IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
zzz 0) Hi
zzz what's on the agenda for today?
orignal SSU2 status update I guess
zzz ok that's 1)
zzz anything else for the list?
orignal release
zzz ok that's 2)
zzz 1) SSU2 status update
zlatinb interop testing, although that's part of 2) really
zzz I'll go first
orignal oh we have some question about Bob
orignal if you still remeber how it works
zzz ok bob is 3)
zzz SSU2: I've done a little work on hole punch and getting ready for the signed messages
orignal hole punch message?
zzz nothing checked in, but it should go smoothly
zzz yes
orignal what do you think we should do in SSU1?
orignal stop using relays there?
orignal because you have veru good point
zzz we can't really turn off SSU 1 until we've moved to SSU2
zzz what's my very good point? :)
orignal about zero lnegth hole punch
orignal not turn off
orignal but don't connect trough interoducers there
zzz yeah, zero length isn't great
zzz how are you doing? any progress on peer test?
orignal ok. should we mention with SSU2?
zzz I think I added something to the SSU2 spec about it already
orignal so I started implemnting peer test
zzz great
orignal partially
orignal my question is what is "role" for since we have "msg" field
zzz one sec let me look
zzz ok. I put the 'role' in there because it's part of the signature. The 'msg' field is not in the signature
orignal yes but how an advesary can forge it ?
orignal if it was not a part of signature?
orignal also what if msg and role mismatch?
zzz I think I was worried about alice or bob saving the signed data and using it for something else
zzz but maybe that's not realistic
orignal but they can also save with role
orignal basically there are two possible values
orignal is nonce part of signature?
zzz if you don't think it makes any sense we can get rid of it
zzz yes nonce is part of the sig
orignal yes, role is notthing but confusion
orignal initially I thought it's a real role
zzz but without the "role", could alice or bob take charlie's response and turn it into a request?
orignal but then found msg
orignal with the same nonce?
zzz yes
orignal well it might make sense
zzz but alice and bob hashes are part of the sig
zzz so maybe not
orignal not they are not
zzz here's from the spec of what's in the sig:
zzz prologue: 16 bytes "PeerTestValidate", not null-terminated (not included in the message)
zzz bhash: Bob's 32-byte router hash (not included in the message)
zzz ahash: Alice's 32-byte router hash (for messages 3 and 4 only; not included in the message)
zzz role: 1 byte role of the signer
zzz ver: 1 byte SSU version
zzz nonce: 4 byte test nonce
zzz timestamp: 4 byte timestamp (seconds)
zzz asz: 1 byte endpoint (port + IP) size (6 or 18)
zzz AlicePort: 2 byte Alice's port number
zzz Alice IP: (asz - 2) byte Alice IP address
orignal then yes I forgot
orignal then we don't need role
zzz ok, agreed
orignal futhermore should be the same format as for relay
zzz anything else on 1) ?
zzz 2) 0.9.54 release
orignal and ubuntu 22.04
zzz go ahead
orignal these moron swuthed to openssl 3 and didn't include openssl 1.1.1 to repo
orignal while it's still supported for many years
zzz what's the impact for you?
orignal i2pd is well tested with 1.1.1
orignal and ssumes it
eyedeekay Hi, sorry I'm late
orignal altough I have changed to make it buildabled with 3 but nobody seriously tested with it
orignal that's the issue
zzz was it removed from debian also?
orignal and remeber they had regression with siphash in 3
orignal idk how many other bugs they might have
orignal no, afaik in ubuntu 22.04
orignal debian is fine
orignal and other distros
zzz interesting. usually ubuntu just takes everything from debian
orignal even if they use 3 they also have 1.1.1 as alternative
orignal not reall because ubuntu uses "newer" packages
zzz so, will this affect or delay your release?
orignal no, I'm running with 3 for tests
orignal works good
orignal but still not sure if there are any regressions
zzz ok, hopefully you can get some more testers this week
orignal also compilation produces bunch of deprecation warnings
orignal yes, people test
zzz we plan to release next monday
orignal yes, we are fine
orignal no SSU2 yes, right?
zzz correct, disabled by default
zzz zlatinb, your topic 2a) interop testing
zlatinb yes, basically I need to know when the code for i2pd will be frozen
zlatinb also the testnet is running bionic containers so I won't be able to test with openssl 3 I think?
zlatinb after the code is frozen I need a day, although if everyting is fine it should be less
zzz I assume there's a build option for 1.1.1 or 3?
orignal it's almost forzen now
orignal they only upcoming change might be Bob
orignal but Java doesn't care about Bob anyway
zlatinb right I"m only testing SSU1 and NTCP2
orignal no we build we system openssl
orignal *with
zzz ok so you handle 1.1.1 or 3 automatically then in the build?
orignal if I need to build with something else I change Makefile manually
orignal and even 1.0.2
orignal centos 7 still uses 1.0.2
zzz I'm sure if zlatinb has any problems he knows where to find you ))
zzz oh I want to add a 2b) topic
zzz anything else on 2a) ?
zlatinb no, thanks
zzz 2b) outproxy
zzz false.i2p appears to have died completely?
zzz eyedeekay, you have any insight?
orignal purokishi.i2p works
orignal even prisoners use it ))
orignal to get access to clearnet
orignal because Tor is also blocked
zzz sure, but that's at the wish of dr|z3d. We can't put it in as the default
orignal we are not going either
eyedeekay I don't have any yet but I'll bang on his door so to speak and see what I can find out
zzz we are working with a group to support a default outproxy. Maybe in 3 months it will be ready
zzz acetone has been helping them apparently
zzz nothing more to report now. I guess I'll leave false.i2p as our default for the release, in case it comes back
dr|z3d haha, orignal. I like that. "even prisoners use it". maybe a new byline :)
orignal acetone's is Tor's. No?
orignal dr|z3d seriously
zzz if I have any more info on the new outproxy I'll let everybody know
orignal they couldn;t go to clearnet trhough Tor
zzz all I know is that acetone was helping. I don't know if it's the same as acetone's
dr|z3d orignal: navalny? :)
zzz I believe it will be direct, not through tor
zzz eyedeekay, we never got a bandwidth estimate from mikal either, that would still be helpful
orignal dr|z3d no
zzz anything else on 2b) ?
orignal another drug vendor
zzz 3) BOB
orignal is there a way to not publish local destination like in SAM?
zzz the i2cp option should work
orignal which option?
dr|z3d there's an option to make the dest session-only, not sure if that helps?
zzz one sec
orignal i2cp.dontPublishLeaseSet ?
orignal thanks
zzz i2cp.dontPublishLeaseSet=true
orignal that's waht I wanted to know
zzz at least it probably worked for us, don't know about i2pd :)
orignal it's fine
orignal even if doesn't work we will fix it
zzz what application is using bob on i2pd?
orignal reg.i2p
orignal as I meantioned before
orignal lookup
zzz old brain, forgot
zzz anything else on 3) ?
orignal to check if as address is online
orignal we try to find leseset
zzz yup
eyedeekay At least when used with SAM, a simple test to connect an unpublished client to an unpublished client does not seem to work
orignal inr.i2p did it the same way
orignal eyedeekay it definitly works in SAM
eyedeekay Yeah the option seems to have the correct behavior there
orignal how would it work if it's unpublished
orignal it measn you can't find leaseset
orignal unless you have a leaseset alreadt
zzz anything else on 3) ?
zzz anything else for the meeting?
zzz everybody please test test test this week, both i2pd and java
eyedeekay Not much but since I promised doing go-i2p weeklies I'm actually slightly ahead of the schedule I set last week
zzz great
zzz forgot to hold your feet to the fire today
zzz thanks everybody
eyedeekay I should have common structures done entirely by Monday and be on the road to crypto refactor