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orignal good point about hole punch
orignal I ignore it in SSU2 and handle it in SSU1
orignal so, unsolocited retry but can we?
zzz I think it should basically be the same as retry, but a new message type 11
zzz because I need to handle it differently
orignal and Charlie's intro key for encryption?
zzz alice's I think. same as peer test
zzz we should always use the target's intro key if we have it
orignal yes, Alice is also fine
orignal since we pass her router ident
zzz right
orignal and not only IP adress
orignal my concern is we prefer Bob's intro key
orignal e.g. Alice tries to connect to Charlie that will become Bob after introduction
zzz yeah but the hole punch is really separate from the handshake
zzz different connection ids too
orignal yes, it's fine
zzz let me add it to the spec and then you can review it
orignal yes please
eyedeekay I'm about to have a cluster headache, it's probably going to start in the middle of the meeting
eyedeekay Following up on some stuff in case I'm not able to answer during the meeting
eyedeekay go-i2p I'm **finally** checking in the initial refactor that I've been working on for the better part of a half a year
eyedeekay It took 3 attempts but it it's finally happening, so the main branch is waking up *today*
eyedeekay Still not usable as a router but as a library, it's beginning to work
eyedeekay I have a working interactive SAM AUTH promt for our Android package, testing it with BRB to get an idea of how applications should handle denials
eyedeekay One of my Matrix people suggested that that we do sanity checks on cryptographic signatures before we actually use them, in order to be proactive about things like the Psychic Signatures vulnerability
eyedeekay I see where he's coming from but I think there are enormous workability problems at the very least, I'm pretty sure it's not the right way but there were enough "Pro's" that it seemed worth bringing up
eyedeekay I think that's everything of significance I have to report on
eyedeekay I'll still try to attend the meeting, just not sure how good I'll be, wanted to get this out before it takes me down
zzz 0) Hi
zzz thanks for the updates eyedeekay but you should go take it easy
zzz what's on the agenda for today?
zzz how about 1) SSU2 status
zzz anything else for the list?
orignal and SSU2 relays
orignal nothing
zzz ok, 2) is relays
zzz 1) SSU2 status
zzz I'll let you go first orignal
orignal So, I publish SSU2 addreses with "C" caps now
orignal should be able to connect to other SSU2 routers through instroducers
orignal recognize ih* params
zzz great, have you tested it?
orignal not yet
orignal still don't publish introducers
zzz any other status?
orignal implemented the way we discussed last week
orignal as I said before saw SSU2 session for more than 12 hours
orignal with a lot of data
zzz super
zzz my status:
orignal will start implemnting peer test sson
zzz haven't said it, but every time we talk about something and agree, or almost-agree, I update the spec
zzz last week I said I'd have relay code in 1-2 weeks.
zzz that's not even close
orignal I know
zzz I think it's going to be about 4 more weeks
orignal relays are complicated
zzz I'm working on it every day
orignal but simplier than in SSU1
zzz but trying to modify the state machine will take some time
zzz the messages themselves are easy; it's the state machine that's hard
zzz so I'll probably code up the messages soon
orignal I don't use a state machine I use different approach
zzz "state machine" makes it sounds better than it really is :(
zzz it's all code from 2005
orignal I think so
zzz I think that's all of my status
zzz have to spend more time getting ready for release, which is probably May 23rd
zzz we'll make a final decision on the release date tomorrow
orignal same here
orignal found few bugs
zzz 23rd ok with you?
zzz ping
zzz ok, let's plan on that
zzz anything else on 1) ?
zzz 2) SSU2 relays
zzz I updated the spec for a hole punch message
orignal I will check and implement
zzz I need to add more text about it, that you don't need to wait for the Relay Response if you get the hole punch first
zzz that's the way we do it in SSU 1 but I'm not sure if it's documented in the SSU 1 specs
orignal how come?
orignal I need to verify Charlie's signature
zzz hmm
orignal to make sure it's that IP
zzz we could put the Replay Response block in the Hole punch message too
orignal maybe
orignal that's good idea
zzz your concern is that Bob "fakes" a hole punch to Alice?
orignal maybe
zzz ok, let's put the same Relay Response block in the Hole Punch message. Can't hurt
zzz I'll update the spec
zzz you said you were using RI blocks, not I2NP messages, to send the RIs, right?
zzz if they fit?
orignal if it fits
orignal if not then I2NP
zzz ok. I updated my code last week for peer test to handle that
zzz are you putting them in the same message as the relay block if they fit?
zzz or two separate messages
zzz ping.....
orignal yes same message
orignal sometimes all your messages come at the same time
zzz yeah, lag
zzz ok, same message if possible. got it
zzz will make sure I can handle that
zzz any other discussion on relay?
zzz it's good we're both thinking about it at the same time, easy to make decisions that way
zzz anything else for the meeting?
orignal not from me
zzz ok, thanks everybody
orignal zzz, doesn't Bob need to send full relay response back to Alice or just status since Alice will receive it from Charlie?
zzz alice may be firewalled, if so she won't get the hole punch, so the full relay response needs to be sent by Bob also