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Anomaly hi everyone
dr|z3d what up Anomaly
Anomaly howve you been dr|z3d
Anomaly i got sushi :)
dr|z3d not bad, thanks, Anomaly. enjoy1
Anomaly thanks
dr|z3d you good?
Anomaly yea ive been good, im about to help a friend with luggage, and then ill be back
mesh dr|z3d: does i2p+ have an issue tracker?
dr|z3d that's for issues that are i2p+ specific. for general i2p issues, use i2p's issue tracker.
mesh dr|z3d: is there any concern that peerTestTimeout might lead to a situation where there's too few candidates?
dr|z3d mesh: no
dr|z3d if you set it lower than the average successful timeout, it'll auto-adjust to that value.
mesh dr|z3d: it's interesting that the avg is taken. I would think you might want the median, to include at least the top half
dr|z3d is what you want to look at if you want to test variations on the current implementation, mesh.
mesh dr|z3d: it's an interesting research problem. you ought to write something up.
dr|z3d No, mesh, YOU ought to write something up :)
dr|z3d I'm still looking forward to "Excursions into the I2P/I2P+ codebase" blog with your name on it :)
mesh Maybe some efforts can be made into making the algorithm configurable. What I was actually thinking is you want three numbers: (1) a PeerTestTarget (2) the maximum "use count" for a peer within a given period (you don't want to use the same peer too many times in too many tunnels) and (3) a random variance to make the algorithm deliberately non-deterministic
dr|z3d 1 and 2 are already implemented. not sure how you'd go about 3.
GalaxyNova is it possible to create a tunnel to a website like wikipedia
mesh dr|z3d: 3 would be a rule that says "I want to build a tunnel consisting of 3 peers. Find me three peers with the lowest "use count" whose PeerTestAvg is <= PeerTestTarget + $RandoNumber"
GalaxyNova or does it have to be local addresses
dr|z3d GalaxyNova: you can do it with an ip address. that's fairly simple, assuming you have the ip address.
dr|z3d mesh: 3 is kind of taken care of by 2, but doubtless there's room for improvement.
dr|z3d GalaxyNova: for clearnet addresses, it's possible, though https is more complicated than http.
mesh dr|z3d: the idea being that you might be okay exceeding the PeerTestTarget if you are concerned about an attacker flooding your candidate pool with very fast nodes (PeerTest < 500) that are all controlled by the attacker
dr|z3d mesh: that's why I2P+ allows for a much larger pool of fast/high cap peers.
dr|z3d not so many as to dilute the performance, not too few that it makes it easy for an attack to pollute.
dr|z3d GalaxyNova: if you're hosting the service yourself, you can run it on a different box and point the tunnel to the ip.. easy to multihome to a dynamic (read db-driven) server that way.
dr|z3d mesh: also, if any peer in the tunnels is already being used for x percentage, and you've run out of fast peers, you won't reuse existing fast peers and exceed their budget. you'll drop down to the next tier.
mesh dr|z3d: yeah that would work too. what you really want it something like a weighting system. PeerTestTime < PeerTestTarget might give you +10, Uptime might give you another +5, but too much use weight might give you -25. You might keep an eye out for geographic homogenity and other factors too.
dr|z3d > router.maxTunnelPercentage
mesh like I said it's an interesting problem you should write something about it heh
mesh dr|z3d: is that percentage as in "percentage of data sent/received" or percent of tunnels used in the last hour?
dr|z3d I2P+ already goes the extra distance wrt homogenity. no peer in the same /4 can be used in a single local tunnel iirc.
dr|z3d router.maxTunnelPercentage={n}
dr|z3d Defines the maximum percentage of active local tunnels (client and exploratory) that a peer will be used for. [Default is 25%]
mesh actually if the code really is pluggable I would be more interested in building a "trusted overlay."
dr|z3d / private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_PCT_TUNNELS = 33;
dr|z3d private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_PCT_TUNNELS = 15;
mesh In other words only build tunnels through routers that I control
dr|z3d so help needs updating.
mesh ah interesting
dr|z3d the groundwork has already been laid for trusted tunnel builds.
mesh dr|z3d: in I2P or I2P+?
mesh you have a link where I could read about it?
dr|z3d it's not yet active, at least not in i2p/i2p+. but some prep work has been done.
dr|z3d git grep "restricted routes"
mesh dr|z3d: if it's what I'm thinking it could be a very valuable service. at least in theory you could build secure, multi-hop, but very fast vpns on top of i2p
mesh either restrict tunnels only to the very fast nodes provides by a vpn, or even allow tunnels that include 1 random hop and then 2 fast vpn nodes
dr|z3d git grep explicitPeers
dr|z3d and mesh, you really should be pulling down the latest i2p+ code regularly and building yourself updates.. would be good to get someone else looking over the changes as they happen.
dr|z3d building an update usually takes less than a minute the first time, and usually around 15s or less thereafter, unless you're rebuilding all the code again after an ant distclean.