IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
zzz 06/17 02:11:50.252 DEBUG [ handler 1/1] .transport.udp.PeerTestManager: Got peer test msg: 2 status: 0 hash: [Hash: vwv7v9C6tYD0rQSXZmd8rFUoVHjaVpPwquMaRAbXKcY=] nonce: 488678072 time: Jun 17, 2022, 2:11 AM ip/port: [2a02:180:2:92:feed:beef:32ad:affe]:20556 from [2a01:cb08:8a71:f802:4ecf:7216:4c3a:9516]:30018 nYlJtl OB2 recvAge: 46s sendAge: 46s sendAttemptAge: 46s sendACKAge: 46s lifetime: 46s RTT: 32 RTO: 1000 cwin:
zzz 4131 acwin: 4131 SST: 524288 FRTX? false consecFail: 0 msgs rcvd: 1 msgs sent: 1 pkts rcvd OK/Dup: 3/0 pkts sent OK/Dup: 1/0 IBM: 0 OBQ: 0 OBL: 0 state: null
zzz 06/17 02:11:50.252 DEBUG [ handler 1/1] .transport.udp.PeerTestManager: Send msg 3 response 65 nonce 488678072 to [2a01:cb08:8a71:f802:4ecf:7216:4c3a:9516]:30018 nYlJtl OB2 recvAge: 46s sendAge: 46s sendAttemptAge: 46s sendACKAge: 0ms lifetime: 46s RTT: 32 RTO: 1000 cwin: 4131 acwin: 4131 SST: 524288 FRTX? false consecFail: 0 msgs rcvd: 1 msgs sent: 1 pkts rcvd OK/Dup: 3/0 pkts sent OK/Dup: 1/0 IBM: 0 OBQ: 0 OBL: 0
zzz 06/17 02:11:50.253 WARN [ handler 1/1] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: Bad encrypted packet:
zzz Data payload error
zzz Caused by: Block 1 type 178 length 45183 at offset 130 runs over frame of size 1264
zzz 00000010 0a 00 7f 02 00 00 bf 0b fb bf d0 ba b5 80 f4 ad |................|
zzz 00000020 04 97 66 67 7c ac 55 28 54 78 da 56 93 f0 aa e3 |..fg|.U(Tx.V....|
zzz 00000030 1a 44 06 d7 29 c6 02 1d 20 a2 b8 62 ab c6 c6 12 |.D..)... ..b....|
zzz 00000040 50 4c 2a 02 01 80 00 02 00 92 fe ed be ef 32 ad |PL*...........2.|
zzz 00000050 af fe 6a 08 f3 97 db f5 f7 45 2a a6 f0 ac be 88 |..j......E*.....|
zzz 00000060 1a 92 c2 27 42 ee 47 ba 2e f9 97 f9 6a 20 f3 ff |...'B.G.....j ..|
zzz 00000070 8f 9b 33 0e a3 a7 d8 52 fa 56 80 be b6 f3 0a 52 |..3....R.V.....R|
zzz 00000080 58 03 29 72 d6 5f 0a ce 19 8a 38 20 2b 6c 1e b3 |X.)r._....8 +l..|
zzz 00000090 4b 0e b2 b0 7f be a6 d4 47 1d ac 1e 9a e4 f1 68 |K.......G......h|
zzz 000000a0 60 d0 34 42 5a 2c 6f 95 af 3a f6 b5 57 1c cf af |`.4BZ,o..:..W...|
zzz 000000b0 7e 1f e2 55 a7 0f cc db eb 02 a6 f8 2b 06 56 ad |~..U........+.V.|
zzz 000000c0 ad 59 7e 7a 7f 64 64 3b d3 c9 1b 1e 18 52 2e 7f |.Y~z.dd;.....R..|
zzz 000000d0 26 7e 3c d4 fd e9 41 61 b3 7b d3 e8 87 5e ec 68 |&~<...Aa.{...^.h|
zzz 000000e0 fe 7a 6a b1 bd 83 ea 3b 72 19 99 5e 3f 62 e8 f9 |.zj....;r..^?b..|
zzz 000000f0 fc 46 d1 78 e4 29 f6 bb de 9f df 28 ef 6e 5a f8 |.F.x.).....(.nZ.|
zzz 00000100 30 77 e4 4a 45 da b7 28 ba 42 c5 e9 8f 4d c0 fb |0w.JE..(.B...M..|
zzz 00000110 80 cd f3 fb 8c ba ec aa b1 fd e5 ea f7 27 5a 1c |.............'Z.|
zzz so:
zzz - got a good peer test msg 2
zzz - sent a peer test msg3 with a reject type 65
zzz - got a corrupt messsage that looks like another peer test msg 2, but block length is wrong, and total packet length was 1264 bytes??? maybe there's an RI in there? can't tell
orignal msg2 is nbob to charlie?
orignal I usually send RI first
orignal I will check
orignal what I do with msg 2
zzz 00000010 0a 00 7f 02 00 00 bf 0b fb bf d0 ba b5 80 f4 ad |................|
orignal I meant the code
zzz ^^^ this is peer test msg 2, but I already got it, and the length looks wrong, 0x7f looks too big
zzz yeah
orignal I send two messages for msg 2
orignal RI and peer test
orignal sometimes in a single message
orignal maybe it's result of resend?
orignal I need to check what I resend
orignal I send RI as I2NP only if it's fragmented
zzz no, I'm wrong, it's the same message
zzz the peer test block was good
zzz the next block was corrupt
zzz or maybe the peer test block length was wrong
orignal so RI block was not?
orignal maybe
orignal I will check
orignal it should cointain ack if any, RI, peertest and padding
zzz the ack block is length 0x7f so the next block should start at location 0x92 in the dump above, that's a value 0xb2 (type 178)
zzz I don't see anything that looks like a RI block anywhere close
orignal so you think it's ack block?
orignal with worng length
zzz it's a big packet, 1264 bytes, so I think it's a peer test block + RI block, but something is wrong
orignal maybe not for peer test
zzz the peer test IS the first block
zzz and it is valid
orignal it's worng
orignal and it's type 2?
zzz 00000010 0a 00 7f 02 00 00 bf 0b fb bf d0 ba b5 80 f4 ad |................|
zzz that's the first block, peer test
zzz 00000090 4b 0e b2 b0 7f be a6 d4 47 1d ac 1e 9a e4 f1 68 |K.......G......h|
orignal and msg is Data?
zzz 4b 0e is the end of the peer test block. b2 is the type of the next block
orignal then I did something worng with msg 2
orignal let me inverstigate
zzz a peer test block for msg 2 w/ ipv6 would be 127 bytes (0x7f) so that looks right
orignal then what is worng?
zzz the next block
zzz starting at location 0x92, type ix 0xb2
zzz *is
orignal it sould be padding only
orignal will check
orignal maybe just memory corruption
zzz the whole packet is 1264 bytes, I assume it's a RI block, not just padding
orignal was it from 2RRY?
zzz nYlJtl
orignal maybe they run older version
orignal without my fix
orignal payloadSize += CreatePeerTestBlock (payload, SSU2_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE
orignal here we go
orignal another typo
orignal forgot about offset
orignal fixed and update 2RRY
orignal also new token
zzz great, will keep an eye on it
orignal thank you for fidning this bug
dr|z3d zzz -> chief bug fidner :)
orignal dr|z3d maybe you are interested to help in coding? ))
orignal help with peer tests and relay would we appreciated
orignal becuase too much work and too little time
dr|z3d I wouldn't know where to start, orignal
orignal but you understand what is SSUY2 and how it's supposed to work
orignal *SSU2
orignal unlike most of i2p users
dr|z3d I think I have a tenuous grasp of the concept :)
orignal -Akx is connected to 2RRY now
orignal incoming session
orignal zzz might check
orignal ipv6 connection