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orignal ahash: Alice's 32-byte router hash (for messages 3 and 4 only; not included in the message)
orignal what does it mean?
zzz thats the signature calculation
orignal I know but what does this pharse mean?
orignal is it included to calculations for message 3 or 4? or it's not inluded to message 3 or 4
orignal how about 1?
zzz it means you only use it in the signature calculation for messages 3 and 4. And it's not included in message 3 and 4.
orignal why not in 1?
orignal 1 includes Alice's ident hash
zzz it's not really necessary to include it in the signature calculation for 1 and 2, because Alice is signing it anyway. There's no point in alice signing her own hash
zzz 0) Hi
orignal so not ahash in 1
zzz right, I'll fix it up to be more clear
zzz what's on the agenda for today?
eyedeekay last) ongoing go-i2p progress report
orignal as usual
zzz 1) is SSU2
zzz how about 2) release status
zzz and 3) send RIs to connected peers status
zzz and 4) go-i2p
zzz 1) SSU2
orignal 5. relay testing status
zzz ok that's 5)
zzz 1) SSU2
orignal so I was busy with release and other personal tasks
orignal so not too much progress
zzz I'll give a quick update from my side
orignal it just works
zzz I put some info about SSU2 in our release notes and pointed them to my forum for how to enable
zzz we're up to at least 10 each java and i2pd
orignal 10 more?
zzz no, 10 each total
orignal not impressive however it's enough
zzz we were at about 5 each before the release
zzz we can always push it harder if we want more
orignal no need for now
zzz it's enough for regular testing but not nearly enough for peer test and relay testing
zzz I updated my peer test code to get rid of the 'role' field as we agreed
orignal for relay it's enpough I guess
orignal yes I saw it in the specs
zzz I have peer testing enabled on one router
zzz I'm going to enable it in the code soon
orignal I don't have peer test code yet
zzz and push that change so we'll get a couple more
orignal only relay
zzz I've been promising for weeks to get back to relay. This week I mean it :)
zzz we;ll see
orignal and I will start publishing itags soon
orignal remind me again
orignal if you have SSU address you can publish introducers for SSU1 and SSU2 in the same address
orignal and I differetiate by ih
zzz that's the plan
orignal I need to understand how to parse your address
zzz not sure how it's going to work if there's a mix and match
zzz haven't gotten to that part yet
orignal then what are you going to do?
orignal if you are firewallede
zzz because say #0 is ssu 1, 1 is ssu2, 2 is ssu 1, not sure if that would work
zzz parsing might be messy
zzz have to think about it
orignal not for me
orignal I create two addreses anyway
orignal when parse
zzz I had some stuff coded and forgot about it then it crashed my router and had to yank it out
zzz will know more later this week
zzz enough about 1) ? anything else on SSU2 ?
orignal everybody is asking
zzz 2) release status
zzz 20% of net updated so far; no sign of bigly yet; haven't heard any complaints
orignal fine from my side
orignal no issues
zzz eyedeekay, anything to add? anything todo? android? maven? packages?
eyedeekay i2p.firefox successful in-net automatic update happened this cycle, which is when I was prepared to consider it ready to move "out of beta."
eyedeekay I communicated with a guy who uses it paired with the IzPack installer alongside the i2p.firefox browser profile and dealt with several issues in that configuration before the release as well.
eyedeekay release was delayed because my first implementation of AndroidSAMSecureSession depended on the ability to draw an alert over another application, which requires a special interactive/gated permission of it's own.
eyedeekay I changed it to use the NotificationArea to remove that step and avoid a repeat argument with Google
eyedeekay It was released Friday night after that issue was resolved
eyedeekay Those are my notes from both
zzz I would have recommended you not be coding/testing new features after the release, but ok
zzz if you don't tell me something is out, I don't know and I can't tweet it
zzz anything else on 2) ?
eyedeekay Nothing else from me
zzz 3) send RI to connected peers
zzz I have it coded and tested
zzz for SSU 1/2 and NTCP2
zzz will be checking it in soon
orignal why do we need it for NTCP2?
zzz I'm doing it about every 30 minute, starting after 30 minutes of connection uptime. I believe that's more or less what we agreed to at the May 9 meeting 3 weeks ago
orignal it's not used there
orignal we agree about different thing
zzz for java i2p there's some problems with having the RI expire for a connected peer
orignal we send it before relay request or peer test if we didn't send it for 30 minutes
zzz it's discussed on the gitlab ticket. I also put the patch there
orignal so do you want me to send through NTCP2 every 30 minutes?
zzz so yes, I decided to do it on all transports
orignal no problem I will add it
zzz I think it might be helpful but let me do some more investigation first before I ask you do the work
orignal like block or I2NP messager?
zzz for NTCP2 I use block because there's no length issue
zzz for SSU 1/2 I use I2NP so I don't have to worry about the length
zzz I can handle either incoming
orignal I meant NTCP2
zzz anything else on 3) ?
orignal fine, will add block
zzz you can if you want, or wait until I bring it up again
zzz 4) go-i2p status
eyedeekay go-i2p progress slowed down last week mostly on account of playing catchup with Android, but I'm happy to announce that I *finally* finished both refactoring the common library and fixing the tests without breaking either
eyedeekay The refactor of the crypto primitives is started but not far along
zzz is it checked in and merged?
eyedeekay The common libs yes, the crypto stuff not yet
zzz we really need to find you some help
eyedeekay I'm going to replace the netDB parsing tools in the reseed-tools server with the common structures in go-i2p to remove that duplicate work and when I know for sure that's ready I'll tag a new version of reseed-tools
eyedeekay Yeah some help would be nice but I'm just going to keep at it and keep learning, I'll get faster as I have more success
Xeha will go-i2p become a "mainline" lib? like ipsam/libsam3?
Xeha *i2psam
eyedeekay That's the goal, but go-i2p is a router/library not a SAM library
eyedeekay Go already has 2 or 3 pretty nice SAM libraries
Xeha im aware, im asking regarding it being "the official go library/router" :)
Xeha thanks
zzz if you're looking for reuse, splitting it into a "core" lib and a "router" lib makes sense
eyedeekay That is part of how it was structured when I got it
eyedeekay Taking the good with the bad there
zzz defining your API boundaries early can also help a lot
eyedeekay That's all from me this week, more same time next week
zzz great. if you're making progress maybe it will attract others
zzz anything else on 4) ?
zzz 5) relay testing
zzz you're up orignal
orignal we need an SSU2 with itag
zzz sure, cant test without alice bob and charlie
zzz have any thing to propose?
orignal I have bob ready and working
orignal and Alice
orignal still don't have Charlie
orignal basically publishing itag
zzz ok, so you want me to start on charlie first?
orignal no, just asking where you are
orignal I'm working on that part as well
zzz I'm half done with everything.
zzz I'm still a month away from everything coded and tested on the testnet.
orignal that's fine
zzz I could put up something untested on the live net sooner, e.g. charlie-only
orignal but you peer test is ready?
orignal I can start with it I guess
zzz yes, peer test fully tested on testnet
zzz I just need to flip a switch in the code to enable it on live net for people running dev builds
zzz it's a good idea to just code charlie. I need to split up the work somehow into smaller pieces.
zzz will let you know
orignal do you publish it in caps?
zzz I keep trying to start with Alice but the state management is hard. I need to start somewhere easier
orignal you mean for relay or peer test?
zzz switch flip is for peer test. state management issues is for relay
zzz I publish caps for relay/testing, but it's really just SSU 1 caps
zzz I don't know if we need different caps for ssu2
orignal got it
orignal ofc not
orignal if your adrress is capable it's capable
orignal but see the problem now
zzz so there's no way to tell if it's enabled or not, which is fine if we get it all done before we turn it on by default
zzz unless we use router version
orignal I don't know which your router supports relays now
zzz right
zzz I assume we'd use router version, but maybe we need different caps
zzz a little bit messy
orignal so let me know when you are ready with ssu2 relays
zzz will do
orignal I will exclude this caps from SSU2 when parse your SSU
zzz ok, we'll figure it out
zzz anything else on 5) ?
zzz anything else for the meeting?
eyedeekay Nothing from me
zzz thanks everybody