IRCaBot 2.1.0
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rambler Hey all
dr|z3d what up rambler.
rambler Not too much. Just relaxing a bit. You?
dr|z3d oh, you know, the usual :)
dr|z3d hit me up on chat
rambler Nice nice. I took a mini-vacation, had to get into the mountains for a bit, ha. Back and rested now.
dr|z3d also, someone in here mentioned they're now on starlink
rambler Oh nice! My kit arrives tomorrow!
rambler I'll be on i2pchat in a moment
dr|z3d !woot!
mesh 2 starlink users in 2 days
rambler We're taking over
mesh or you're being paid to covertly market the service to us
rambler Now that I can be mobile with Starlink I don't see any reason why not to buy a decent van lol
dr|z3d rambler has other things to overtly market :)
rambler Just call me not_bob :)
mesh you live in a van like not_bob or you are psychologically self-identical to not_bob?
mesh vanlife is an intereting phenomenon. I remember when people who lived in their cars were called 'homeless' and we threw garbage at them or called the cops
rambler Haha nah. I want a van though. I love those 4WD Japanese Delicas. Could even haul the little motorbike around.
rambler I work from home and hate being stuck inside. I like being able to vanish into the woods or mountains for a bit. I use tech so I can enjoy nature.
mesh that's crazy talk. why would you want to go outside if you didn't have to? the woods are full of insects and there's no air conditioning
rambler LOL - To be fair, I'm not a big fan of insects. One of the reasons why I love backpacking in the winter is because it's cool (or cold) and no creepy crawlies
mesh i guess going in the winter would solve the insect and air conditioning problem
mesh course you have to not freeze to death
rambler Nah. No such thing as bad weather, just bad gear. I've slept plenty of nights below freezing with just a tarp above me and a little mat.
rambler teddit.i2p/r/ultralight style. All ultralight, not taking more than I need, but taking the appropriate stuff of course.
rambler Otherwise I'll pack a small mesh bivy if I feel like there may be insects or want a little bit of extra protection from wind.
rambler Just trying to find a good balance between what I want to do, and what I need to do to do what I want to do.
not_bob Vanlife has it's issues.
not_bob But, it's better than being tied down to one location.
RN popping in and out again not_bob? good to see you.
not_bob Here for a little while.
not_bob It's been a good day.
not_bob Did you read my most recent blog post?
RN nope, but I will momentarily
not_bob I imagine that guy is going to get a very fun phone call from his boss.
not_bob Thoughts?
not_bob Hey Term99!
term99 hey hey not_bob, how goes it?
not_bob I've had some excitement lately. Check out my blog.
not_bob notbob.i2p is some darknet expert cop's favorite site.
term99 i heard
not_bob I'm highly amused.
term99 any new dev work on the site?
not_bob Not really. Kids...
not_bob I only have one, but jesus.
not_bob I did write a program that will create a graph showing how many sites existed over a span of time.
not_bob And what encryption they used.
not_bob It's not done.
not_bob But, it's a perl script that uses about 4 gigs of ram.
not_bob As of right now it spits all the data out to the console. I just need to write the graph.
not_bob Though, that may be nixed.
term99 i switched to checking every destination and a eephead every pass
not_bob Drz was kind enough to point out that I have dead hosts in my router's addressbook.
not_bob He was quite right.
term99 i have false positives on mine, its quite annoying and im having troubles removing
not_bob False positives?
not_bob What do you mean?
term99 says its up but its actually down
term99 when i remove the bad hosts, it doubles up on the next one
term99 yeah, i've been beating the horse for a few now
not_bob I don't think I've had that issue.
not_bob I need to write a program to run once a month and remove dead hosts from my router addressbook.
term99 i think im just going to try and rewrite it, i want to change the most common destination for the jump
not_bob I wish you luck in that.
term99 yeah, its a beast
not_bob I've spent a lot of time on it myself.
term99 i have noticed
term99 i did get loadavg down to 5-7 on a 16threaded machine
not_bob My load average is 0.55 .68 1.53
term99 very nice
not_bob xeon, 16 core.
term99 im working from a ryxen 5 series x
not_bob I have no idea if it's newer or older than what I have.
term99 i don't know how to get the load avg down to that launching enough jvms to test every host
not_bob I've been working on that.
not_bob Right now, I have it manually tuned to only run x processes at a time.
not_bob But, I've thought about adding a feature where it spreads them out as much as possible every hour.
RN long blog post is long, but amusing! Σ:Đ
not_bob I'm going to have to move to that eventually.
not_bob @RN: Yes!
not_bob I think I was tactful in my response to him.
term99 i have a simple little counter that launches mine but i have loadavg monitored
not_bob I don't monitor the load.
not_bob I've just tuned it by hand.
not_bob I can do an entire scan of all 450ish hosts in about 6 min.
not_bob But, that spikes my load quite a bit.
not_bob Having more memory really helps.
not_bob RN: I hope I don't get him in trouble.
not_bob But, high load avg means lower quality pings.
not_bob So, best to spread it out as much as possible.
term99 not_bob thats about how fast i can get from 4:30-6:30 for every destination not just host but destinations, but as you just said it kills the scan so i got it slow and steady
not_bob I think my scans currently take about half an hour.
term99 im at 26-28min also
not_bob term99: Are you scanning base32s directly?
term99 b64's
not_bob Comments from DrZ have made me ponder that.
not_bob How I should really keep the records in a file with the b32 or b64 address, not the hostname.
not_bob So, I can free up hostnames as sites die, but keep a record of what sites did exist.
not_bob It's amazing how many sites come alive, and then die in a week.
term99 its annoying at times
not_bob What's a good timespan to consider a host dead forever?
not_bob 90 days?
not_bob So the hostname can be recycled.
term99 that sounds fair to me, thats about what i'd mark a host dead at
not_bob Sounds good.
not_bob As of right now, my scanlist does some math on how old a site is. If it's over 90 days old it pretty much never tries to ping them.
term99 i just check em all, ls2/ecies/eephead every scan
term99 try and be as accurate as i can be
not_bob Good idea. I don't do that.
term99 yeah i don't want to miss a ping
not_bob I had much lower hardware specs for the server about a year ago.
term99 so thats why i use destinations and then an eephead
not_bob Anyway, as for the cop. I don't think I'll get a response from him.
term99 records of LS2 vs ECIES uptime for sites that have both, etc or when a site changed from LS2 to ecies
term99 i hope you do :)
not_bob *nod*
not_bob As do I! I hope I do.
not_bob I'll post results if I do.
term99 awesome
RN @not_bob, HE did publish info on YouTube, and if it is inaccurate it should be noted.
term99 I'm gonna get runnin, I'll talk to ya'll later, ttyl not_bob, keep me posted on your defcon updates, i enjoy chatting about them
not_bob Will do!
RN so not_bob have you been anywhere fun or noteworthy lately?
not_bob Yes, southern Cali
not_bob Crazy place.
RN nice. how is the weather?
not_bob Warmer than I would like.
RN what kind of crazy did the californiclowns show you?
not_bob Not as many tits as whatever that place that floods all the time shows.
not_bob You know, where they hand out the beads.
not_bob Cali is fun. Big cities are fun.
not_bob But, a real pain now.
not_bob It's not just the van, but what's behind it.
not_bob I have to part at the far edge of parking lots.
not_bob And, no easy city parking.
RN ah trailer?
not_bob It's fine for more rural areas though.
not_bob The wife insisted.
not_bob And, yeah, I get that.
RN so have you been away from big cities, like mountain or desert areas?
not_bob I like deserts.
not_bob Not so much mountians.
not_bob Hairpin turns, not my thing.
not_bob Bring enough water and we are good to go.
RN I can see that being tough
not_bob Woodland is good too.
not_bob I like woodland quite a bit.
not_bob OK City is just about right early spring.
not_bob Except the rain.
not_bob Fuck the rain there.
not_bob Just "OOOMF" and it's a downpour so heavy you can't drive anymore.
RN yuck!
not_bob I do love the red dirt there though.
not_bob Gets on everything.
not_bob But, it looks good doing it.
not_bob I'm sure my wife would disagree.
not_bob But, alas.
not_bob Sometimes I think I was better off alone.
not_bob But, that road has come and gone.
not_bob It's not all bad though.
not_bob And we get along well enough.
RN a spouse can be a wonderful thing in one's life
itsjustme hey not_bob :)
dr|z3d hey ijm!
dr|z3d mesh_: xubuntu on a stick yet? :)
not_bob itsjustme!
itsjustme Hey not_bob!
not_bob I'm currently trying to figure out the addressbook thing.
not_bob Half of it is textfiles, the other half binary blobs.
not_bob I remember that from before, but at that point I was like "Yeah, it works, whatever". Now I want to work with it more directly and am like "UHHH FUUUUKKKK"
not_bob I'm also annoyed that there is the Router, Master and Private addressbooks.
not_bob Why not just one!?
Irc2PGuest51703 they each have a purpose
Irc2PGuest51703 router is a combination... private is as described
not_bob I'm sure they do.
not_bob A design choice like that does not get made by mistake. One would hope.
RN it isn't Highlander rules
RN ;)
not_bob hahahahaah
not_bob I saw that sword for sale, or at least a cheap copy of it at some mall a while back.
RN no room in the van for it?
not_bob I've got some good knives and a handful of guns. I'm good.
not_bob And, well. It was a mall katana.
not_bob Those things are fucking dangrous.
not_bob Tang likely goes in about an inch.
not_bob Great way to hurt someone you don't intend to.
RN yup
not_bob Anyway, I asked over in #i2p-dev. I may get an answer in a few days.
not_bob Otherwise, I'll just write some curl code to use the web console to just do it.
itsjustme A few days
not_bob This is i2p, we don't expect quick answers.
itsjustme I know :3
RN the P in I2P stands for Patience
not_bob And, honestly. We all have lives and are not just in front of the computer all the time.
itsjustme What does the I stand for RN?
not_bob Well, most of us do...
RN I'm
not_bob Still no word on my officer fan.
itsjustme What about the 2 RN?
RN too
RN I2P = I'm too patient
RN ;)
dr|z3d not_bob: hostsdb.blockfile
not_bob More than one dest per host?
not_bob Curious.
term99 pew pew pew
not_bob I think I've seen thigns that suggested that before.
term99 ping em all if they're there
not_bob Still working on a way to remove dead entries from my router's addressbook.
not_bob But, I haven't been working all that hard at it.
not_bob The best solution I've found so far is to write some curl fu to interface with the console.
term99 i don't use the addressbook anymore
not_bob That would make things much simpler :)
term99 i use whats generated from get_hosts&assimilate
not_bob *nod*
not_bob I understand where you are going with that, and yeah. That's good.
term99 ah, sorry im slow gotta work with that :)
not_bob No worries.
not_bob That idea has much merrit.
not_bob So, if you have xxx.i2p in your addressbook and one of your subs has a new dest for xxx.i2p, does it get overwritten?
not_bob That seems to not be the case.
term99 if there is a b64/32 in place it doesn't
term99 but i don't rely on those files almost anymore
not_bob That's what Iv'e been seeing.
not_bob I've been thinking about changing things to pinging the raw base32, yeah.
term99 i mean in the cgi yeah
not_bob And, storing all data with the b32
not_bob But, that would take a serious rewrite.
term99 i noticed a longer delay in the b32, but when you come across a b64 starting with - you have to convert to b32 to scan it
MelanieMalik feels weird to be part of irc history
not_bob MelanieMalik: Right?
MelanieMalik not_bob: Used to run a server for pissnet IRC.
term99 not_bob when's that domain sorting coming? :)
not_bob I expect many of the people here will be written about at some point in time. Even if it's just a minor role.
not_bob term99: Never got to it. Other issues more pressing.
not_bob Like dead hosts that are stuck in my addressbook.
not_bob And a way to auto-kill dead hosts from there.
term99 understood there
not_bob Then the rabbit trail of that youtube video.
not_bob Anyway, off yet again.
term99 not_bob why not add an acl of "deadhosts.list" and use that short write open/test;last/close and done
term99 read deadhosts.list - remove files, etc cleanup
rambler Hello all, from space. Living that Starlink life now.
rambler Absolute game changer.
RN rambling among the stars
RN aloha MelanieMalik
RN it is past 5.30 somewhere
RN other than that... learning a bit about googleads
RN all the effort I have made over the years to bock such things, and now I'm going over to the dark side to monetize them
albat hey MelanieMalik RN :)
RN aloha my purple friend. Σ:Đ
albat how are you?
RN I'm taking a break from integrating things with Google. Makes me feel dirty, but I'm broke af so...