IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
itsjustme Don't get drunk wellicht
wellicht *** is on the roof, reading ***
dr|z3d genka: Couldn't send request to Reddit: error trying to connect: tcp connect error: Connection refused (os error 111)
parabo itsjustme
parabo albat, hi
itsjustme Hey parabo!
parabo What's up itsjustme?
itsjustme Not much. Just chilling. You?
parabo I am bored
itsjustme Oh, whys that?
parabo Because my compiling rig died
parabo I sent it to a troubleshooting company for HPC/server hardware because no local shops carry the parts I need to swap until I isolate the bugged one
itsjustme Oh that sucks :(
MelanieMalik parabo: do you have a backup build drone?
parabo build drone?
SlateGray compiling rig
parabo Oh, nope. I could use a server, but I have no power connection for a server rack in the house
parabo I ordered a second of the same rig set of components, so I'll use the second one to figure out what to replace of the first one, then I will be able to compile 2 builds so I can test twice the code changes per time unit
parabo dr|z3d, what up dawg?
dr|z3d hi parabo
parabo how are you dr|z3d ?
dr|z3d not bad, thanks, you good?
parabo Yeah. I'm in Pakistan!
dr|z3d say hi to Imran for me.
parabo Pakistan is hot and there's nothing to do
parabo Oh I'm not here on official business, just visiting a cool dude I met from facebook
dr|z3d go smoke a hookah. plenty of those around.
parabo But he has a mosque with 2000 members, and he's gonna tell them to join my army
parabo Because after we finish with the current Jihad, we have a MUCH bigger and MUCH more risky/intense threat model in our next liberation/end of oppression fight
parabo I need over 8000 men for my plan
dr|z3d raytracing in minecraft?
parabo I have 2200 men now, I need 10,000 to be successful
parabo Nope, restoring occupied palestine to it's pre zionist state
dr|z3d oh, I thought you were talking about unstable drivers.
parabo No, I am fighting wars.
parabo Current jihad is against ISIS, and mediation between russia and Taliban government to keep the Taliban from being fucked up and overbearing
dr|z3d palestine's pre-zionist state means the total elimination of israel as a nation.
parabo and I have a plan to buy 20,000 acres of undeveloped land from the crown federal land office, and relocate the jews who wish to leave, there
parabo This is gonna be the most insane thing I've ever attempted, and least likely to end with being alive
parabo Why are you mirroring me major/
dr|z3d major is a slightly buggy bot.
parabo ISIS in Afghanistan is down to 1/4 of the fighting force and the leadership is totally eliminated already
parabo ISIS figured out I was a enemy not one of them in the fight to oppress
parabo So now I can't be a saboteur on the inside anymore
parabo Well I could if I was wanting to die
dr|z3d the taliban is the main threat in Afghanistan.
parabo Well, with Russia leading them, they aren't. When ISIS is gone, they have no army since the state army disbanded and many have joined my men fighting, so they will need Russian assistance for security and such
parabo Russia is gonna make sure they aren't allowing terrorism or instating Shari'a law or anything else oppressive
dr|z3d the blind leading the blind.
parabo Lol, Russia isn't blind
dr|z3d if you hadn't noticed, Russia is now a terrorist state.
parabo No they aren't
parabo You aren't talking to the right people
parabo You think any media source has the truth?
wellicht yes, please talk to the right people
parabo Only intelligence and security officers and dudes like me know how it really is
wellicht clearly
parabo You should listen to the 2 hour talk by Scott Ritter, former head of USA Navy intelligence about how, why, and who russia is fighting
parabo Because, if ukrainian people didn't put up a fight, they would be fine. If nato wasn't installing weapons in Ukraine to have strike power to assault russia, no invasion, if Russia demands were met regarding dissolving of the NAZI rebel militias that are as bad as hitler, no invasion. Russia said 8 and 10 years ago respectively that if these two things didn't get fixed they would invade and annex
parabo They will not be beaten, they will do what communist cultures and states do, keep sending people in to the slaughter for the good of the country and it's people
wellicht they will be beaten
parabo Russia could wipe Ukraine's opposition and forces of boots on the ground without going into ukraine. If this was a war they would just totally bomb the country's resistance potential out of existence with high explosive yield missiles, and avoid destroying small valuable areas so they can use them
parabo I have been to Russia's front lines and seen what they do a week ago, because I didn't feel that second hand information was reliable. They are 100% trying to not kill people unless they face resistance that talking and peaceful acceptance can't fix
wellicht could, shoud, would...
parabo If you haven't been on the ground, and seen it first hand, you can't talk
wellicht I have been on the ground
wellicht I grew up in a communist culsture
parabo In Ukraine at the front lines watching and talking to both sides?
wellicht and my native language is Russian
parabo Because I mean on the ground at the front line during the war of current nature
wellicht so don't lecture me on Russia
parabo I speak a little russian, not much
parabo I can't write it
parabo But I spoke arabic with the chechnyan fighters
parabo That was very useful, because Arabic is easier for me
wellicht <R> I have been on the ground
mesh parabo: that's 100% bullshit
mesh we have video evidence of russians soldiers executing civilians:
parabo During the war, on the front lines, witnessing the actions of both sides? Have you been there since the war started and spent time WITH the fighters?
mesh we have numerous phone calls of russian soldiers dplanning to executive civilians:
wellicht parabo: how may times do I have to say yes until you read it as a yes?
mesh I encourage everybody to go and watch the videos and listen to the phone calls for themselves instead of parabo's bullshit
parabo Yeah they kill civilians who offer any resistance, if they are unarmed when russia gets there, and support russia and accept russia as their new state of residence, no harm
mesh no go and watch the video
parabo but yeah, anyone who provides any aid or comfort to the resistance, executed
dr|z3d sorry, parabo, but you're full of shit.
mesh they shoot civilians in the back
parabo No I'm not dr|z3d
parabo I'm full of real life
mesh parabo: watch the video. what resistance did those two old men offer?
parabo They are somehow tied to resistance, I am sure of it knowing what I know, talking to who i've talked to
parabo But the chechnyans have been shooting everyone because they are like any radical islamic sect, they think killing civilians is a way to fight a jihad and they know the resistance have been dipping bullets in pig fat to give them an impure death
mesh yeah it's safe to say you're full of shit
parabo No, it's safe to say we disagree and saw different things, but I'm never full of shit
mesh again I encourage everybody to go and listen to the intercepted phone calls and videos themselves
mesh it's safe to say all available evidence contradicts your bullshit and we're supposed to believe your nonsense because reasons
parabo This isn't something I will argue, if you think different from what I have witnessed, then that's up to you. If you think that giving a warning to the world to stop threats they pose to the Russian state and letting 10 years pass with 10 years of chance to act on his warnings, everyone in NATO, and Ukrainian leadership and cultural values, are the reason Russia had to invade. They probably could have waited for
parabo NATO to start installing the missile strike sites and nuke silos or the nazis to take power before attacking, but the day before Putin launched the campaign he found a mass in his abdomen, and it was not diagnosed but the doctor said he suspected mass cell tumor, a very unstable malignant and unpredictable form of non vascular lymphoma, and he had to make his goals to ensure the sovereignty and safety of his
parabo country happen right away. I know a lot about mass cell tumors, they can kill in a matter of days although they can also not kill for a decade... He was worried he would die leaving a threat to his people and country, according to his offices statements to the communist parties I speak with who are supporting Russia, and he acted quickly and with no second thoughts. I consider it a valid decision
mesh parabo: your're a complete fucking idiot
parabo mesh: You are not any better apparently
parabo Have you ever had to execute a large number of people to secure a taken region in a war?
parabo Or seen the losses when you don't line people up to be shot?
parabo Have you ever been the commander and chief of a nation you don't even live in? Have you got any perspective other than what you are currently seeing?
parabo Because, in war, you kill people. Sometimes civilians pose a threat, sometimes it's not clear, sometimes they obviously don't. But when you have held the gun and pulled the trigger on a mass execution, you can complain that they are doing it
parabo Get some perspective on war and the world and work for intelligence/security as an operative agent involved closely with military units and then you can say I'm full of shit and everything I say is wrong
mesh imagine supporting a fascist invasion that indiscriminately rapes and kills civilians
mesh people lik you really are pure evil
mesh and you come up with the most ridiculous nonsense to support your beliefs
mesh but it's okay. russia is going to be completely destroyed like every other fascist country before it
parabo Call me evil, many have. But I always do things that are with the best intentions
mesh no you are just evil, thnat is to say you're stupid
parabo Well, you are free to think that
mesh evil is just another word for stupid. it's not an accomplishment bro
mesh like the nazis who stupidly believed everything hitler toold them
parabo But you are being ignored by me as of now because you are ignorant as much as I am evil, we either both are or both aren't. Either way I don't want to talk to you
mesh you have stupiidly believed the most banal nonsense
parabo Ahh, that's better
mesh imagine thinking ukraine posed any threat to russia
parabo Now I have the peace I need to continue thinking of ways to kill my enemies
mesh any person with even half a brain would look over the past 20 years when russia has s done nothing but attack and invade and slaughter uukrainians
mesh heck even look over the past 200 years
mesh but sure, putin had to act to stop the ukranians nazis -- who all voted for a jewish president
mesh only the most stupid and pwholly evil people would believe such absolute nonsense
mesh and that's you. I'm glad you revealed yourself, I had my doubts but now it is plain as day for all to see
parabo dr|z3d, my 10,000 phones all sold out in under 2 weeks in markets around the developing world
dr|z3d great, parabo. let's stick to discussing tech. there's no mileage and nothing good that will come from discussing Russia.
parabo I have 1000 phones coming from China every 3 days, I tried to order 50,000 and they were like, the 10,000 you bought was almost every unit we had, so they will be shipping them 1000 at a time until 50,000 have shipped
parabo Takes 3 days for this chinese cheap as fuck hardware company to produce 1000 of these phones
parabo They sell for $38 USD per phone, which is $20 markup but I pay $18 hourly to the sales people who go from market to market, so I am not making much money, which was the intention. I am currently working on my custom non-prefab phone that they will be producing over the next few months
itsjustme Sounds like a lot of e-waste
parabo itsjustme, e-waste?
parabo What do you mean?
itsjustme You dont know what e-waste is?
itsjustme dr|z3d: do you know what e-waste is?
parabo Although I might know it in Swahili or Arabic
dr|z3d phone for life, itsjustme, future-proofed.
dr|z3d sure, itsjustme
itsjustme Lol, yeah they will end up in the trash in less than a year I think
dr|z3d electronic waste aka shit that normally ends up in a landfill.
parabo It's a phone for 3 years actually dr|z3d. It's china made low end production but the phone comes with 3 year insurance that covered all damage or dysfunction, and loss/theft are covered 50% of the cost of the device
itsjustme Aka electronics that aren't worth the resources to make
dr|z3d *to recycle
itsjustme I didnt realize you were a comedian dr|z3d
parabo They ship from the maker with Android 4.4 AOSP no apps or play store, no way to flash anything and no source for kernel/drivers/ROM, and the hardware didn't have any support on any existing devices, so they had never sold any bulk to a OEM startup and they hadn't sold any other ways...
dr|z3d that's what I said, parabo. future-proofed.
dr|z3d it'll doutbless outline an iphone.
dr|z3d *outlive
dr|z3d especially with 4.4 onboard. future-proofed++
parabo It runs ZeroPhone 1.0 a Lineage 20 fork, which I will maintain for the 3 years of insured time the device is intended to last.
parabo Which is longer than any high end OEM phone makers offer. Most offer 1-2 years some 0
dr|z3d all very reasonable.
itsjustme The phone update chain is broken
itsjustme Very broken
parabo My update method is either over tor or I2P, or over clearnet. And I push updates every time I get a bug report related fix done, or a Linux kernel feature or security patch I need comes to upstream...
wellicht iPhone 6s from late 2015 runs iOS 15.5 from mid-2022
parabo I have an iPhone 13
parabo I got 25 prototypes for my new higher end more expensive phones, which are GearVR Samsung Oculus headset capable using OpenVR engine, they are comparable to a $2000 phone, expected price point is $240, including GearVR headset, they are really sweet
parabo but since I have no compiling rig, I am gonna work on my antivirus heuristics for Windows 10 Arm, since these laptops are still not ready to begin alpha testing. But I got a Steam Game Launcher hack that gives you licences for every game in the store with no payment, and I am gonna offer that as an optional feature comes with the laptops. Or I could work on my Samsung Galaxy A8 Tab port of ZeroPhone 1.0
parabo The big seller is my app store, which buys every app from the Play store, and hosts them in a f-droid repo with hacked Google Play Services app allowing licence validation to be passed every time
dr|z3d sounds like you want to get sued and/or prosecuted.
parabo I don't care about $500 per app I host being sued for. Which in Canada is the most per pirated app a seeder or host can be assessed by a court
parabo I don't give a fuck about money dr|z3d, the point of this project series and venture is to provide high end affordable quality electronic devices to developing nation markets at prices people living on $80 a month can afford
dr|z3d that's admirable, parabo. I applaud that.
parabo Like what, they gonna get awarded half a million if they lucky... And I am gonna be making life for people like my third wife before she came to Canada, better
parabo Before I sent her a laptop and phone and 2 tablets, I used to message her asking what she is doing... 99% of the time she would just say she is seated
parabo Because poor third world citizens have no entertainment options affordable to them, it's to help the people, and at the same time provide high paying jobs to the sales people who travel between all the markets in their area. They make more in 1 day that the GDP per capita in Uganda annual income
parabo I just want to break even and provide good stuff
parabo Also, I get to fly to Uganda every couple weeks to be the boss in charge... Which is good because I have 20 chickens and a rooster on my wife's family farm
parabo That;'s a mashup of various sources, not entirely original but i reworded it when I translated from Arabic and it comes from 3 sources
parabo I enjoyed writing that