IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
zzz loading the canon with coffee
weko zzz: what do you mean?
dr|z3d he means he's about to push some defensive updates just as soon as he's coffee'd up :)
zzz waking up, starting to check in things. good morning ))
weko i have day time now ))
zzz fire the cannons
weko good morning ))
dr|z3d all hands on deck.
zzz time to get stuff off of my hard drive and onto yours
weko okay it is good
orignal I see leasesets everywhere
zzz I don't see any
zzz but I was wrong, I do store them
zzz it's LS lookups I don't handle... I send DBSRM and my own RI in reply to them
zzz first batch of mitigations is checked in
zzz java expl. build success average at a new low, 18.5%
weko zzz: what you think about my idea (whitch orignal resaid tomorrow)?
zzz remind me
weko [18:55:45] <zzz> remind me
weko [22:32:37] <9d54b3orignal> yes weko has this idea
weko [22:33:01] <9d54b3orignal> don't consider a new router as as FF until you connect to it al leat once
weko [22:33:14] <9d54b3orignal> I like this approach
weko [22:33:45] <b39775weko> Decrease chance for connect to 1/10 for example
weko [22:33:47] <9d54b3orignal> if you are floodfill you connect to all other floodfills frequetly
weko [22:34:18] <9d54b3orignal> so we have a profile for FF
weko [22:34:40] <9d54b3orignal> if we receive one from a reseed we enable it instatly
weko [22:35:12] <9d54b3orignal> otherwise try to connect and only that include it to reponses and flood
zzz weko, I answered that 3 minutes later
weko I misunderstood, sorry.
weko But you meant what already in latest release or you added this recently?
zzz been there forever
zzz please discuss your ideas with the i2pd devs
orignal I see database store msgs with LeaseSets in it on non-FF routers
orignal and everybody else sees