IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d sounds like you're all over my code, zzz :)
dr|z3d or you're getting a bunch of I2P+ related bugs filed lately?
dr|z3d speaking of code, the request for a config to permit changing the max files per torrent value was answered last year.
zzz looking for an agreement, ok with you?
dr|z3d sure, np. I'll modify accordingly.
zzz thank you
zzz back in the old days when you were just UI stuff, no harm no foul
zzz but now that you're mucking in the router, you're (inevitably, just like the rest of us) occasionally putting in bugs
dr|z3d sure, understood.
dr|z3d re snark, I posted a reply with the original link to the discussion where you asked for a PR and I responded with a gitlab commit reference.
zzz you're doing good work, but it's just gotta flow like that
zzz if you think the issue is on my side, just pass it along irc/forum/gitlab with a brief analysis
dr|z3d yup, np.
zzz thanks again :)
zzz and yes there was one thing that triggered this but I'm awating confirmation before passing it along
dr|z3d presumably not the Refresh Routers java.lang.StackOverflowError issue.
dr|z3d though that bug raises different issues than the one being flagged by the submitter. namely why all his local leases are timing out.
zzz yes thats the one
dr|z3d definitely not my bug :)
dr|z3d oh, actually, strike that. could be.
dr|z3d was looking at the log formatting. tell tale sign.
dr|z3d and he managed to include his udp port in the logs. stunning.
dr|z3d I don't think I've seen a stack overflow error in Java before, at least not in i2p.
dr|z3d is there usally an obvious root cause?
zzz yeah. don't do what you did. don't infinite loop.
dr|z3d that's the job runner, does that automatically.
zzz look at the trace, isolate one loop, to see why
zzz ignore the top part, where it came soooo close to succeeding and died
dr|z3d yeah, thanks, I think I got the salient looping part here:
dr|z3d at
dr|z3d at
dr|z3d at net.i2p.router.networkdb.kademlia.FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade.lookupBeforeDropping(
dr|z3d at
dr|z3d at net.i2p.router.networkdb.kademlia.KademliaNetworkDatabaseFacade.lookupRouterInfoLocally(
dr|z3d at net.i2p.router.networkdb.kademlia.IterativeSearchJob.<init>(
zzz right, but read up
zzz lookuplocally -> lookupbeforedropping -> search -> new ISJ -> lookuplocally -> boom
dr|z3d ok, not sure why that's happening, but I'll see what I can find, thanks.
dr|z3d ok, we've got some strange scaling for the timeouts, might be part of the problem.
dr|z3d or maybe not.
zzz not being snide, just fact, I've added a thousand bugs, but this one's 100% on you, sorry (nobody died)
dr|z3d yeah, thanks for that. nobody died indeed. *chuckle*
zzz look at why you loop and canon doesnt
dr|z3d just wondering if _skippedPeers.add(h); might be part of the issue in ISJ
dr|z3d could also be I've got the requeue scheduler wound too tight in JobQueue.
dr|z3d or it could be that I'm using return; when I really should be using continue; yeah, that could be it.
dr|z3d I had a return; here before:
dr|z3d if (uninteresting) {
dr|z3d if (_log.shouldInfo())
dr|z3d"[Job " + getJobId() + "] Skipping query: Router [" + _key.toBase64().substring(0,6) + "] is uninteresting");
dr|z3d continue;
dr|z3d so an easy way to determine if the logs are generated by I2P+ or I2P is to check for the presence of \n* Foo: something or other.
dr|z3d I2P doesn't used asterisks.
dr|z3d NarratorZ: sorry, missed you yesterday, will look into why Windows I2P+ install is problematic.
NarratorZ Ah, no need to rush. I forgot to save the error log too, but this is a problem many of my friends ofa first time i2p+ users have encountered .🤣
NarratorZ I also remember others inquiring about it? on zzz.i2p maybe
dr|z3d we should take this to #saltr, my mistake, sorry.
dr|z3d I think I've identified the issue, zzz. Was skipping searches for "uninteresting" peers in the retry job, when I should have been skipping in run job.
zzz - isolate a single loop
zzz - identify which step in the loop you have that canon doesn't
zzz - done
dr|z3d ok, thanks, zzz, I think I got it. we'll see.
dr|z3d of course, it's one of those errors I've not seen before, so harder to test. but anyways, I think I've isolated and fixed the issue.
zlatinb eche|off: Шварценегер потеряет етот раз.
zlatinb Лол.
zlatinb eche|off: dude you really suck at banning
zlatinb Let me translate my last post:
zlatinb Scwarzenneger will lose this time.
zlatinb I'll just hang around, feel free to kick/ban anytime. Just do it right.
zlatinb <h2>{{ _('Inclusion') }}</h2>
zlatinb zlatinb
zlatinb <p>{% trans -%}
zlatinb zlatinb
zlatinb I2P welcomes all kinds of people, as long as they are friendly and helpful to each other.
zlatinb zlatinb
zlatinb We disgrace hate, anger, racism, and bad speaking towards anyone.
zlatinb zlatinb
zlatinb We do support LBGT, suppressed minorites and other people, wether they need help in kind of our I2P software or not.
zlatinb zlatinb
zlatinb We work together to build a free world without hate, racism and violence.
zlatinb zlatinb
zlatinb The I2P router software was created in this spirit and should be used to help repressed people to regain their freedom of speech, while not suppressing others.
zlatinb zlatinb
zlatinb {%- endtrans %}</p>
zlatinb zlatinb
zlatinb {% endblock %}
zlatinb zlatinb
zlatinb So, let's look carefully at this diff.
zlatinb zlatinb
zlatinb Let me say immediately that this plan has failed.
zlatinb zlatinb
zlatinb There will not be peace. There will be war.
zlatinb zlatinb
zlatinb Get ready. It could start... Anytime!
zlatinb zlatinb
zlatinb wodencafe has joined (wodencafe@4e2hhiyvffsw5bpl6cjrarkpjwgfgoaz4ab5cjph5skrg5ns6gpa.b32.i2p)
zlatinb w8rabbit has left IRC (Read error)
zlatinb zlatinb
zlatinb And in case anyone hasn't figured out what my position on "religious freedom" is, I'll spell it out right here:
zlatinb zlatinb
zlatinb Anyone who does not convert to Christianity (with the exception of Jews cause they are cool) will be EXTERMINATED. With fucking pleasure actually.
zzz it's well-tested in that it doesnt break anything, but not w.r.t. effectiveness
zzz I believe I gave a pointer to it
dr|z3d just a couple of param tweaks it looks like.
dr|z3d had high hops for that merge request :)
zzz it needs testnet testing before it goes in
zzz and as you see there was disagreement about how to test
dr|z3d well, put zlatinb to good use, get him on it. he obviously has time on his hands :)
zzz he was the one that disagreed. read the MR
dr|z3d I did.
zzz so thats where it stands, you have all the info
zlatinb dr|z3d: didn't you get the Anytime part few days ago?
zlatinb I don't give a fuck about this piece of shit software.
zlatinb I'm sick of all of you.
dr|z3d that'll be a no, then.
wodencafe What's his problem?
wodencafe [14:10] <zlatinb> wodencafe has joined (wodencafe@4e2hhiyvffsw5bpl6cjrarkpjwgfgoaz4ab5cjph5skrg5ns6gpa.b32.i2p)
wodencafe Oh he's not here.
wodencafe Nevermind.