IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
Ellenor A friend just got robbed, and left for dead by a motel owner who wasn't getting paid (not the robber)
Ellenor I want to fucking kms
Ellenor All this effort just for this to happen
Ellenor All this investment just for her to die of the cold and malnutrition
Ellenor I can't take it anymore
Ellenor I can't take it
Ellenor I don't cry because I dissociate
Ellenor I don't cry because I distract
Ellenor I don't cry because the control loop tells me to stay strong come what may
Ellenor I don't cry because men don't cry
Ellenor Just because I'm not a man does not mean I am not bound to fill the social role of one, even when nobody is looking.
Ellenor I do not have time to be sad
itsjustme hey Ellenor
itsjustme I'm really sorry to hear that :( is she ok?
itsjustme she didn't actually die did she ? :(
T3s|4 dr|z3d: I see zzz was busy during his Xmas holiday and we got a quick transition to -5+ :D
dr|z3d yeah, he's on a roll, T3s|4. new shiny -5!
RN *** fondly remembers the days running at least one router on "nighly-cms" builds and is glad to see progression of infrascructure available to RN ***
RN Monotone, Monotone, Wherefore art Thou Monotone?
itsjustme Hey RN :)
RN whassup IJM?
itsjustme Not much. Chilling. You? :)
RN riding the wave of unreliable isp
RN and chillin'
RN just found a joint hidden away and am going to put some of the content into a bubbler
RN *** notes rolling a joint every time you get new weed is a good habit, especially if you have little airtight containers to put eh joints in to keep them fresh ***
RN *** continues noting: you will likely forget the joints you "rolled for later" and thus have a stash of different flavors of weed ***
RN *** adds to notation: also, when you remember you have the joints, it is nice to have for guests as your bong and weed don't sit there on the table the whole time inviting them to overstay their visit ***
term99 RN, that sounds like a nice thing to have, minus the isp
RN yeah, term99. Also nice to not forget that you rolled said joints with "Randy's" papers (or similar) so that...
RN you don't dull your scissors on the wire
term99 never tried them, kinda a RAW fan but they look handy
RN well, when you are getting close to the end, the wire is a nice helper
RN even earlier in smokking especially if you are passing it around
RN RAW does imho taste better
RN or I might just be rambling
RN I love my rollers
RN roller, or jig
RN those are good ways to pack smokes
RN when doing yourself
term99 yeah, many styles, i roll about a 1g joint from my little roller
RN I could probably do from around one to three g in my roller
RN not that I roll big joints these days
term99 oh nice, healthy roller :)
RN but yeah
RN just add more tension if less content
RN *** misses the days of big parties ***
term99 i'm ready for my plants to be done
RN *** starts slipping into covid-dissonance ***
RN oh, you have plants nearing (flower) maturity?
term99 no, i wish i was that far along :), they are coming out of the hydro cloner and being put in soil tomorrow to start their 7 week veg cycle
RN oh, even nicer
RN babies!
RN *** wants to pinch their leafy cheeks ***
RN should I DM you my Bit-Weed token?
term99 :), i love brushing the canopy and having the wonderful aroma waft into my face
RN oh yeah. It smells so much better when it is still intact
term99 well, im gonna take some meds and smoke one and chill out for a bit, i'll bbl, enjoy RN :)
RN ttyl term99
senpaiNikolai okke, tried everything with mozilla and still doesn't work
senpaiNikolai is there an alternative to mozilla to surf eepsites securely?
dr|z3d what's not working senpaiNikolai?
senpaiNikolai Hello dr|z3d
dr|z3d hi senpaiNikolai
senpaiNikolai How're u doing? Btw the problem is that even with the option Don't enable https only firefox doesn't allow me to surf eepsites
senpaiNikolai also Tor browser doesn't work
senpaiNikolai nowe its like three weeks that I cannot visit postman for torrents, sad
dr|z3d that's an issue with autoreplace, there's a config to turn that offf. but if you add a / to the .i2p domain, it shouldn't try https
senpaiNikolai tried the / thing but nothing changed
senpaiNikolai also .b32.i2p is affected
senpaiNikolai like everything
dr|z3d give me a moment, I'll see if I can dig out some firefox about:config settings for you.
dr|z3d browser.urlbar.autoFill -> false
senpaiNikolai its already false
senpaiNikolai as I can see
dr|z3d ok, more configs to come.
dr|z3d browser.fixup.fallback-to-https -> false
dr|z3d media.peerconnection.enabled -> false
senpaiNikolai sry I lost connection
senpaiNikolai tried the configs that u gave me but nothing changed :(
dr|z3d are you seeing an error, auto-redirect to https, or something else?
senpaiNikolai yes an error
dr|z3d what's the error?
senpaiNikolai We can't connect to the server at notbob.i2p| because is notbob.i2p
dr|z3d ok, try clearing your browser cache and then trying again, and if that fails, try notbob.i2p .. you can use as an easy cache manager.
senpaiNikolai doesn't work sry
senpaiNikolai now I tried with firefox nightly with the same configs but nope
senpaiNikolai I finally managed to surf an eepsite
senpaiNikolai the problem was that I only checked the box for http proxy, while I had to check also the https proxy to the same port
senpaiNikolai well, didn't know that that was necessary
senpaiNikolai I already did a firefox hardening, installed no script and https everywhere with ublock, is something else recommended?
rambler Happy Late Festivus everyone