from?
parabo they did a statistical analysis of USA covid deaths and over 250,000 americans died because they weren't vaccinated
itsjustme I've been vaccinated
itsjustme Just really sucks being sick
T3s|4 itsjustme: sorry to learn about you contracting Covid. Did you test positive after showing symptoms?
T3s|4 and of all the times in your life you've been sick, with 10 being the worst, where are you now?
itsjustme Probably 7. I've had it for over a week now
T3s|4 np, you will survive! :D
itsjustme Just sucks
itsjustme Lasting forever!
T3s|4 I'm double vaxxed + boosted, but I was surrounded by many Chinese tourists in Q4 2019, before China *ordered* them home. In early Q1 2020, I was violently ill for about 3 weeks, and another friend showed the same symptoms. Then we learned about the WuFlu, and its massive cover-up ;-(
T3s|4 I also think any 'study' of Covid non-vaccinated 'excess' deaths is absolutely worthless unless carefully adjusted for age, obesity and multiple pre-existing co-morbidity factors: such as heart, lung, kidney and/or liver disease (to mention but a few) ;p
dr|z3d good job itsjustme's not heading out to KFC 3* daily :)
T3s|4 ^but the media rarely points out glaringly obvious: Covid almost always only kills the elderly, immuno-compromised and morbidly obese cohort - apparently that is a highly inconvenient vaccine marketing truth ;p
itsjustme dr|z3d: ive still never been to KFC tbh
dr|z3d lies, itsjustme!
T3s|4 itsjustme: the good news is, post-recovery your immune system will be vastly more protective than your average vaxxed sheeple :D
itsjustme Well if you ask parabo he's got it multiple times
T3s|4 prolly from the things that fly around him ;p
SlateGray those covid doesn't kill, it disables. this shit is airborne aids mate.
SlateGray English is the worst. like what even IS this? Do English speakers really think we have a language? This is a herd of snails in a trenchcoat, not a language!
parabo itsjustme, I'm immune compromised that's why
dr|z3d when parabo says immune compromised he means he went around licking bowls in public toilets for a bet.
SlateGray it is not.