IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
itsjustme hey HidUser0 :D
dr|z3d what up ijm
T3s|4 o/ dr|z3d - No feel for how difficult it would be to add a bot that could resolve URLs so that when someone posts a link the bot returns the URL description. Also, it would be nice if that bot could perform DDG searches with something like: `!ddg ssh configuration`. I know #archlinux on LiberaChat uses the Python IRC bot, Limnoria. Any thoughts?
dr|z3d hi T3s|4.. not difficult, maybe you can ask acetone to add it to his logging bot, or perhaps run a script yourself. plenty of scripts out there to handle lookups.
dr|z3d if you wanted to run such a bot here, no problem with me.
T3s|4 ok dr|z3d - thanks and understood, but I am unable to be connected 24x7 of late given other current life requirements
dr|z3d well, we miss you when you're not here :)
dr|z3d while you were gone, various themes are now seeing a refactor and cleanup.
dr|z3d needed doing, there's some cruft in there at least 10 years old.
T3s|4 thanks dr|z3d - grabbing 06:14 now
dr|z3d let me know if you find any visual issues, T3s|4.. I think I've squashed 'em, but there may be a few still in there.
Anomaly greetings human
Anomaly i want to study human behavior of humans living in their natural habitat
Anomaly i think microsoft word is the best ide
Anomaly like, you can change font sizes, the type of fonts, etc
dr|z3d you want a decent MS ide, Anomaly, try VSCode.
Anomaly yea ive tried that ide before
Anomaly its not bad
Anomaly i like it
Anomaly something that kindof makes me think, how people say, they like linux for example because they like having ultimate control over their computer. through my eyes, desiring this "freedom", id consider its accomplished through programming, except for, you have to pay the price of investing the time needed to learn programming and computers
Anomaly and to the extent of how much "freedom" they want, the more you have to invest time into learning it
Anomaly like you create your own freedom, fuck comparing other programs
Anomaly but it can be unrealistic, because that sounds like alot of programming
Anomaly just some thoughts i wanted to share
Anomaly what do you think dr|z3d
Anomaly i consider peopel who already complain about windows not giving complete freedom to be someone expressing there passionate about computers
dr|z3d uh, what's the question, Anomaly?
Anomaly not a question
Anomaly just sharing thoughts
Anomaly like, rather than complain about programs not giving you freedom, why not write your own programs, but then, i guess that raises the questoin, how extreme of freedom does that person desire
dr|z3d sure, if you want freedom, go linux. and deal with the learning curve.
Anomaly i like linux
Anomaly and windows
dr|z3d the more you do it, the easier it gets.
Anomaly eh i mean, i think i have a decent understanding of linux already
Anomaly lol i made a gpu passthrough vm before even
Anomaly a vm that has a dedicated gpu, id use it to play games on
Anomaly i just linux, as, what do you plan to do on the os, if programming, why go through the unnecassary hassle of gaining an indepth understanding of linux
Anomaly but then again, i think with programming, program on the operating system you intend to write programs for
Anomaly i see linux as*
Anomaly what im saying probably sounds super irrelevant, i was just watching a video that made me say it
Anomaly would it be interesting to write a gui app for i2prouter console
Anomaly i dunno i just thought of that
Anomaly would that sound interesting to you dr|z3d ?
Anomaly use something like qt for example
dr|z3d would it be interesting for you?
dr|z3d there's already itoopie, pretty limited, but it's functional. written in java.
Anomaly oh nice
Anomaly yea for me that would sound interesting
Anomaly i suppose, id have to gain a deep understanding of i2p if i wanted to do that
Anomaly im gonna look into that, itoopie
dr|z3d you can make it look pretty normal for a java app with the "flatlaf" skin.
dr|z3d if you're at the point where you're compiling it, shout me and I'll show you the flatlaf patch.