IRCaBot 2.1.0
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T3s|4 lols dr|z3d: I snagged your 02:20 update exactly 00:02:22 after it hit the server - a new personal best :D
dr|z3d haha, bravo, T3s|4
Anomaly howdy
Anomaly dr|z3d: may i please have +v ?
Anomaly im pajamas
Anomaly you see, im pajamas
dr|z3d oh really? see if you can remain Pajamas for a couple of minutes.
Pajamas ok ill stay this way for a few mins
Pajamas im serious lol im pajamas
dr|z3d you can group your new nick to your old one and get auto +v
dr|z3d Blinded message
itsjustme Hey Pajamas!
Pajamas hello
Irc2PGuest44202 *** is trying to figure this out ***
Irc2PGuest44202 i think anomaly is a cool name
itsjustme How have you been?
Irc2PGuest44202 ive been good
Irc2PGuest44202 how about you ?
itsjustme I'm well :) just chilling
Anomaly oh wow
Anomaly im +v
Anomaly no im not
dr|z3d did you group your new nick with your old one?
Anomaly i did now
Anomaly yea i had trouble grouping them because ive never grouped before
Anomaly you like my new nick ?
Anomaly i like it alot
dr|z3d very good
Anomaly thank you
itsjustme Yeah its pretty cool
itsjustme Didn't you have a nick before pajamas?
itsjustme I can't remember now though
Anomaly it was hunter xD
Anomaly well it wasnt registered
Anomaly but i stook as hunter for a bit
itsjustme Hows work going?
Anomaly its easy
Anomaly were all in sip, which is shelter in place
Anomaly because omicron found its way into korea
Anomaly its way more contagious except less deadly than covid
Anomaly so like, we cant even go out to grab food or go to the px to buy stuff
Anomaly people literally come to my door to drop off food
Anomaly the only reasons we can go outside is to conduct pt/physical training for an hour, smoke, laundry, or take out the trash
Anomaly otherwise well get a field grade article 15
Anomaly across the whole peninsula, they have minimums of staff sargeants doing cq
Anomaly yea the military is ironically the easiest job youll ever have
Anomaly well granted where you are in the military, overall its really easy
Anomaly even basic training i was dissapointed how easy it was
Anomaly the only thing i hate about my job which really this applies to everything are the people
Anomaly obviously i hate people who are assholes
Anomaly i might be beta but that doesnt mean im not strong and have good work ethic
itsjustme oh yeah
itsjustme I'm not a fan of alpha mails
Anomaly i see those who are assholes as ironically the ones who are weak
itsjustme yes true
Anomaly real men are the people who help others and not complain about alot of things
itsjustme lol real men! :P
Anomaly its about the heart
itsjustme well I'm not a real man by most people definitions I don't think
Reinhilde i'm not a man at all Σ:Đ
itsjustme Reinhilde: lol
itsjustme I'm a man technically but I'm gay so a lot of people think that makes me not a real man
Reinhilde cishets are insane
Reinhilde somehow, to them, i will always be a man despite my brain being completely contrary, but you aren't because you like men
itsjustme lol yeah
itsjustme people are fucked
itsjustme the only man here is dr|z3d lol
Reinhilde itsjustme: what
Reinhilde then who's parabo?
itsjustme paraabo? is here?
itsjustme I love him. hes great
Reinhilde but liek
itsjustme not to say that dr|z3d isn't great
itsjustme *** kisses dr|z3d ***
Anomaly good lord
Anomaly i decided to re arrange my room
RN what? I'm right here.
Anomaly and you know how you re arrange your room you have alot of things to move around and its a big pain in the ass
RN Anomaly, I used to make scale sized cutouts out of graph paper to represent my furnature when I wanted to rearrange my spaces
Anomaly jeez did dr|z3d remove my +v
Anomaly i have to do that group command
Anomaly i feel too damn lazy to finish re arranging my room lol
Anomaly and i already started
Anomaly fuuuuck
parabo dr|z3d
Anomaly plaese dr|z3d give Anomaly +v
dr|z3d hello Anomaly, parabo
Anomaly gobbildy goop
Anomaly foo bar
Anomaly im just being weird right now
dr|z3d ok, latest I2P+ build should go some way towards making the page load/rendering of /peers slightly less laggy. when you try it, let me know how it behaves for you.
Anomaly hello dr|z3d
Anomaly roger that captain
dr|z3d you running I2P+ dev builds, Anomaly?
parabo we need a darknet market
parabo dr|z3d, make me a darknet market to sell stuff on
dr|z3d there are several hosted on i2p, parabo
parabo how trustworthy are they?
dr|z3d that's the $64K question.
parabo And is anyone on them rich as fuck?
parabo I have some valuable... things to sell
parabo fuck I'm jetlagged
parabo I bought 20 chickens and a rooster
parabo this morning
Anomaly my vm crashed
parabo Now I have chickens and a rooster
Anomaly parabo: nice cock
Reinhilde hi parabo
parabo Hi Reinhilde
parabo I heard you like roosters
Anomaly parabo: send us a picture of your cock
parabo I can't
Anomaly do you have a big cock ?
Anomaly parabo: how big is your cock ?
parabo 7 inches
Anomaly no your rooster you sick fuck
Anomaly you thought i was talking about that!?
parabo Lol, he's a big scary fucker
Anomaly i am absolutely disgusted with you
parabo I am a good man
Anomaly im just going back to your 7inch comment
dr|z3d ok, more /peers optimizations coming up. building update....
Anomaly this is a random question, but whats your opinoin of sublime text editor
Anomaly im trying to get i2p+
Anomaly well im not struggling, just merely sharing
dr|z3d whatever editor works for you
dr|z3d for simplicity I like bluefish, if I want all the extra shebang I'll use VSCode.
parabo I like nano
parabo tmux + nano
dr|z3d nano is a fischer price toy. good for basic edits, not a real editor.
parabo it's what I have been using since I was 12
parabo I don't like change dr|z3d
Anomaly tmux is a window manager right ?
Anomaly parabo: you use a window manager ?
parabo it's a terminal session tiling/split screen session manager
dr|z3d tmux is a terminal app that allows multiple terminals in a single window.
Anomaly i use what all the pros use
Anomaly ubuntu
dr|z3d like byobu, somewhat.
parabo I use Ubuntu on Windows 10
parabo with WSL 2 insider preview release
dr|z3d did you read that article I posted, parabo?
parabo what do you take me for?
Anomaly why have i never used tmux before
dr|z3d well you're a waste of time then.
parabo I'm just relaxing dude
parabo I'm trying to wind down
dr|z3d you asked about darknets, I gave you the definitive article.
dr|z3d bookmark it for later.
parabo Apparently my grand unified physics theory is really useful.
dr|z3d the guy's making big noises about his darknet on i2p.
Anomaly dr|z3d: can you link me to the article ?
parabo So useful that it's dangerous
dr|z3d *darknet market on i2p
parabo Well, that's okay
parabo I mean. he's a guy with a blog, he's gotta know what he's talking about
parabo I wonder if anyone on a darknet market has 50 million in BTC
Anomaly is desnake a real hacker or something ?
parabo probably not
parabo because he's using i2p
Anomaly lol thats funny they mentioned i2p
parabo dr|z3d, I finished the website, except I used youtube and they took down our videos again
dr|z3d guy with a blog?
Anomaly it makes you wonder if dsnake uses i2p, youd assume he uses irc ?
parabo the network is huge. very few users ever come to IRC
dr|z3d I don't know why you don't host your own videos and use an off-the-shelf video hosting platform, parabo
dr|z3d he uses dreadit.
parabo I will dr|z3d
parabo dr|z3d, Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Anomaly ok brb ill be back
parabo dr|z3d, i2p+ doesn't start the routers network functionality on Windows 10 unless you have the service set to start automatically or delayed start. Manual start should trigger when the start I2P+ start menu item is clicked
parabo But it doesn't. You get a router console and tunnels that don't work but show green star
dr|z3d the start menu item? start service?
parabo the service needs to be running before you use the start menu icon/shortcut to start i2p
parabo otherwise the router starts up but network functionality is 0
dr|z3d modify the shortcut so it runs with admin privs. then it'll work.
parabo I tried using it as admin
parabo still no luck
dr|z3d but the link, assuming it's the shortcut to start the service, controls the service, unless you've got legacy start console links from a vanilla i2p install?
parabo It needs the service started to work, and doesn't start the service automatically
parabo I have the i2p+ dev build installer jar from 3 days ago
parabo Also, your clearnet download links for i2p+ don't point to existing downloadable files
parabo for stable release builds
dr|z3d so you installed that without having installed vanilla i2p previously?
parabo only dev works
parabo I didn't install vanilla at all
dr|z3d ok, well service should be set to autostart when it's installed.
dr|z3d you may have to install as administrator. dunno. windows is a bit quirky.
dr|z3d re links, thanks, I'll take a look on the github page.
parabo Well, it does. but people like me, like to cut the fat. if I run the i2p+ start menu option as administrator it should start the service up, if it is set to manual. if disabled no, if autostart or delayed autostart shouldn't matter
parabo and your installer can create shortcuts that use compatibility settings to force it to run as administrator
parabo I know I'm the only Windows user who cares most likely
dr|z3d I'll have a think about it, but for 99% of users, the recommended way to run is to have the service autostart and just leave it running. better network performance that way.
parabo Yeah but what about people who utilize their system resources when not using I2P, people with limited system resources, or people who don't want the traffic or i2p+ at all on certain connections?
parabo You are forgetting the minority in your thinking
parabo dr|z3d, some conspiracy theorists have theorized that Joseph Stalin... may have been a communist
parabo The problem with solar as a means of electrical distribution, is that it can't be monopolized or made scarcer. This leads to prices of power being so low they are often in the negative profit range for businesses that focus on power generation.
parabo Landlords don't provide housing, construction workers and contractors provide housing. Landlords buy the housing and hold it for ransom charging exurbanite amounts of money for those needing housing to have it.
parabo Okay that's the end of my communist musings for tonight
dr|z3d aight, installer links fixed, thanks for pointing that out.
parabo Yeah I figured I was the only Windows user who actually tweaks services and internals who would notice and tell you
dr|z3d sure, most people install and forget, probably.
dr|z3d sdi, windows update minitool, and winaero tweaker. essential tools.
parabo Not essential
dr|z3d you don't even know what sdi is.
dr|z3d feel free to google it and pretend you do.
parabo Windows 10 Firewall Control, Winja, Sandboxie, EASUS Partition Manager, WLS 2... essential tools
parabo All men are made from a single mould, but not all soldiers are equal. Sort them not by medals or rank, but by their actions and deeds under pressure. Some men crumble. Some men go far. Some men, go all the way.
parabo that's correct I don't
parabo Why would I pretend to know it?
dr|z3d you could just inform yourself.
parabo I just know all my needs are met with the tools I mentioned and Windows ports or cross platform FOSS software
parabo Also you need Windows 10 Professional, for group policy editor
dr|z3d but whatever, I'm not in the mood (ever) to argue about windows tools.
Anomaly ok im back
Anomaly running i2p+
parabo do you feel sexier already?
Irc2PGuest75355 hannah montana linux is the superior os
parabo I don't always get a new bird... But when I do, it's the last one - I swear
Irc2PGuest75355 why isnt my nick changing
Irc2PGuest75355 oh its reserved
parabo because you have AIDS
Irc2PGuest75355 i have to release it
parabo nope. AIDS
parabo I'm sorry it isn't something less serious
parabo but it's AIDS
Irc2PGuest75355 perhaps ill discconnect from life
parabo Life is a game
Irc2PGuest75355 by disconnect i mean suicide
Irc2PGuest75355 and other people, this is multiplayer
parabo Suicide huh?
Irc2PGuest75355 just like we play a video game, this life which is a game, the outside when we disconnect, thats where we belong
Irc2PGuest75355 like video games just mimic real life, a dumed down versino of real life, this life is a dumbed down version of the other side when we die
Irc2PGuest75355 which makes you wonder, like with a computer that runs an operating system, you can run a virtual machine
Irc2PGuest75355 like can we simulate the universe if we had enough understanding, and would that be considered a virtual machine lol ?
parabo I'm taking..., all you down with me. Explosives duct taped to my spine. Nothing's going to change my mind. I won't listen, to anyone's last words. There's nothing left for you to say - soon you'll be dead anyways. Well no one here, is getting out alive. This time I've really lost my mind and I don't care. So close your eyes and kiss yourself goodbye, and think about the times you've spent and what they meant. To
parabo me it's nothing. I'm losing, all my happiness. The happiness you pinned on me, my loneliness still comforts me. The anger, dwells inside of me. I'm taking it all out on you, for all the shit you put me through. Yeah no one here is getting out alive. This time I've really lost my mind and I don't care. So close your eyes, and kiss yourself goodbye... and think about the times you've spent and what they meant. To
parabo me it's nothing
Irc2PGuest75355 im gonna smoke a ciggy
parabo we can't simulate the universe with current limitations of economic and natural resources
parabo I wrote a grand unified physics theory... and I calculated, with the theoretical limitations of binary computer systems due to quantum mechanics, the computer required to simulate the known universe would need to be almost the size of Russia and 10 stories high
parabo i need to chain smoke and eat shitoads before sunup
parabo So I can get through fasting tomorrow
Irc2PGuest75355 can you talk more about your grand unified physics theory ?
parabo I am pretty sure when Ramadan comes, I will end up quitting smoking due to the sheer amount of waking hours I won't be allowed to smoke
parabo I mean... I could... but what would that accomplish when it isn't going to be published due to the dangers of someone using it for the wrong reasons
parabo I don't
Reinhilde CW: drugs, diplomatic cargo, illegal extradition, threats of wife rape
Irc2PGuest75355 so if your going to boast about a theory and not share it for the sake your theory is that dangerous, maybe its best you dont even mention it for the sake of avoiding unwanted attention
parabo Maybe
Reinhilde parabo: can you help me think of an idea for ventilating a 1U server in a non-rack environment, an idea that actually has legs as far as being able to get useful amounts of air into and out of the case without breaking my ears?
dr|z3d Reinhilde: for starters, open the case. and then put the server somewhere else, ideally in a sound-proofed cupboard.
Irc2PGuest75355 because then you can make yourself a target to the wrong people who would want to know about it
Reinhilde dr|z3d: I don't have a cupboard that's close to my desk, sufficiently thermally controlled and also isolated from my desk
dr|z3d tricky, then.
dr|z3d you could attempt to rebuild the server in a desktop box with standard fans.
Reinhilde i'll have to have the computer with me in the room.
Reinhilde it's a lenovo x3550 m5. I don't think it'll go in a desktop box owing to screw patterns, but I'll give it a go if i must.
dr|z3d what's the mobo? atx?
Reinhilde and i don't want the bios to freak out that there's only 3 fans, lol
Reinhilde (it wants 5 or 7 depending on the CPU count)
dr|z3d well, you may be able to do something with a dremmel or whatever, if you really must have the case near you. otherwise, those server racked systems aren't viable for desktop use unless you wear earplugs (or are deaf)
Reinhilde I'm willing to cut louvers and drill screw holes in the case
Reinhilde I'm also willing to exceed the dimensions of the case
dr|z3d you could also look at waterblocks in lieu of fans if you feel confident enough and have some cash to spare.
Irc2PGuest75355 are you boasting about it because you like attention ?
Reinhilde Blinded message
Reinhilde so fans on the outside of the case are not beyond me
parabo I am going to practice singing now
dr|z3d *** thanks his lucky stars that irc is a silent medium. ***
Reinhilde hi Irc2PGuest40136
dr|z3d Blinded message
Reinhilde I am not above installing some fans with the sole purpose of placebo'ing the motherboard
Reinhilde if i only need 4 fans but the thing insists on 7
dr|z3d try the bios, maybe you can disable that requirement.