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dr|z3d thanks for taking it for a spin, not_bob_afk
dr|z3d 2g of ram for a perl mod?
Anomaly i got a 32inch 4k monitor, and i must say, i like it alot
Anomaly besides its hard on my computer playing at a 4k resolution, i still like it
dr|z3d fractional scaling for games.
dr|z3d or just lower the res for the games that you're playing to HD.
dr|z3d (or whatever you can get away with, if it's a perf issue)
dr|z3d if you're not on the latest highend card, 4K will be painful for gaming.
Anomaly im on an alienware laptop that was 2k i purchased used for $700 that has an rtx 2070
Anomaly so its not bad
Anomaly its highend, but not the most highend
dr|z3d yeah, probably optimal at around 1400p.
Anomaly what do you mean by fractional scaling?
Anomaly is it different than changing the res in game ?
Anomaly like in game settings
dr|z3d fractional scaling is a DE thing.
dr|z3d you know, 1.5 zoom or whatever. aka fractional scaling.
Anomaly i think i know what you mean
Anomaly like when the scaling is small on 4k the taskbar looks small and all the fonts and icons, and when you increase it, it "zooms" all of it in ?
Anomaly like that
dr|z3d instead of setting the res of the monitor to less than its fixed res, you let the DE handle that which results in better scaling. led screens don't much like being set to non-native res, though they can handle it well enough.
dr|z3d yeah, like that.
dr|z3d you're still at native res, but the DE does the zoom for you.
Anomaly ah ok
Anomaly you know whats funny
Anomaly for interest i tried using mac os in a vm, and last night i got it to work, except i was unable to change the resolution
Anomaly that and it felt noticibly slow
Anomaly i dunno
Anomaly its kinda weird, i met a guy whos studied cyber security for 9yrs, and i see alot of them like to use macbooks, and apple computers
Anomaly to me thats kinda weird, because from my understanding apple has bad security
dr|z3d check that you've got whatever VM extensions are on offer in the bios enabled.
Anomaly like hes korean his company is in seoul
Anomaly lemme see
dr|z3d Apple is a brand, you know. A bit like Nike. People don't by Nike because they're the best shoe out there :)
Anomaly i have "enable efi" checked, is it that ?
Anomaly i was also considering maybe using qemu for mac os
Anomaly yea i agree
dr|z3d no, not efi. something about VT extensions or whatever.
dr|z3d amd or intel?
Anomaly Nested VT-x?
Anomaly im on an intel cpu
dr|z3d yeah, anything VT related.
Anomaly and unfortunately nested vt-x is gray, like i cant select it
Anomaly i dunno
Anomaly im gonna try qemu
dr|z3d anything else in the bios referencing virtualization or vt?
Anomaly i remember a long time ago i did a gpu passthrough vm, like a vm that has a dedicated gpu, and id play games on it, it was cool
Anomaly but it sucked because i couldnt use a kvm switch with it so i had to use a seperate keybard and mouse, it was annoying
Anomaly bios, as in my computer bios, or vm bios ?
dr|z3d computer bios. where were you looking?
Anomaly i dunno, i had trouble finding relevant stuff, im using vbox
dr|z3d it sounds like you were looking at the vm config.
Anomaly i know in my computer bios it works, because i looked in it last night, and plus im able to run vms already, its just, mac os is a funny iso
dr|z3d so.. if nested VM extensions is grayed out, either it's not supported in your hardware, -or- it's disabled in your computer's bios.
dr|z3d you don't _need_ VT extensions to run VMs, but if you have that option available, they'll run faster (hardware accelerated).
Anomaly oh i see
dr|z3d if you got that option and it's disabled, that's why macos is slower than it could otherwise be.
Anomaly yea i think your right
Anomaly well regarding either my computer supports it, or its disabled in my bios
dr|z3d if your computer's high end, it'll have support.
Anomaly yea it should have support shouldnt it
Anomaly i really dont want to restart my laptop into bios rn
dr|z3d yeah you do. because you're curious how much better macos will run with it enabled :)
Anomaly ok i guess ill be back soon, to restart my laptop
Anomaly ill be back
dr|z3d good luck!
wellicht dangerous business, that
dr|z3d what's that, wellicht?
wellicht dr|z3d: restarting laptops
dr|z3d haha, probably, if you're Anomaly.
Anomaly it did not work
Anomaly i dont believe my laptop has those virt features
Anomaly i need to buy a new computer though anyways
dr|z3d oh, no workee? what's the cpu?
dr|z3d and/or model of laptop?
Anomaly Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz 2.59 GHz
dr|z3d Intel® Virtualization Technology (VT-x) ‡
dr|z3d Intel® Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) ‡
dr|z3d Intel® VT-x with Extended Page Tables (EPT) ‡
Anomaly i see it too on the site
Anomaly i dont know i didnt see it in the bios
dr|z3d what's your laptop model?
Anomaly one second
Anomaly alienware m17 r2 7mds5y2
dr|z3d looks like you haven't updated your bios. if you're on linux, you can do that easily.
Anomaly nah im on windows lol
dr|z3d well you can grab the latest dell bios and you should be able to enable VT extensions.
dr|z3d read that article.
Anomaly yea im downlaoding it rn
Anomaly thank you dr|z3d
dr|z3d yes you can go to the ball, Anomaly!
dr|z3d I'm just waiting for the "oh wow, this is shitloads faster" moment.
Anomaly yea ill let you know
Anomaly well yea im confident it would be alot faster now
Anomaly its just, still downloading rn
dr|z3d how big is the bios update?
dr|z3d shouldn't be that big.
Anomaly well when i went on the website in the artcile that led me to dells website, it was checking for updates, and found my laptop needed 6 updates
Anomaly ok im gonna restart now
dr|z3d ok, good luck
Anomaly so i still cant find vt features within the bios its still not working, i did further research and it said i need cctk, command and control toolkit
dr|z3d fucking dell.
Anomaly one thing that kindof pisses me off about korea, is it doesnt really have computer stores, or atleast there hard to find, and if found they have a small selection
Anomaly like i went to the city, and found "computer stores" but they werent, like they had ALOT of boxes of cpus and gpus, and i walked in and the guy said all these boxes are empty and that he builds computers in seoul
Anomaly and i think i look retarded for walking in there
Anomaly like what am i supposed to think when i see what looks to be a store, with many boxes of cpus and gpus in it
Anomaly and then i saw another store that looked like they had gpus on the shelf and i walked in and this guy came up to me and asked what can i help you with and he seemed kindof pissed off that i walked in
Anomaly and seeing he was pissed off i walked in i just walked out
Anomaly well he was but wasnt pissed off, he was frustrated
Anomaly i dunno
dr|z3d_ funny, Anomaly
dr|z3d_ you probably walked into places where they expect you to want them to do the build.
Anomaly possibly
Anomaly what i think it is, is korea has alot of pc cafes, and the pc cafes offer high end gaming computers and you pay by the hour to play on them, so i think there target audience is building computers in bulk for pc cafes
Anomaly so i guess there looking for buisness people who run pc cafes
Anomaly so i think they try to show off many boxes of gpus and cpus to show that there selected by pc cafes that they have built for
Anomaly i really want to learn korean
Anomaly like i walked into a manga store, and saw all the books, and they look cool to me, and i want to read them but there in korean
Anomaly so im thinking about getting back into learning korean
Anomaly right now im trying to learn some words
Anomaly like i remember when i walked into the manga store, im like damn i really want this book but its in korean, and i got it anyways, and the cashier looked at me sideways questioning himself if i even know korean
dr|z3d right now you're enabling VT extensions on your laptop, no?
Anomaly no i feel like taking a break from i t
Anomaly i guess i can try againn
Anomaly im trying to find the download to cctk, i click on the link of the installer and its not working
Anomaly is where i am right now in installing cctk
T3s|4 dr|z3d: from your earlier testing request; nitter.skank.i2p is plenty quick enough for me :D
dr|z3d thanks for testing, T3s|4
Anomaly there we go
Anomaly i found the fucker
dr|z3d VT extensions?
Anomaly i got cctk installed, and enabled it, but i need to do further things im trying to figure it out
dr|z3d great. performance here you come, for your VMs at least.
dr|z3d T3s|4: given all the twitter requests are pulled for each request, I had to cache them locally, otherwise it would have been a lot slower.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: understood, and np. This instance is inside an Arch VM - with plenty of available storage
dr|z3d when I say locally, I mean on the server, T3s|4.. obviously you're caching them locally as well :)
Anomaly so i have the thing enabled?
Anomaly i question mark it, because its not prompting me to reboot or anything
dr|z3d the unmodified code would make a request to twitter for images etc every time a new user required them, which wouldn't have been so hot.
Anomaly and i view it in the command line and i see C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\Command Configure\X86_64>cctk.exe --Virtualization
Anomaly Virtualization=Enabled
dr|z3d try loading vbox and seeing if you can enable VT extensions on a vm.
Anomaly so it says enabled, but nothing asking me to restart
itsjustme good afternoon