IRCaBot 2.1.0
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RN didn't I tell you about something similar not that long ago dr?
dr|z3d I don't recall, RN
zzz dr|z3d, any tunnel shenanigans like multiple proxy tunnels? or you're stopping/starting manually?
dr|z3d nothing unusual zzz. auto-close on idle.
dr|z3d it's not a globally present issue, some routers seem fine, others won't update subs.
dr|z3d not sure if the error posted above is related.
dr|z3d but I suspect it might be.. seems to be related to the SVC_HTTP_PROXY variable.
zzz you can see if it's registered on /debug port mapper section, HTTP. I just stopped and restarted proxy and saw it go away and come back on /debug
dr|z3d seems fine there
dr|z3d I've turned off close on idle on the troublesome router, still getting told HTTP proxy isn't running when I attempt to manually update subs.
term99 one of my routers is having problems updating subs also, gives me an error of "HTTP proxy is not running!"
zzz dr|z3d, where are you seeing the message?
dr|z3d zzz: in susidns when attempting to manually update subs.
zzz logs or UI?
dr|z3d susidns/addressbook is pretty limited (non-existent) for logging.
zzz I couldn't find where we have a UI msg for that
dr|z3d SusbscriptionsBean.Java
dr|z3d line ~150
dr|z3d > if (content != null && content.length() > 2 && _context.portMapper().isRegistered(PortMapper.SVC_HTTP_PROXY)) {
zzz ok so it just says 'subscriptions saved' if the proxy isn't up
zzz right?
dr|z3d if (content != null && content.length() > 2 && _context.portMapper().isRegistered(PortMapper.SVC_HTTP_PROXY)) {
dr|z3d _context.namingService().requestUpdate(null);
dr|z3d message = _t("Attempting to update addressbook from subscription sources...");
dr|z3d // + "<img height=\"1\" width=\"1\" alt=\"\" " +
dr|z3d // "src=\"/addressbook/?wakeup=1&nonce=" + nonce + "\">";
dr|z3d } else if (!_context.portMapper().isRegistered(PortMapper.SVC_HTTP_PROXY)) {
dr|z3d message = _t("Cannot update subscriptions: HTTP proxy is not running!");
zzz that's your mod
zzz anyway
zzz I see something really fishy on one of my routers
dr|z3d related to the above? :)
zzz maybe. the addressbook/ config dir is in ~/i2p, not ~/.i2p
zzz could you check yours?
dr|z3d yup, same.
zzz there's no way it should be in the base dir
dr|z3d addressbook dir in ~/i2p/ with all the bits 'n bobs in there.
zzz check and see if the location correlates with which routers have the issue
dr|z3d definitely does.
dr|z3d I can do an instant comparison and see that routers that don't have that folder located in ~/i2p don't have the problem.
dr|z3d if that router you're seeing the behavior on happens to be a faily new install, I bet it hasn't pulled any addresses from any subs...
zzz yeah the only one of mine with the issue is pretty new
dr|z3d Right, let's have another look at your CLI stubs commit..
zzz it's a context issue
zzz susi is off in her own context
dr|z3d hmmkay.. I was tending towards thinking it might be a buildfile issue, but ok.
zzz maybe related to the tomcat version I updated to before the release, or maybe not
dr|z3d oh, could be.
dr|z3d there's something else you can check that may be related.
dr|z3d see if your router with the issue displays identicons in the main listings.
dr|z3d (in susidns)
zzz I usually don't do updaterWithJetty so I'm not even sure which of my routers have what
dr|z3d what I can also tell you is that the issue isn't limited to newly installed routers.. I've got a router that's been installed for a couple of years at least that recently started displaying the same issue.
zzz you know, you might have a point, the CLI thing actually might cause classes to get loaded too early
zzz will take a look
dr|z3d I figured that's the only thing that's changed recently re addressbook.
zzz on that older router, you have addressbook/ in both .i2p and i2p ?
zzz same router, good on java 8, bad on java 17
zzz 2022/06/17 10:10:15 | java.lang.Exception: I did it
zzz 2022/06/17 10:10:15 | at net.i2p.I2PAppContext.<init>(
zzz 2022/06/17 10:10:15 | at net.i2p.I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext(
zzz 2022/06/17 10:10:15 | at
dr|z3d ah, that's the other thing I thought about, java version issue. that correlates to what I'm seeing.
zzz it's a classloader issue which is my least favorite thing
SilicaRice what happens if 2 routers publish different(ly signed) leasesets for the same offline key?
zzz java 11 fails. older tomcat no change
dr|z3d nasty bug, glad we caught it. could have left a bunch of users wondering why their subs weren't updating.
zzz still not sure what changed or when
zzz got it fixed, just doing final testing
dr|z3d oh, nice. well done.
dr|z3d could have been either jetty or tomcat updates I guess. maybe the latest jetty patches?
zzz I went back to tomcat 54, no change
zzz ok, try -7
dr|z3d oh, -7 eh? good stuff.
dr|z3d *pat pat*
zzz still a little stumped. but susidns webapp has always been a little squirrely and different from the others
dr|z3d maybe time to give it an overhaul
dr|z3d hasn't really been touched in years, has it
dr|z3d damn that's an efficient fix.
dr|z3d the search function could use inclusion of b32 in the search. and it's currently case sensitive, which it shouldn't be.
dr|z3d "I wonder if this b32 correlates to anything in my addressbook?" kinda thing..
dr|z3d patch confirmed working, thanks zzz.
dr|z3d it looks like the issue was introduced around the end of may, judging by my susidns logs.
dr|z3d last successful hosts fetch before the patch was on the 31st.
zzz ok, thanks for testing and the initial report. CLI went in on the 26th. I didn't try backing that out yet
zzz guess I need to to assess whether the bug was in the release
zzz or I could just test the release, duh
zzz lol
zzz release is fine. The CLI was the cause, indeed
zzz wtf
zzz good news, anyway
term99 susidns sub. update fixed, ty for the updates
zzz thanks for the report yesterday term99, always helps to have somebody say 'me too'
term99 but your welcome, glad to report