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dr|z3d orignal: any idea if/why i2pd would be attempting /socketcluster requests over the configured outproxy?
dr|z3d I doubt i2pd is to blame, but I want to rule it out.
R4SAS dr|z3d: i think better to set-up locally i2pd and check if it really does this using custom destination as outproxy
R4SAS because I using 3proxy at server side and never seen such requests
dr|z3d yeah, that confirms my suspicion that it's nothing to do with i2pd per se, thanks R4SAS
dr|z3d yeah, something relating to that. stormy's got something running that pushing silly amounts of traffic through his outproxy, and he can't figure out what it is.
dr|z3d well, not so much traffic as the number of *cough* concurrent requests, each of which spawns a new instance of the proxy software. hits around 400 instances *chuckle*
zzz first user is an abuser, fantastic, welcome to i2p
dr|z3d the connection throttler bites soon enough, and then the access filter kicks in, but still, would be good to identify what's actually generating the traffic.
dr|z3d no, no *chuckle*
dr|z3d the source of the requests is somewhere on stormy's system.
dr|z3d unless self-abuse counts :)
dr|z3d without putting something else in front of the proxy software, no way to blacklist urls. that's why a url/host blocker in the server tunnel would be useful.. less hassle than having to run another piece of software just to filter http urls.
zzz you could do something in perl in about 10 lines of code, you don't need a complex solution
dr|z3d yeah, probably, looks like it could be adapted, but nicer to have it in the tunnel manager with a UI, then it's available to everyone, and wordpress scanner and friends are ysterday.
zzz I feel like you have a hammer and I'm the only nail in town. Me writing more java code can't be the only solution to all your problems.
dr|z3d was always thus I feel :)
dr|z3d if you don't think what I'm suggesting has much merit beyond niche case applications, then I'm fine with that. I'm not that fussed wrt the outproxies, they'll cope regardless. I'm more interested in making tools available that will see widespread use.. that's where my interest lies.
dr|z3d if mitigating future problems now rather than waiting until they become problematic at some point in the future means future problems never materialize, surely a win? :)
dr|z3d another Mr Bamboo will appear sooner or later I suspect.
zzz the most promising idea out of all of this is an http access filter. like access filter but the request line is passed to it
zzz we sketched out roughly how it would work
zzz if you want to write it up as a proposal, including the config format, we could take a look
dr|z3d ok, sure, can do that, and we'd be looking to work with the http server tunnel, not the access filters, right?
zzz the current filters are configged and implemented in i2ptunnel but actually executed in streaming
zzz I think what zlatinb said was an http flavor would have to be completely separate.
zzz and yes executed in http server tunnel
orignal what is socketcluster?
zzz I think the current code and file formats could be adapted
dr|z3d ok, well you're suggesting a single compiled regex string, I don't think that's a bad idea.
dr|z3d orignal: you don't have socketclusters? you're missing out! :)
dr|z3d but give me some time to firm up a proposal and we can take it from there.
dr|z3d orignal: they're a classier version of dingleberries.
orignal please exlain since I'm not a native Enlish speaker ))
dr|z3d you don't want me to explain, I'll leave you to discover the joke at your leisure. as to your original question, socketcluster is some sort monitoring tool run over sockets is about all I can tell you. @_
dr|z3d that and the fact it makes 100s of requests per minute. :)
orignal and somebody decided to use i2p like tor?
orignal that's why I'm against default outproxy
dr|z3d no, it's something stormycloud has running on his local system that's pushing traffic over his outproxy, but he doesn't know what it is yet.
dr|z3d some people think the outproxy is part of the package, other people are surprised when they find one configured. can't please everyone :)
orignal "i2p is not tor"
orignal that should be the main slogan
orignal e.g. if you need outproxy you need to have a reason
orignal and not use i2p instead Tor
dr|z3d I agree, if all you're using I2P for is its outproxy service.