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zzz ping dr|z3d
dr|z3d *pong*
zzz first
zzz dr|z3d, since I now have to ask this every time, is irc.postman.i2p running on plus?
dr|z3d you'd need to talk to postman. not intimately acquainted with the topology of his infrastructure.
zzz ok will do
zzz second
zzz the infinite loop through the netdb lookup code is extremely concerning
zzz so I need to put this on the table
zzz the possibility that plus is contributing to the network issues
zzz how likely? dunno
dr|z3d not very likely is my guess, if at all. I'd have seen the infinite loop bug on other routers if it wasn't pretty rare.
zzz but your netdb structural mods are ill-conceived, borked, and glitch-prone at best
zzz I recommend that you back out all of it
zzz if you don't agree, then perhaps what I need to do to protect the network is drop everything and walk you through all the issues
zzz which really isn't what I want to or should be doing
dr|z3d in any event, users updating from either in-console the release or dev urls have the fix.
dr|z3d *have the fix available
dr|z3d that's a bit too broad brush, I have no idea what you think is ill-conceived, borked, glitchy.
zzz you're making significant changes in code you really shouldn't be mucking in
dr|z3d I'm still none the wiser.
zzz right because it's not my yob to worry about downstreams, but if they threaten the network I guess I have to
dr|z3d I think you're overstating the threat tbh.
dr|z3d based on a bug that's now fixed that I've never seen on a fairly sizeable chunk of routers, only via a report.
zzz maybe, but we have seen what a small number of routers can do
dr|z3d ok, let's be clear. i2p+ routers aren't responsible for a) oversized b/w requests or b) excessive tunnel requests.
dr|z3d those are the 2 issues that are currently afflicting the network.
dr|z3d I'm happy to take guidance where you think I've taken a wrong turn, but telling me my code is borked and whatnot isn't very helpful.
zzz probably not, but we don't know what other contributing causes may be out there
zzz right, I know I'm not being helpful, I'm just frustrated
dr|z3d well, yeah, exactly. we don't know.
dr|z3d so it's a stretch to start hypothesizing that i2p+ is the issue.
dr|z3d why don't we work from the basic hypothesis that the network's under attack?
dr|z3d that's a good starting point, and one that's a lot more credible.
zzz just putting it on the table, not assessing a likelihood. But your mods, like the 20-introducer mod guys, are not benign, and we need to classify your product as a separate implementation
zzz and treat your product as an individual suspect, as the other implementations are
dr|z3d what's not benign?
dr|z3d if you're really suggesting my mods are hostile to the network, you should run i2p+ somewhere so you can validate your thesis.
zzz making changes that can infinite loop? that affect fundamental code?
dr|z3d otherwise, it's just random conjecture, and it doesn't give me anything actionable. I've already fixed that loop, as I mentioned on zzz.i2p, and apparently it works according to the reporter.
zzz I'm saying your mods have that potential. Not a thesis.
dr|z3d yesterday it was all about "we all make mistakes, shit happens". today you're accusing me of non-benign mods. I don't think that's even remotely fair.
zzz non-benign as in they're not inherently safe
dr|z3d I've fixed the infinite loop bug, that was unfortunate. the commit is on gitlab if you want to review it for sanity and the like. but I take issue with your claims that my code is borked. If you find stuff that's genuinely borked, I'm always listening.
zzz I'm not accusing you of anything. I'm assessing the quality of your code and its potential to spiral out of control
dr|z3d I can't work with vaguaries or generalizations, notwithstanding.
zzz sure, I get it
zzz I have to decide if this is how I want to spend my time
dr|z3d If I had your concerns, I'd run I2P+ in a VM or whatever and just keep an eye on it for a while, run it with extending logging, and see if it has the potential the blow up the network :)
dr|z3d I think your concerns are valid, but overstated, but I'm not looking to dismiss them out of hand.
dr|z3d Even if I didn't have your concerns, I'd probably be curious to learn how I2P+ functions relative to I2P, but that's just me :)
zzz thank you. my only message for now is code carefully. If I can gather the energy and time to do a code review, I'll try to schedule some time with you
zzz but I won't be running your router with a ten foot pole right now :)
dr|z3d entirely up to you, no obligation :)
RN I'm running one if I can test anything or help in any way
dr|z3d re coding carefully, that stackoverflow bug was from fairly old code in the scheme of things. I'm more circumspect now about what I'm modding, at least I hope I am.
dr|z3d if you see a stackoverflow bug, RN, holler. unlikely, should be fixed, but any ERROR or CRIT bugs are noteworthy.
zzz the reason it's working is you have at least two bugs on top of each other that are cancelling each other out, so don't think everything is ducky now
dr|z3d ok, I'll review the code some more. thanks.
zzz thats why I don't want to get into it wihtout a lot of time because it could get a lot worse if done halfway
zzz you may wish to review and assess which of your significant changes over the years are still necessary today
zzz then make a list of those and ask for eyeballs
zzz and revert the rest to minimize risk, test time, and support time
zzz you're in a bind because nobody is looking at your code. ever.
dr|z3d I get some code review, though maybe not quite at the level I'd like, and I also get out-of-band bug reports. not as bad as you're suggesting.
dr|z3d I appreciate the offer of "eyeballs" though. Thanks.
dr|z3d just because we're on separate code bases doesn't mean we can't help each other :)
zzz well, hopefully not just mine
zzz but you'd have to tell us where to look
zzz my main concern is netdb but even within that is 51 separate files
dr|z3d that's why there aren't too many sets of eyeballs competent to review the code :)
zzz and 12,852 lines
zzz on my side
dr|z3d if there are bugs obvious to you in, they're not so obvious to me. the intention there is to keep the router from refreshing routers that we're not going to be using for local tunnel builds.
dr|z3d canon just reduces the expiry for routers to keep the netdb in check, cannon attempts to grade routers based on reported performance and expire the crap earlier.
zzz and because you changed all the log lines there's no way for anybody to easily audit your changes
zzz thats why you'd have to point people in the right direction
dr|z3d necessary. canon formats the logs that are probably useful to == 1 person :)
dr|z3d when I read logs, I don't want to have to decrypt obscure acronyms or scratch my head trying to parse multiple lines of unformatted text.
zzz i mean shouldLog() -> shouldxxx
dr|z3d don't know what you mean. talking about the level of logging events?
zzz tweaking everything just adds unnecessary risk to your users, and yes, to the network
dr|z3d oh, that. the first is just longhand for the latter, no?
dr|z3d a for reverting, it's all about what I'm trying to accomplish. I prefer to refine not revert unless something is evidently broken.
zzz there could be, for example, anonymity/security risks to your users that don't affect the network
RN dr|z3d, grepped all logs, no instance of "Stack"
zzz so for each change me or you or anybody makes, it introduces some risk epsilon and takes time, and it's our job to assess that it's worth it
zzz and unique to you, it increases your maintenance burden by a different epsilon
dr|z3d current tunnel build success on a fairly loaded system: 73%. do I win a prize?
dr|z3d can't be all bad, zzz :)
zzz if that's expl + client, I can't line that up w/ anything, all of stats.i2p is expl only
zzz dunno what i2pd does
dr|z3d yeah, it's total build success. I figured that's a more useful metric that just expl or client.
dr|z3d added a graph as well, so easy to track performance over time.
dr|z3d could be good to do a client + expl percentage graph on stats.i2p
zzz not a good time to be offering me suggestions/couldas/shouldas, I need a couple weeks
zzz in general. not about you :)
dr|z3d ok, what's your focus right now?
dr|z3d obviously something's got under your skin :|
dr|z3d if it's not i2p related, forget I asked.
zzz a lot going on and too many interrupts
zzz so if I sound cranky, I am, again, not about you
zzz I just need a minute
dr|z3d take all the time you need
zzz thanks for your understanding. I rarely cry uncle but now's the time