IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d acetone: you can tell mr anon that he can toggle smaller videos via the player now. still issues with the preferences/cookies and whatever else is blocking the save.
mesh dr|z3d: what video player is this?
dr|z3d tube.i2p
mesh is i2p really fast enough to stream video
dr|z3d plenty fast enough, if your connection is.
dr|z3d especially when you're hitting a 0-hop server.
mesh this is amazing, I had no idea. the docs say i2p is designed for message based, chunkier protocols
mesh 0 hop server? you mean it's a direct connection?
dr|z3d you determine how many hops you want to take to reach the server.
mesh well I have everything configured to take at least 3 hops
dr|z3d the server itself is 0 hop, so instead of the usual 3 + 3, you've got 3 + 0.
mesh when you say the server is 0 hop, you mean the server has configured its connection so that the length of its tunnels are 0?
dr|z3d you - - - > server.
dr|z3d server - - - > you.
mesh I'm still surprised this works
dr|z3d 0 hop on client and server both, with a few streams, 65Mb/s has been witnessed via the outproxy, albeit briefly.
dr|z3d if you're using i2p+, you're already pre-selecting faster, lower-latency routers for your tunnels, so that doesn't hurt.
mesh dr|z3d: has there been any testing with downloading files with 2 or 3 hops?
dr|z3d no doubt. there's a rudimentary outproxy b/w tester on outproxy.purokishi.i2p
dr|z3d but give the huge variation in routers, network conditions, etc, testing will return different results every time you try, +-
mesh dr|z3d: is it feasible to download large binaries over i2p? ~500mb-1gb?
dr|z3d sure. it's called bittorrent.
dr|z3d all you need is a hash and two clients and you should be good to go, assuming they both use opentrackers and/or dht.
dr|z3d elsewise, eepget -n 9999 url.of/file will do the job, though bitorrent is obviously more resilient.
mesh not sure bittorrent would help
dr|z3d bittorrent does help plenty. automatic resumption of failed transfers etc.
mesh I guess I'll have to test it out. I was thinking that i2p couldn't handle downloading large files and people should go out-of-band for actual downloads
mesh dr|z3d: there wouldn't be a lot of seeders for these files
mesh most times the torrent would just be 1 downloader and 1 server
dr|z3d doesn't matter. like I said, 2 clients is plenty.
dr|z3d 1 to serve, 1 to download.
dr|z3d bitorrent is the most reobust way to send/receive big files.
mesh dr|z3d: at that point isn't bittorrent just overhead? wouldn't a simpler ftp protocol be faster?
mesh my understanding is the torrent protocol isn't worth it in the 1-1 case. I guess the resumability is nice though
dr|z3d i2p is different.
dr|z3d you want robust, you don't want to have to monitor a download, you have time to wait. arrival is more important than speed. so bittorrent. it's that simple. and you already have the tools built into i2p/i2p+.
mesh it would need to be automated though. I wonder how hard it would be to remove the i2p-torrent code and use it independently
dr|z3d just do it. you can script downloads. just drop a .torrent file in your i2psnark dir and let the magic happen.
dr|z3d in fact, you can script everything given the motivation and skills.
mesh scripting isn't really a sustainable solution
dr|z3d i don't know what problem you're trying to solve, and frankly, I'm not that interested.
dr|z3d show me code, show me something useful, then I'm interested. otherwise it's all hot air to me.
mesh dr|z3d: I'm just learning, trying to understand what is possible and what is not
dr|z3d well, you got skills, put them to use, help the network grow at the same time, and learn while you're at it. best advice :)
dr|z3d i2pchat is a good place to learn about how the network functions, and it could do with some more eyes on the code. good place to start.
dr|z3d oh, and you can transfer files over i2pchat, so maybe that's something you can look at improving if it interests you.
mesh dr|z3d: how does that work? Is it just a direct socket connection?
dr|z3d best way to learn is to grab the source and see what it's doing.
mesh is it possible to configure firefox to delete its history and cache on exit?
mesh oh this functionality is built in, neat
acetone dr|z3d: thanks for tube i2p
acetone i check it now and my preferences not save, after pushing the Save button page refreshing and all values by default (EN, 720HD)
acetone but yep, sound only mode and quality selector on video page is works! super
acetone video quality list on video page is exists but Download button is redirect to main page of tube.i2p, this in working process, ok)
dr|z3d thanks for the feedback acetone, and yeah, still plenty of work to do there to get it all running smooth.
mesh is google down?
T3s|4_ mesh: at *any* point in time, what is your assessment of the odds of the Big G being 'down'? ;p
mesh T3s|4_: might be my local net but google has been spotty all day
T3s|4_ mesh: noted, but all is well (as almost always) here
T3s|4_ my sheer guess is that during your inability to access/use Google, your ISP is likely the cause 99+% out of 100 times