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orignal maybe
RN Hey y'all, I'm looking for suggestions on what IDE to choose for I2P tinkering. I'd entertain a cli but on this FreeBSD box I have KDE set up so gui would be great also but not required. I'm curious for reccomendations and one or two reasons why compared to other IDEs you may have tried.
RN if you can't respond because +m you can PM me also
not_bob emacs
RN ok, not_bob and top one or two reasons you like that over others?
not_bob Auto code highligitng.
not_bob Multi-document support.
not_bob Support for having "windows" open in the same console.
not_bob Multipul windows.
not_bob A built in file browser.
not_bob And, if you really want, you can enable vi key movement.
not_bob And best of all, you can script it using lisp.
not_bob That wasmore than one or two...
not_bob When I write code, I do it in vi, or emacs.
not_bob That's as close to an IDE that I ever use.
RN thanks! (not a vi fan, I'd rather nano+highliting)
not_bob Emacs can use normal arrow keys for movement.
not_bob Or, you can use ctrl+f, ctrl+b, ctrl+n, ctrl+p to move around as well.
RN emacs noted on my list.
not_bob You can also move a word at a time.
RN I remember in the past people mentioning netbeans, intelij-idea, and eclipse
not_bob I have never used those, so can't vounce for them.
RN but typically I haven't messed with code that's more than one or two files, so nano has served
not_bob Anywy, open emacs and run through the tutorial, it explains operation.
not_bob You can even run a linux terminal, or freebsd terminal inside of emacs for testing things.
RN that sounds like a useful feature
not_bob You can split the screen in any direction you want, resize the windows.
not_bob And this is all in a text mode window. It has a GUI as well.
not_bob I never use the GUI mode.
not_bob If you launch it with the command line argument -nw, then it goes to text mode even if x11 is detected.
not_bob It can also view images when you run it in x11 mode.
RN sounds great... bookmarked site. gotta afk for a bit. hope to get a couple more suggestions or opinions. thanks again not_bob. :)
not_bob Anytime.
not_bob I'm afk as well.
dr|z3d if you want a fully fledged ide, RN, try vscode, or codium.
dr|z3d if you want something a little more lightweight as a complimentary editor, try bluefish.