IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
parabo itsjustme
Ellenor parabo
itsjustme Hey Reinhilde
Reinhilde triangular greet
parabo hi Reinhilde itsjustme
itsjustme How are you parabo?
parabo I'm good, you?
itsjustme I'm good. Kinda feel sick for some reason
parabo well, they said today, it's no longer a question of if you get omicron, it's a question of when and how often
Reinhilde fuck D:
itsjustme Yeah, it's spreading for sure
itsjustme parabo: you got the booster?
parabo no itsjustme
parabo I have to wait until february
itsjustme You got the shot late?
parabo because I didn't check the news for 2 days and in two days everyone registered until Feburary
parabo they may get more doses and then we will be given earlier dates
itsjustme Ah ok cool
Reinhilde meow D:
itsjustme How was school Reinhilde
Reinhilde i don't
itsjustme I thought you were in school
parabo itsjustme, I'll murder your whole family
parabo i broke another tooth
Reinhilde bames jond
parabo dr|z3d, he doesn't have a beard
itsjustme parabo: why would you do that?
parabo I'm nerdy in the extreme and whiter than sour creme
parabo *cream
Reinhilde you're also religious
Reinhilde I've just blocked all twitterers </sarcastic but not really>
Reinhilde dr|z3d: put that into a kqueue. I'll let you know when I have
parabo dr|z3d, I heard you like i2p+
itsjustme He fucking makes it
Reinhilde parabo: I heard the temple you go to likes i2p+.
parabo lol temple
parabo you think we have a temple?
parabo well, a mosque can be a temple
parabo but they have those in bigger populated areas
parabo there's only like 250 people in our town who go to mosque
parabo so we have a retail space
parabo a unit in a plaza
Reinhilde parabo: mosque, synagogue, church, temple, it's all the same to me
parabo a temple is like a devoted building
Reinhilde would you say yours is more of a rural district for your religion's sake?
parabo there is a lot of non practicing muslims
Pajamas greetings hoomans
Pajamas i just bought a korean keyboard
Pajamas like it has hangul letters on the key caps
Pajamas it was 150,000W
Pajamas which is alot of money
Pajamas its a gaming keyboard, logitech
Pajamas cherry mx blue switches
Pajamas maybe i spent too much on it, but im very satisfied with my purchase
Pajamas maybe i think all keyboards can do with tweaking the right settings on your operating system, but i can switch between english and hangul by pressing fn+left alt
Xeha there's only one real keyboard, the model m :)
Xeha the price of used model m's, compared to how much these new keyboards cost and how crappy they are, is still very affordable
Pajamas i just went to a club for the first time and got drunk
Pajamas and i became very social
Pajamas and every person id see id approach
Pajamas and id talk to them
Pajamas its crazy
Pajamas i cant beleive i did it by myself too
Pajamas i had an amazing night
itsjustme *** dances ***
parabo I been kicking ass since the dawn of time. I'm just a killing man who's reached his killing time
itsjustme So poetic
parabo I burn and I plunder, to sooth my desire, my weapon of choice, is great balls of fire
parabo what do you know about my country dr|z3d?
parabo itsjustme, what you up to?
Pajamas Xeha: whats model m ?
Xeha just search for "ibm model m"
Xeha its the mechanical keyboard that most try to reproduce
Xeha well, reproduce not really. more like cheaply imitate
Pajamas ill research it
Pajamas lol that keyboard looks original as fuck
Xeha if you ever get the chance to type on one, do it :)
itsjustme Hey Pajamas
Pajamas i will
Pajamas but i doubt id come across the opportunity
Pajamas hi itsjustme
itsjustme How are you?
Pajamas good and you
itsjustme I'm alright. Feel a little sick
Pajamas thats not good
itsjustme It's not ideal no lol