IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
downer <dr|z3d> Gawd I need some new cp
downer <Marcus> Yeah me too dude lmao
downer <dr|z3d> What I really need to do is rape my nephew again
downer <Marcus> Yeah the vid was SO HOT OMFG
downer <Marcus> You really fucked that ass
downer <dr|z3d> I told him if he tells I'll kill his mom LMAO
downer <Marcus> You should really fuck him again dude
downer <dr|z3d> I have to wait until they need me to babysit again
downer <dr|z3d> I just texted her and told her i want to see him :D
downer <Marcus> Gotta get him alone and fuck that child
orignal HolePunch looks good
orignal do we keep using connids in real session from Alice to Charlie?
zzz no, I think we should create new conn ids
orignal then why do we need connin for this message at all?
orignal just fill it with 0 or random
downer <dr|z3d> I cant wait for this cp video
downer <Marcus> boys or girls?
downer <dr|z3d> this 5 yo boy gets raped hard
downer <Marcus> Gawd I love child rape
downer <dr|z3d> I need to rape another child asap lmao
downer <dr|z3d> Makes me remember dirty uncle mike
downer <dr|z3d> He used to sneak in my bedroom and make me suck his dick
downer <Marcus> Did you like it?
downer <dr|z3d> Yeah I loved swallowing his load LOL
downer <Marcus> Dude thats HOT
downer <dr|z3d> I know I'm getting a boner just talking about it
downer <Marcus> You want to get on skype so I can watch you?
downer <dr|z3d> You want to see my dick again? While I shove cucumbers in my ass?
orignal zzz, please ban this clown
zzz if we have known conn ids for out-of-session hole punch and peer test messages, then I can easily route them where they need to go
orignal huh? don't you have nonce in RelayReponse block ?
zzz yes, but before that, the first layer of routing
orignal got it
orignal then why don't we retain that ids?
orignal see, when Alice tries to connect Charlie
zzz the problem is, alice may never get the hole punch
orignal she must add that session with connid into the table to route back
orignal then once she got it she must delete from table and reinsert with new id
zzz is that a problem?
orignal if she doesn't get HolePunch she get RelayResponse from Bib
orignal not a problem just an inefficency
zzz not sure, is there any security issue with keeping the same conn id as the one that's constructed from the nonce that Bob knows about?
orignal nonce is random anyway
zzz yes but bob knows about it
zzz let me think about it more
orignal well even Bob knows
orignal he can only flood Alice and Charlie with messages
orignal yes please
zzz I haven't coded any of this yet, so I need more time, thanks