IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
zzz orignal, you said you were thinking about sending tunnel reject code 50 if you were not accepting any tunnels...
zzz have you made a decision yet? because I was going to rip out some of my code that handled that
orignal up to you
orignal you tell me what codes are allowed
orignal I use only 30 now
zzz anything is allowed, the spec is 0/10/20/30/50, I want to know if you have any plans to use 50
dr|z3d if G == go away, code 50?
zzz btw dr|z3d how you doing on postman's wrong LS problem?
zzz because it's not as harmless as I once thought since he's multihomed
dr|z3d haven't seen it here. not convinced it's my problem. maybe orignal's problem.
dr|z3d keep looking at my irc.postman LS, every time it tells me EdDSA.
zzz it's not an i2pd problem, because I see it here
zzz as stated
dr|z3d about time dual LeaseSets were put out to pasture, in any event.
zzz of course it may not be your problem, but until you prove it isn't, it's not going to be fixed
dr|z3d remind me again, what exactly are you seeing there?
zzz I'm looking at my LS tab right now and I have both
zzz both LS in netdb
dr|z3d so you have 2 separate LS for irc.postman?
zzz yes
zzz he's sending the wrong one, so we have to fetch the right one from ff
dr|z3d and that's persistent, transient, once in a blue moon? I don't understand why I can't see it here.
zzz you on that server?
zzz persistent, starting 10 minutes after connect
zzz how are you attempting to reproduce?
dr|z3d you see, that could just as much indicate that you both are broken and I've fixed the woopsie here :)
dr|z3d I'm always on postman's irc.
dr|z3d as stated, I'm regularly reviewing the leasesets I have for irc.postman in my netdb.
zzz do you have both dests in your address book?
dr|z3d if I do, it's not obvious.
zzz does susidns list both on the details page
dr|z3d I vaguely recall something being on the details page, which is where I looked, and from there I don't see anything about a migrated dest or whatever it would say.
dr|z3d so no, it doesn't list both.
zzz then you'll have to ^F for the DSA b32, not the hostname, on the LS page to find the other one
dr|z3d not found if I perform a host/b32 search, however, if I look on the LS page, I see 2 LS's tagged as irc.postman.i2p
zzz then the DSA dest is in your addressbook, and you do have both
dr|z3d so, sidenote, if I can see them both tagged as irc.postman, then I should be able to find them with the advanced search.
zzz don't do advanced search because that will fetch it
zzz I don't know why you said you've never seen them both in your netdb, but now you say you have both
dr|z3d I already did, maybe that's why I only had 1 before and now I have 2?
zzz ofc if you fetch the LS manually you're going to have it
zzz you cannot reproduce the issue via advanced search
zzz you don't try to test if he's sending you the wrong one by fetcing it manually
zzz verify you have both dests in susidns or not. Two sets of QR codes or one
dr|z3d have both in book, forgot that they were stacked.
zzz now
zzz as I said
zzz reproduce by connecting to postman, or staying connected, wait 10 minutes, dont be doing any manual lookups
zzz then ^F for postman on the LS page
zzz count 1 or 2, if 1, which one
zzz we've gotten nowhere on this in two weeks
dr|z3d I don't know what you mean by we.
dr|z3d "play with netcat" was about the extent of your help.
dr|z3d and the quality of the help, or the tone with which it's being delivered, hasn't much improved.
dr|z3d so, you know, if you want to keep on barking at me, carry on. but it won't achieve the desired result.
dr|z3d I hope I'm being heard. because these one way conversations are beyond tedious. you want a conversation on your terms when you decide you want it, and otherwise you want to shut any conversation down. that's not even remotely decent.
zzz heard
zzz the netcat advice still stands, if you don't want to set up an irc server, but that presumed you'd already seen the two dests on the LS tab
dr|z3d no need for extended testing. issue has been confirmed as resident in vanilla i2p, zzz.
dr|z3d check your current irc.postman leasesets, it's running on vanilla. I see both EdDSA and DSA here.
dr|z3d as discussed with postman, I suspected this issue predates the transition to I2P+. his router is currently <postman> an old 1.6.1-0
zzz hmm he told me irc was on plus
dr|z3d I'm telling you for the last 15m it's been on vanilla.
zzz but to make up for not being decent, I'll get right on it :)
zzz okey dokey
zzz thanks
zzz hmm what do I have to log to track this down...
zzz OCMOSJ... I2CP... streaming...
dr|z3d over a year ago I had transient issues connecting to postman's server, would just report some java error. this relates to that I suspect.
zzz I don't think it's OCMOSJ's fault... working backwardds...
zzz I think it might be ratchet?
zzz yeah it's a ratchet ack
zzz so it's sending both LS
zzz so I'm back to not a big issue
zzz this might get messy...
orignal same shit after restart. 2 leasesets
zzz yeah I'm working on it
orignal hhcy7zznltay2tzwdvtd37g2inptemz3hk5zmxyi57d3sxgxbseq 3 4
orignal mpvr7qmek2yz2ekegp5rur573z7e77vp3xqt2lfbco5i6nkfppcq 3 4
orignal this is answer to dr|z3d
zzz but it's sending both directly to you, you're not having to look it up
orignal he saked me to restart and try
orignal no, it seems I receive mpv
orignal and request hhc
zzz ok. in my tests so far I'm sending both
orignal e.g. I don't receive update hhc
orignal I request it from floodfiils
orignal maybe
orignal becuase I see diconnects too often
orignal it's sign and I don't receive update LS on time
orignal maybe I receive both but not every time
zzz yeah because it's multihomed, if it weren't sending it to you it would fail a lot more
orignal probably
orignal so you know what causes it?
zzz it's the ratchet-layer ack timer
zzz gets confused about which dest
zzz time to read our specs, I don't remember much about ratchet
orignal I told you this
orignal why do we even need to send dest
zzz what
orignal destination field in garlic
orignal you said because you might have multiple addresses on the same tunnels
zzz right, well I still need it :)
zzz but I'm forgetting for acks
orignal I set it just for compatubuntu with you
zzz I get an ACK REQUEST block, set a timer, then send it to the wrong place
zzz I didn't find the problem two weeks ago because I was looking at I2CP and streaming, not ratchet
orignal I'm wodering how I send new LS in this case
orignal probably I don't
zzz ok that took half a day, but I have a maybe-fix, untested, will test tomorrow