IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
zlatinb Hello again, it is me. I am afraid I am going to waste a little more of your time. Also a little more space in the major.i2p logs.
zlatinb This time I would like to address a slight concern I have with the behaviour of a long-time I2P member eche|off
zlatinb My concern can be summarized the following way:
zlatinb eche|off: you are an absolute piece of shit. You are an useless Nazi, who is also a hypocryte and is not worth to be even mentioned in the team page.
zlatinb Just because you have been sitting on your fat ass for 10 years not doing a damn thing and collecting the money does not give you the righ to put bullshit woke statements on the website
zlatinb more specifically you do not have the FUCKING right to say that the I2P project as a whole support bullshit woke causes like LGBT BLM and all that crap.
zlatinb you did not consult any other team member when you put that statement on the website.
zlatinb Therefore my answer for you is NO
zlatinb and you can interpret that in any way you like
zlatinb (although I recommend you interpret it as you going to a not so a pleasant place for an extended period of time)
zlatinb goodbye guys!
obscuratus Dang, he left. I wanted to find out how his application to seminary was going.
dr|z3d you can find him in #ls2
zlatinb sorry, just thought I'd drop in the link to the git commit that eche|off made on his own accord without asking anyone else:
zlatinb now I'm really fucking off. Goodnight!
zlatinb Actually, I decided that I am going to hang around here (where let's not forget everything gets logged into major.i2p)
zlatinb The reason I am hanging out here is because I have noticed over the 10 years I have worked on I2P massive amounts of lies and deception by some prominent community members.
zlatinb This type of behavior I affectionately call "Bullshit"
zlatinb I was just told by a long term community member RN that "Each To His Own" was as far as "she" was aware a quote on top of a concentration camp.
zlatinb However, I seem to have been lead to believe this was a quote from the Holy Bible.
zlatinb Now, if you are the type of person who trusts Google, do go ahead and see what they say.
zlatinb If however you are the type of person who likes to actually perform due diligence before making up their own mind, it might behoove you to find an actual Bible and see if that quote is really there.
zlatinb So let's have a little deathmatch: Google VS Bible
zlatinb hello my good friend orignal
zlatinb s/good/best/
zlatinb let's have some $FUN
zlatinb however, it has to be in Anglais
zlatinb Let's see, who else shall we fuck with tonight?
zlatinb everybody: raise your hand if you support any of the following idiocies: BLM,LGBT,Climate Change
zlatinb orignal: feel free to add to the list
zlatinb oh, I forgot my favorite one: Women's rights aka Feminism
zlatinb Let's do it!
zlatinb Come at me :)
zlatinb Blinded message
zlatinb Alright, nobody is biting, so let's up the ante
zlatinb How about: Science
zlatinb And while we are it, let's add: Medicine
orignal maybe "trust the science"?
zlatinb To repeat the question: if you believe in any of the lies (or more affectionately "Bullshit") that I have listed, you are welcome to take a step forward.
zlatinb 100% bro!
zlatinb Ok, upping the ante even more. Let's add:
zlatinb Buddhism
zlatinb (see where I'm getting at?)
zlatinb Aw fuck it, I'll say it right here:
zlatinb islam
zlatinb I almost capitalized it, but good thing I caught myself on time.
zlatinb Come on guys don't tell me I haven't offended anybody yet?
zlatinb How about your precious feelings?
orignal Where are Toronto dudes? Sadie, Fox
zlatinb Sadie is a B.I.T.C.H. and hasn't been around for ages.
zlatinb Let's try to be clever: How about Yoga!
zlatinb Or even better: Veganism
zlatinb Hmm, how about Inclusivity (that's a clever one)
zlatinb Progress - that's one of my favorites
zlatinb Guys you gotta be kidding me, you can't tell me you are afraid to step up in front of me to defend your belief in Progress
zlatinb orignal: I know what your favorite is, so feel free to say it out loud:
zlatinb (and let's not forget about major.i2p)
zlatinb I'll tweet so that maybe more people can join this fun game.
zlatinb Ok, Tweet is out, but for some BULLSHIT reason the clearnet logs of major.i2p seem to be somewhat not quite there.
zlatinb Hmm, maybe I should just mention Dr. Faucci in the tweet cause you guys are all "бабьй"
orignal "обабилисьЭ
zlatinb Excellent word :)
zlatinb Ok, Tweet to Dr. Faucci sent. Let's see if shows up :)
zlatinb oh oh, missed a "he"
zlatinb need to slow donw
zlatinb uh oh x2
zlatinb Hi guise, where is my good old friend eche? Not hanging around much lately?
T3s|4 o/ zzz - I've got bunches of torrents, so thanks for adding the snark search feature; it's working well here and is quite useful :D
zzz thanks for your test and report T3s|4
zlatinb Oh ny friend eche|off is back. Happy to talk to you old friend.
zlatinb s/friend/piece of shit/
zlatinb Since you are actually here, why don't you explain under what authority you made that commit to the i2p.www Git repository which I have posted earlier?
zlatinb You just "waltzed" in (yeah since Austrians have good waltzes) and decided to "randomly" pledge I2P's allegiance to LGBT?
zlatinb Or are you going to say you talked to zzz or maybe sadie?
zlatinb Cause if you try that angle zzz is right here to confirm or deny it.
zlatinb And I actually remember sending you an email over i2pmail asking you to talk about this commit but you ignored it completely.
zlatinb And if you would like me to prove that, all I would need is to look at mail.i2p account. Unless postman is in kahootz with you of course.
zlatinb And if you try to say you did talk to sadie, then I would like to say 2 things:
zlatinb 1. Who the fuck is she in the first place? She is about the most inconsequential member of the team.
Xeha wtf is this?
eche|off just zlatinb going a bit too much into "the bible is all"
eche|off but we got rules in here and one esp. is no logging or no harrassment, so
Xeha huh? this channel is logged
Xeha and zzz actually approved it
eche|off every user in here can log and post
Xeha via major service
eche|off we do not approve not encourage logging or alike
eche|off those are fals accusmenets of zlatinb
eche|off who tries to harrass us now because we do not follow his ideal of the bible
Xeha nope, when acetone started the IRC logger with major, he asked every OP in each channel if logging would be ok
Xeha check your logs :)
Xeha also you arent a +o in this channel, why are you abusing your IRC OP powers again?
Xeha let zzz deal with his decisions
eche|off as I am IRC OP operator, I manage the IRC network
eche|off including htis channel
eche|off and all OPs do know this
eche|off and no need to harrass me about this
zzz eche doesn't need my help or advice, he's the boss
Xeha yea, thats why #ls2 was created
Xeha so its again, you ignoring your own rules and being a facist... ok. i'll shut it too
Xeha sorry, cant talk about it anymore or i'll get banned too
eche|off think whatever you may, I follow my rules and apply them to my services.
Xeha its not your service
Xeha its postman's
eche|off you may run your services.
eche|off it is mine
eche|off I can shut it down if I like to.
Xeha no, im connected to postmans not yours
eche|off who telly you it is not mine?
Xeha but you have IRC OPs due to being a federated net
eche|off trust me, it is mine
Xeha so irc.postman.i2p is yours too?
Xeha no answer?
Xeha so either its not yours (you lied) or you own both (hostile takeover), which is it?
Xeha i've specifically selected postmans server due to the shit in the past
Xeha that its a federated net is obvious to me
eche|off whoever runs the single IRC nodes is not important, even if those are run/controlled by a single instance. its the list of IC Oper, who manages the whole net and services and do own them.
eche|off and no one said a single instance do own both destiantions of IRC hosts, neither more than one do.
dr|z3d zzz: good work on the snark search, works fine.
zzz cool, thx for testing, just pushed the js, did you see that?
dr|z3d not seen, no. what you doing with that?
dr|z3d live search?
dr|z3d ah, just constraining the search query?
dr|z3d oh, wait, no.
dr|z3d live search apparently?
zzz yup
zzz still got some problems with escaping and stuff, e.g. can't search for '&', working on that now
zzz yup
dr|z3d nice, nice.
dr|z3d float: right;
dr|z3d position: absolute;
dr|z3d pick one.
zzz yeah, float was the first try, gave up, thanks
dr|z3d as long as the parent container is position: relative you're good.
zzz tried to do it w/o position but it was too hard
dr|z3d absolute positioning is the way to go there.
zzz i don't know how you'll merge what I did with your wizbangery
dr|z3d don't you worry about that, I'll find a way. :)
zzz it really wasn't hard, just grunt work to get it right
dr|z3d that's javascript for you. intensive, often, and annoying until it works as intended.
dr|z3d so that's live search, or it's just ensuring that ajax doesn't reset the search query?
lbt How much functionality is there that needs js? Just wondering what things I might never have noticed due to having it disabled by default ...
dr|z3d enabling for localhost or wherever your console is running is advised, lbt.
dr|z3d console can run without it, works better with.
dr|z3d how much? <----------------> this much in vanilla, <------------------------------------------> this much in I2P+
lbt Will need to check and thx 4 hint. Can report that what I did so far worked without :)
dr|z3d console's designed to work without javascript if unavailable. should be nothing essential that requires it to function.
lbt i2psnark is considered != console (asking as there is a standalone-build)? Or is console "all the java-i2p" basically?
lbt Or just /console even?
zzz we use the term loosely, could be either
dr|z3d web app hosted by the console.
zzz escaping fixes pushed
zzz and one more
zzz I think I know now why it's hard, though, it's because you're coding in 4 languages at once, HTML/CSS/JS/Java, and it's tough to keep it all in your head and do that efficiently
lbt When trying to build installer-linux now I get complains about "cannot find symbol" for Wrapper... things. I thought this had worked before is what feels strange. But is i2p-projekt.i2p/en/misc/manual-wrapper a build dependency?
zzz dunno lbt, works for me
lbt [javac] symbol: variable WrapperManager
lbt [javac] location: class SignalHandler
lbt [javac] /home/lbt/synced-git.idk.i2p/i2p.i2p/apps/routerconsole/java/src/net/i2p/router/web/ error: cannot find symbol
lbt [javac] (SystemVersion.isWindows() && _context.hasWrapper() && WrapperManager.isLaunchedAsService())) {
lbt [javac] ^
lbt Looks like this, does that ring any bells? I did distclean and debian-clean, but that shouldn't effect this, right?
zzz if distclean didn't fix it, then you broke something
lbt [javac] import org.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperManager;
lbt [javac] ^
zzz actually, don't do debian-anything and then try to build the regular installer
lbt That's what I did though :(
lbt Now the import fails, the other 29 will just be derivates
zzz it will break
zzz debian-xxx deletes stuff
lbt Uh. I did a checkout . now
lbt Ok, thx 4 hint. Will need to keep this in mind ;)
zzz git reset or checkout HEAD or something to get it all back
zzz yeah the debian targets are wonky, best done after copying to another directory
lbt Ya, my first-ever headless install from a self-built jar worked out fine now :)
zzz nice, now you can keep up with the latest good stuff and report if I break something
lbt i2psnark in that router just gives me "
lbt Unable to connect to I2P
lbt no search bar without torrents also I guess?
lbt Pasted a magnet link and is working fine despite that message it seems
dr|z3d no torrents, no search.
dr|z3d speaking of, never got a satisfactory answer, zzz. is your javascript intended to replace the search with a live search, or just to persist the search over ajax refreshes?
zzz live search, kick off XHR onInput() event, give canon a try to see what you should end up with after the merge
dr|z3d ok, thanks.
dr|z3d you've got a class and an id for the form iirc. only need id, unless you're intending to use multiple instances of the form on the same page.
zzz yeah, more remnants of trials along the way
dr|z3d id only == single instance of element only. id + class == single instance of element with a class to enforce shared styling. class == shared styling element with no unique features.
zzz yup
dr|z3d mixed up the channels.
dr|z3d yeah, just link cancel however you want to style it to /i2psnark
zzz I know you're staring at it and trying to merge it but I really think you should try it before offering more suggestions, what I'm doing may not be apparent :)
dr|z3d this is an orthogonal issue.
zzz you're talking about the search cancel?
dr|z3d I think I get the gist of what you're up to :)
dr|z3d right.
dr|z3d input[type="cancel"]. that cancel.
zzz it's handled in js
dr|z3d I'm suggesting, though you may disagree, that if you want a foolproof cancel button that works with js or no-js, then cancel just needs to be a link.
zzz true, w/o js it's not gonna work right
zzz in some cases
zzz w/ js it's perfection :)
dr|z3d live search is definitely the way to go :)
zzz will be interested to hear if it's faster than yours
dr|z3d faster than the filtering, you mean?
zzz yes
dr|z3d I'll let you know
zzz dr|z3d, would you please update your docs, README.*, console /logs, website, etc. to tell your users to report bugs solely to you? not "us or you", and not just us
zzz I'd like for you to do the triage and then forward to us if necessary
zzz rather than vice versa