IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
parabo hi dr|z3d
parabo HI nikolay_tihonov
mesh does anybody know how i2p Destination ports work?
parabo Probably everyone in this channel knows how i2p destinations work mesh
parabo what is your question about them?
parabo Reinhilde
Reinhilde Hey, this is stupid: caramelized onions in yoghurt are actually tasty?
parabo What?
parabo Nothing is tastey
Reinhilde I made caramelized onions and I added them to a small pot of yoghurt
Reinhilde Are your tastebuds burnt out
parabo No, I don't like food
Reinhilde tabarnac
Reinhilde Slanesh sur un osti
parabo What are you taloing about?
parabo Is that a language? I know not any of those words
Reinhilde I'm swearing in Quebec French with a twist
Reinhilde Basically it's like when Indians say bhen ke lore
mesh how do I get +v in i2p-dev?
parabo you have to suck the official dev teams dicks
parabo Reinhilde, don't swear
parabo It's unholy
Reinhilde Unholiness is my point.
parabo That's just messed up
Reinhilde The poInt is to emphasise the complete unacceptability of religions imposing upon nonfollowers' morality.
Reinhilde Should Pat Buchanan impose his fuckweaselous decorum rules on you?
parabo I didn't say anything religious, and you swore to emphasise a point I have never given to anyone here as advice?
mesh hmm, so... is it like not a thing? Where do you go to ask i2p developer questions?
Reinhilde i think it's #i2p ? idk
parabo ask dr|z3d mesh
Reinhilde parabo: You appealed to your sense of holiness while admonishing me on my choice to use jurons
parabo he makes i2p+, and used to be an official vanilla dev but disagreements over improper actions by the other devs made him leave and fork it
parabo I appealed to nothing
parabo I replied as I am supposed to
mesh yeah I know dr|z3d. Ok, thanks for the help.
Reinhilde anyway, this is pollution, if you need my help with anything Neo, SMS me
parabo Okay. Sure. I mean. SMS is less monitored than IRC2P anyways
parabo the fact that communicating on #saltr of i2p about i2p, makes you more watched than talking about actual treason and violent insurrection over SMS, is hilarious
parabo mesh, let me tell you something. In the past 31 years, I have studied at over 4 dozen martial arts facilities. Not one of them, has been able to contain me
parabo A week ago, I managed to promote myself to 13th degree blackbelt, before I had lost too much blood and urine to continue testing myself further
mesh parabo: congratz
parabo Today, I'm going to teach you about knife fighting. The first thing you need to know about being in a knife fight, is that you're going to get cut. The important thing, is to get cut... Less than the other guy
parabo Also, use real knives for training. You may get injured and I would lose you as a student, my business advisor said I need to worry about customer retention. But I just don't want to retain a bunch of pussies.
parabo Every martial art has it's strengths, and it's weaknesses. Except for mine. That's why i say, best of all, worst of none.
parabo First thing we need to do, is get rid of all your current fighting experience and skills so we have a blank slate. So I want you to put your fist out, like you have just thrown a punch... And pull it back. Reverse it. Every time you do the fighting move in reverse, you're deleting the bad memories. Put it out there, and pull it back. We're deleting, focus on deleting
parabo Once you delete everything you know about fighting, start focusing on practicing your groin grab. The groin grab is potentially the most street lethal martial arts move in existence, with the exception of the kill face.
parabo I would show you a picture of my kill face, but you would drop to your knees in fear and die of a heart attack
dr|z3d mesh: +v in -dev is assigned by zzz.
mesh dr|z3d: should I privmsg him?
dr|z3d I'll ask in the channel for you, mesh, since he probably has no idea who you are. don't let me down by spamming the channel :)
dr|z3d will take a couple of hours at least for him to respond.
mesh I won't spam the channel
dr|z3d good man!
parabo dr|z3d
parabo peace, mercy, and blessing of God be upon you my brother.
parabo There i used english this time, is that better?
dr|z3d hello parabo
parabo How are you dr|z3d?
dr|z3d not bad, thanks, parabo. you good?
parabo apparently every Muslim on Facebook wants Nikkah with me
parabo It's kind of annoying, when women throw themselves at you because you show promise of greatness at something you are a total noob and probably will never become successful it
dr|z3d hey hey rambler. i2pchat?
parabo dr|z3d, what up?
dr|z3d shizzle dizzle
rambler Sure, one sec.
rambler Well hell. I had a phone interview scheduled for today, and they're 20+ minutes late so I'm guessing someone dropped the ball.
parabo subhanallah
dr|z3d wb, rambler_
dr|z3d earth calling rambler_
dr|z3d I never asked, mesh.. I2P or I2P+ ?
mesh dr|z3d: I2P+
dr|z3d mesh: ah, nice. so you do have dynamic keys available to you in that case, not that they're recommended. iirc, I reinstated that feature.
mesh dr|z3d: yeah I see it in the console. For now I'm just going with Laptop Mode. I don't really understand what effect Hidden Mode + DynamicKeys really does.
dr|z3d you seem like the type of person that likes early access, in which case you should probably use the /dev/ update path if you're not already on it.
dr|z3d hidden mode + dynamic keys gives you a new router id/port every time you restart, in addition to force-firewalling your router and keeping its out out of the netdb.
mesh honestly I think LaptopMode should be the default. It's a little crazy that it's not. I also discovered that I could significantly improve connection performance by changing tunnels like the irc network from 2 to 3.
dr|z3d no, laptop mode should not be default. that wouldn't be good, not least for the majority of the userbase on dynamically allocated ip addresses that regularly change.
mesh I guess the question is... what's the point of generating new router keys every time if you're not publishing to netdb. But like I said I'll do more research.
mesh dr|z3d: perhaps, I just worry that people out there don't realize that without Laptop Mode they could be potentially tracked
dr|z3d the benefits are questionable, I agree.
dr|z3d oh, you can grab it from gitlab's CI sure, but if you want an easier update path that has the latest builds, has the dev branch update url.
mesh that was the latest version last I checked
mesh honestly I'm a little wary of i2p's autoupdate feature. I kind of want to disable it.
dr|z3d set it to notify only. that's as good as disabled.
dr|z3d at least, you get the choice whether to update then.
mesh mostly what I do is grab i2p.tar, unzip it, and then run it from the command line
mesh $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Di2p.dir.base=. -Di2p.dir. temp=data/tmp -Di2p.dir.config=data/config -Djava.library.path="lib/" -cp "lib/*" -XX:+UseZGC -XX:+UseNUMA -XX:+UseStringDeduplication -XX:+ AlwaysPreTouch net.i2p.router.Router
mesh from the root directory after making $I2P_ROOT/data/tmp and $I2P_ROOT/data/config
mesh seems to work well enough
dr|z3d well, I'm not saying you should, but if you _do_ trust me (you're running I2P+ after all!), then the in-console updates are the most convenient method of staying up to date, but it's your call.
mesh I'll take a look but like I said, I prefer to sort of do these things manually so I know what's going on
mesh really not a fan of software that magically autoupdates and changes shit without my acknowledgement
dr|z3d the in-console dev updates can, from time to time, be more recent than whatever's on gitlab, depending on when I merge changes with master branch.
dr|z3d right, so manually. Update policy -> notify only.
dr|z3d then you're in charge. NOTHING will be automatically updated then.
dr|z3d you get a convenient indication of the build time in the sidebar and a download button.
dr|z3d click, no click, up to you. :)
mesh it still smells to me hehe
dr|z3d pfft!
dr|z3d even if you just use the feature to check what's fresh it's useful. but up to you.
mesh I'm actually of the opinion that software should never update. Realistically the nix guys have the right idea: your applications directory is write-once.
mesh the nice thing about that approach is you can run multiple versions side by side and if something does go wrong you just go back to using the old version
dr|z3d I'm of the polar opposite view. security-facing apps should always update, sometimes forcibly if vulns are found and fixed.
mesh that cure is worse than the disease. I can't even count the number of times software and updated on me and broken all types of stuff
mesh I would go so far as to say software that updates itself, especially without user intervention, is malware!
mesh but yes it would be nice if there was some kind of notification, maybe a red bar on top that said 'New version available with urgent security fixes.' In the worst case the software might even refuse to start without explicit user override. But the one thing an application should never do imo is update in place and start changing stuff willy nilly
dr|z3d sure, explicit permission is always good, even if that permission is "sure, update automatically, don't ask me"
dr|z3d speaking of updates, if you're not already doing in, you'll want to hard refresh your console and webpap pages in the browser after updating I2P+.. quite often there are css updates, and occasionally javascript updates etc that require a hard refresh to load the new files, otherwise jank.
dr|z3d ctrl+shift+r usually gets the job done.
mesh I have lots of problems with the console ui already because I actually tend to run Windows in High Contrast mode
dr|z3d you do know you can override any of the themes, don't you, with your own custom css?
mesh maybe I'll file a bug sometime but whatever the css is doing isn't good
dr|z3d or whatever windows in high contrast mode is doing isn't good. :)
dr|z3d in any event, you can override any of the console and webapp themes by placing an override.css file in the relevant theme dir and adding your rules.
mesh dr|z3d: hmm, nope changing the router theme doesn't help
dr|z3d must be windows screwing you over.
dr|z3d what browser?
mesh chrome
mesh of course microsoft edge isn't any better
dr|z3d both are ordinarily fine, so it has to be whatever windows is doing to enable high contrast.
dr|z3d the classic theme is the least embellished, so if any theme is likely to work, it's that one.
mesh stupid .m2 directory is 20gb
mesh what I really need is a larger ssd hehe.
dr|z3d acetone: receiving, over?