IRCaBot 2.1.0
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R4SAS orignal: в иссуи глянь
orignal че там?
R4SAS diva по поводу сэма писалО
orignal ладно разберемся
orignal я словил твое падние зато )))
R4SAS такое же?
R4SAS блять
R4SAS опять 2 отвалилось
R4SAS снова i2p::transport::SSU2Server::ProcessNextPacket
orignal нихуя понять не могу
orignal знаю
R4SAS поставь там try
R4SAS и добавь вывод в лог None
R4SAS чтобы можно было понять откуда и куда
R4SAS или не поможет?
orignal не поможет
orignal я разбирусь
orignal кое что уже понятно
orignal там похоже где то заврешнеие сесиии
orignal zzz, we don't have a way to bind to a local address, do we?
zzz orignal, please explain
orignal STREAM FORWARD for example
orignal we can specify host
zzz oh, SAM
orignal e.g. where we forwqard to
orignal ooop, sorry, yes, SAM
Darkdik SAM I AM
orignal but we don't have a way to specify local address
orignal I can do it for a tunnel
orignal but seems not such parameter for SAM
orignal let me read
orignal yes, same thing
orignal I see it on github
Darkdik > when devs talk in English
orignal Darkdik zzz is only exception ))
Darkdik I thought you'd force zzz to learn Russian, but I guess not :P
Darkdik You haven't Russinied him
orignal ofc I can bind using some global settings
orignal but would be nice to have an ability to specify it for SAM
zzz still not sure I understand the problem, reading more...
orignal espectially if host is ipv6
orignal the problem is simple
orignal you know address you want to connect to
Darkdik I heard bad shit about IPv6, that it has unnecessary bloatware or something
Darkdik But that's OS-level shit though xD
orignal but you need to oveeride routing
orignal by binding you connection to a local adddress expcilitly
orignal say you have few global ipv6 addresses
zzz why does the routing matter?
orignal rouring picks your address based on routing table
orignal and you can't reach host through it
zzz then isn't the routing table broken? he wants to forward to, why doesn't it just work?
orignal I'm not talking about his problem, I;m talking about more generic problem
orignal in his case it's just docker I guess
orignal my problem us
orignal we can specify it for an I2P Tunnel but not for SAM
zzz well, of course, normally when you want a socket to connect to somewhere, you just do socket(toIP, toPort); you don't bother specifying the local address
zzz if you're going to pick the local address then you need to know the routing table (((
orignal in most cases yes
orignal but there are situation when you must specify it explicitly
orignal no, I know what local IP I need to use for connections
orignal futhermore your host you are connecting to might be connected some strange way
zzz ok. well, we don't have any way to do that in java for sam, or i2ptunnel, or anything (except transports). And you're right, there's nothing in the SAM spec about it
orignal for i2ptunnel I've implemented because deavmi complained that connection came from wrong address
zzz sill seems to me like something is broken in the docker setup, but idk
orignal he used some network called barber or something like this
orignal again, it's not his problem
orignal for example I have two ipv6 addresses on one of my VPS
orignal from global
orignal one works another doesn't
orignal and by default routing goes thorough one that doesn't work
orignal I specify local address explicitly and it works
orignal my problem with SAM is that I can't specfify this address in config
orignal because it might be different for each STREAM FORWARD
zzz yeah I get it. It's probably not a boost issue like diva thinks
orignal ofc it's not
orignal boost does nothing
zzz yup
orignal if a wrapper ove connect system call
zzz so only two ways to fix it: 1) fix whatever is wrong with the docker interfaces/routing; 2) add a BIND parameter to STREAM FORWARD
orignal what's so funny in our converstaion?
orignal 1. he should try telnet first before blaming boost
orignal 2. we should add it in my opinion
R4SAS пошел пересобираться
orignal заодно прогони тест под нагрузкой
R4SAS ок
orignal я тут переделал разбивку по пакетам
zzz 1) agreed; 2) no objections (but not committing to actually implementing it in java)
Darkdik > <orignal> what's so funny in our converstaion? < C++ and Boost
orignal 2. we shoudl add to the specs
orignal Darkdik is it funny?
orignal like an optional param
Darkdik External libraries are lame, in my opinion
orignal try to write portable code without boost
Darkdik Is Boost to C++ like stdlib is to C? I don't think so, since it's like a 3rd party package?
Darkdik per-say
orignal code that works for all platroms
Darkdik I don't write C++ xD
orignal BIND param for STREAM FORWARD and datagream SESSION CREATE
zzz 2) do a MR for the SAM spec on our gitlab and we can review it in #ls2 sometime
` Darkdik, need to rewrite I2P in Future Language)00
R4SAS Darkdik: write i2p in assembler
R4SAS show us your skill
Darkdik I only know some C :D
Darkdik But modern languages suck, `
R4SAS pfff
orignal great, you could help with whitei2p
orignal plain C
orignal the only lib is openssl ))
Darkdik I heard tha C++ was made as a joke, but almost no one understood the joke, because no one but C creators were as talented to understand it lol
Darkdik I think it's .org
orignal do you agree to help with whitei2p ?
orignal becaus I don't have time for it
orignal show us your skills !!!
orignal make an amazing i2p implemntation
Darkdik Not now.. sick and busy. I told you that I am interested in it, and I will tell you again: maybe later :d
Darkdik What better way to understand something than to write it? Yes I agree with this thinking
Darkdik We had this conversation before xD
R4SAS like everyone who said like "<LANG> sucks! Write it in <LANG2>"
orignal then please don't critique other's work
R4SAS same answer
Darkdik Yeah, I forget sometimes
orignal unless you can demostrate your own
Darkdik my main flaw
Darkdik Sorry for wasting time
bombCity Darkdik: read the docs :P
R4SAS orignal: на останове вылет ловлю
orignal знаю
orignal разберемся
relaybot 13R4SAS: bigdick, ?
relaybot 13bigdick: извиняюсь если помешал
relaybot 13R4SAS: да надо было просто написать, я бы заметил
relaybot 13R4SAS: а то вылез тут АЛЯРМ
relaybot 13R4SAS: я и не понял сразу че это такое)_)
relaybot 13bigdick: Я тоже 🤣️
R4SAS orignal: быстро заглох, не более 900 кбпс