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obscuratus In Java-I2P, when a peer disconnects from another SSU2 peer, the disconnected peers sends an acknowledgement, right? Is that acknowledgement an encrypted SSU2 packet?
zzz yes
zzz 0) Hi
zzz what does everybody have for the list today?
eyedeekay In lieu of a `go-i2p` update this week I'd like to talk a little(or a lot) about naming
zzz ok 1) is naming
zzz I'll add 2) prop. 161 draft
zzz anything else?
zzz ok then
zzz 1) naming
eyedeekay Just to clarify by this I mean human-readable naming of the type we use in the addressbook
zzz what about it?
eyedeekay I would like to look into common ways of extending this system, I went through some of my existing experiments with naming and came up with some ideas
zzz what are your goals?
eyedeekay I would like to: reduce dependency on registrars and subscription providers for distributing names, set expectations for the properties of host with the top-level host as shorthand, not conflict with existing namespace, possible implement compatibility with TLS
dr|z3d ri compression, that's yours, zzz :)
eyedeekay Or at least something like compatibility with TLS
eyedeekay I have 3 big ideas, one-sentence summaries are:
eyedeekay X-I2P-Hostname header
eyedeekay Federated jump registrars
eyedeekay and GNS over I2P
eyedeekay From easiest to hardest
zzz x-i2p header is the analog to tor, for clearnet-to-i2p conversion?
eyedeekay Sort of, we have X-I2P-Location now, which redirects you to a b32
eyedeekay But X-I2P-Hostname would distribute the hostname from the host itself in the form of an addresshelper inside of a header
eyedeekay Which we would respond to with an interstitial offering to add the hostname
eyedeekay I see 3 obvious problems with this one, which I believe I can overcome
eyedeekay I do consider it a goal to be backward-compatible with the existing namesystem.
eyedeekay The easiest way to shortcut that with that would be to give any new system it it's own top-level namespace, `.iip` or `.host2p` for instance
eyedeekay The obvious issue I could see is that there's no collision-protection from the server, clients presumably have to ask the user to disambiguate conflicting hostnames via an interstitial, which is not ideal, but using a different namespace like `.host2p` would prevent it interfering with the existing top-level namespace.The other issue I could see is with TLS, obviously we can't see the headers until they hit the brow
eyedeekay LS certificate itself I think, so if it is valid for both the b32 and the hostname then we could see that and use it in a similar way to the header. Also I have the space to add this to I2PIPB's TLS handler which currently only says "This certificate is self signed for whatever hostname, certificates in I2P are experimental."The last issue I anticipate is that there is no way of associating a 3rd-level hostname with
eyedeekay in this model. This would require "registrars" to reject 3rd-level registration attempts, unless we added some means of signing the header content with the second-level key and had registrars interpret that. It seems achievable but I have not specified any proposed way to do it yet.I suspect that one is the real blocker^?
eyedeekay Sorry, I'll break that back up
eyedeekay The obvious issue I could see is that there's no collision-protection from the server, clients presumably have to ask the user to disambiguate conflicting hostnames via an interstitial, which is not ideal, but using a different namespace like `.host2p` would prevent it interfering with the existing top-level namespace.
eyedeekay The other issue I could see is with TLS, obviously we can't see the headers until they hit the browser, but we can see the TLS certificate itself I think, so if it is valid for both the b32 and the hostname then we could see that and use it in a similar way to the header. Also I have the space to add this to I2PIPB's TLS handler which currently only says "This certificate is self signed for whatever hostname, certif
eyedeekay ental."
eyedeekay The last issue I anticipate is that there is no way of associating a 3rd-level hostname with a second-level hostname in this model. This would require "registrars" to reject 3rd-level registration attempts, unless we added some means of signing the header content with the second-level key and had registrars interpret that. It seems achievable but I have not specified any proposed way to do it yet.
eyedeekay From my notes directly, sorry about that first one
eyedeekay Other things I was thinking: it may also need a warning/general guideline that it should not be used for sites which do not wish to be public, since anyone with the b32 could register the hostname. The interstitial would require a "Reject permanently for this site" option for the clients to avoid unwanted interstitials.
eyedeekay It seems not-crazy to me, and would be a tiny proposal compared to the other two
zzz think I've said it before, but with any naming scheme you have to start with the trust model/architecture. thats the hard part
dr|z3d added complexity for what gain? not entirely clear what we're winning.
zzz the tech is relatively straightforward
zzz yeah I'm having trouble mapping any of the three ideas to the goals
eyedeekay Yeah this is far and away the easiest of the three things I attempted at some point in the past that worked
eyedeekay The one this maps onto is reduced reliance on registrars and jump services, it gives hosts a way to hand out their own names
dr|z3d host header, good idea, but without conflict resolution it's dead in the water.
eyedeekay That's the #1 problem with it but isn't that something clients can handle already?
eyedeekay If I attempt to register idk.i2p to a different key with an addresshelper I get a disambiguation page
zzz we have all the conflict resolution in the addresshelper insterstitial
dr|z3d if you're handing that back to the client, then that's fine. it sounded like you might be bypassing that altogether with the embedded helper.
eyedeekay No never. interstitial-only
eyedeekay It would need a reject permanently button for that reason too, don't want to re-present the interstitial if somebody wants to permanently reject it
dr|z3d sounds like there doesn't need to be another interstitial then, just a direct handoff to the client.
eyedeekay Not a new one, just a trigger
eyedeekay This is the really-easy one, so easy I wondered when I was thinking about it why no one had tried it before
eyedeekay Unless there's an existing thread somewhere I missed
dr|z3d the only thing that's possibly desirable is a note in the client addresshelper page to indicate that the host is providing the addresshelper.
eyedeekay I agree, I think that's a good idea, in fact I was considering whether indicating it in the name itself might be a good idea
zzz why don't you spend 5 minutes on each of the other two ideas
eyedeekay Less easy, maybe the "worst of all worlds," maybe not, would be to have "Federations" of jump service/registrars which communicate with eachother under certain circumstances.
eyedeekay This one's more complicated in a lot of ways one of which being that it may require buy-in from registrars and agreement on communication tools.
eyedeekay And it's less good because it doesn't really reduce reliance on jump servers, it just defines rules for them
zzz we used to do this. you just subscribe to each other. no tools required
eyedeekay It does have the advantage of building a server-side method of disambiguation
dr|z3d I was about to say the same thing, zzz.
eyedeekay Yeah I know, I'm getting to the interesting bit
zzz i believe notbob subscribes to stats
dr|z3d we already have that in part. i2pjump subscribes to notbob, notbob subscribes to stats and reg. there's your federation :)
eyedeekay In this case, each registrar would be able to answer requests to 2 versions of an I2P hostname, one ending with `.iip` and one ending with `.rc.fed2p` where `rc` is a codename that the registrar agrees on using with the rest of the federation.
eyedeekay When answering `.iip` requests you answer with a list of `rc.fed2p` requests, where everybody in the federation answers with the name they have for the service if they have one.
eyedeekay This is to help handle potential collisions on the client *and* server side and participate in finding and preventing attempts to "Poison" hostnames by registering them with jump services before they synchronize.
eyedeekay Attacks of the type described in this paper:
eyedeekay Protection would work at 2 layers, the clients would receive an(albeit large) bundle of addresses for any given hostname, which could only be accepted if they all agree on what keys the hostname should use.
eyedeekay The server software would also inform all admins in the federation of any conflicting registrations through their admin panel and their source, to provide them with the information necessary to identify and disambiguate conflicting registrations with other admins.
eyedeekay The downsides are also complicated I think, they're very human-factor type things.
eyedeekay It makes a hypothetical jump-federation quite powerful for potentially censoring certain names, but subscription providers, jump services, registrars all already are pretty powerful.
eyedeekay But maybe this could be done in such a way that it encourages transparency.
eyedeekay That said, this is my least-favorite of all three.
zzz that's an awful lot to deal with poisoning which we haven't seen as a problem and wasn't among your goals
eyedeekay Yeah I'm not going to die on this hill, it was just an interesting one from my archive
zzz also any new TLD like .iip isn't great. Better to just use .i2p and 'stack' naming systems. try new one first, then fallback to what we have now
zzz ok there's your 5 minutes, what's your pitch for GNS?
eyedeekay This is the one I know the least about from practical experience so far
eyedeekay There are a few things that have changed about GNS since the last time there was an extended discussion of it on `zzz.i2p`
eyedeekay For one thing, it has documentation now, part of which clarifies that it's not actually tied to any specific storage or communication backend.
zzz i tried coding it a couple years back and got stuck
zzz in the crypto. don't remember why
eyedeekay Well in this case, the approach *could* be mostly about working with en existing GNS implementation, which would simplify things.
zzz the thing about GNS is it's actually very radical and hard to present to users
eyedeekay I could make this about creating binding-generators for the GNS implementation in go-gnunet, which is quite tiny
zzz there is ****no**** root. everybody is their own root
eyedeekay This would end up as a plugin which would work over SAM
eyedeekay Yes I'm aware, which I don't like, it means we have our own complicated versions of some of the problems from that spec I think
zzz so there would be a idk.zzz.i2p, and a idk.drzed.i2p. depends who your root is
zzz we have a facility for plugging in naming systems on top of what we have now
eyedeekay But I do like that we get to sign our own roots
dr|z3d sorry, network glitch, I must have missed a chunk of discussion.
eyedeekay not that much
eyedeekay (02:58:44 PM) eyedeekay: I could make this about creating binding-generators for the GNS implementation in go-gnunet, which is quite tiny
eyedeekay (02:58:54 PM) zzz: there is ****no**** root. everybody is their own root
zzz so I think we have all the infrastructure anybody needs for experimentation
eyedeekay (02:59:03 PM) eyedeekay: This would end up as a plugin which would work over SAM
eyedeekay (02:59:27 PM) eyedeekay: Yes I'm aware, which I don't like, it means we have our own complicated versions of some of the problems from that spec I think
eyedeekay (02:59:33 PM) dr|z3d [user@zhxsnsdpzpfy2l4w6gzvwlwzcalff3od7ushw3mvjcedrtogvbgq.b32.i2p] entered the room.
eyedeekay (02:59:33 PM) mode (+v dr|z3d) by ChanServ
eyedeekay (02:59:33 PM) zzz: so there would be a idk.zzz.i2p, and a idk.drzed.i2p. depends who your root is
eyedeekay (03:00:20 PM) zzz: we have a facility for plugging in naming systems on top of what we have now
eyedeekay (03:00:20 PM) eyedeekay: But I do like that we get to sign our own roots
eyedeekay (03:00:24 PM) dr|z3d: sorry, network glitch, I must have missed a chunk of discussion.
dr|z3d thanks
eyedeekay I agree, in that way it's could also be less work than the federation thing
dr|z3d my last comments before I dropped off:
dr|z3d <dr|z3d> I'm still not seeing what problem this is meant to solve.
dr|z3d <dr|z3d> I mean, do we actually have a problem right now or is this all hypothetical?
eyedeekay It's not as simple as the header thing and there's this added difficulty of storing and communicating the names
zzz start with the trust model and how any possible solution meets the goals.
eyedeekay This is all hypothetical, it's just a thing I'm interested in and zzz asked for ideas for proposals last week, striking the iron while it's hot
zzz I actually haven't seen very many complaints about the current system. people think they want distributed but what they really like and understand is centralized
zzz half hour in, good discussion, can we wrap it up?
zzz next steps?
zzz anything else on 1) ?
eyedeekay I'm going to add the hostname thing to sam-forwarder and eephttpd just to play with it, it's about a half-hour's work if that
eyedeekay the GNS implementation in go-gnunet is tiny, I can assess how to make it talk to I2P this week too
dr|z3d 2) is the RI compression you're working on, zzz? prop 161?
zzz SAM seems like the wrong place architetcurally but as good a place as any for experiments
eyedeekay yeah sam-forwarder is basically an i2ptunnel emulator
eyedeekay For experiments
eyedeekay I do all kind of weird stuff with it
dr|z3d address helper headers gets some interest from me, the other proposals not so much.
zzz if you want to try a stacked naming service in java I can walk you through how to hook it in
eyedeekay Absolutely, would need that for GNS which I want to at least take a stab at
zzz 2) prop. 161 draft
zzz draft is up
zzz I basically wrote up what was in the zzz.i2p thread.
zzz I added a section for future protocol changes as orignal described in that thread, for him to contribute to
zzz not asking for comments today
zzz please review and we can talk about next week
zzz yes 3) ri compression == 2) prop 161
dr|z3d ok, thought so.
zzz orignal last week or two said he didn't see much if any benefit, so I tried to put as much info in there as I could
zzz on where the benefit is and how much
zzz anything else on 2) ?
dr|z3d good work, looks substantial.
orignal so what's the benefit?
orignal will check
zzz please read the proposal, there's a bullet list in the goals, and an 'estimated savings' section
zzz thanks
orignal "Eliminate requirement to generate ElGamal keypair for Destinations"
orignal don't we use random ?
zzz see 1st paragraph in overview
zzz the spec doesn't say that
zzz we still generate keypairs
zzz so the first part of the proposal is 'it's ok to use random'
dr|z3d he's quoting the first line of the Goals section.
eyedeekay ~82% of destination and 74% of router identity seems like quite a substantial savings over a lot of requests
orignal so, you proposal is basically compression
zzz y'all please take your time and come back in a week. skimming and commenting in two minutes isn't productive for anybody
orignal I would prefer to replace 256 bytes by 32 bytes
orignal then let me tell my proposal
zzz please write it up and I'll add it to 161. there's a section there for you 'protocol changes'
orignal 32 bytes encryption key 32 bytes signing key and no cert
orignal identity is always 64 bytes
orignal but I have this proposal for many years
zzz write it down how it would work and I'll add it to the 'protocol changes' section
zzz that section is for you
orignal I need to think more how to differentiate old and new
zzz anything else on 2) ?
orignal my another proposal was to always use B33 for destinations
orignal e.g. 35 bytes
zzz there's a bullet list in there of compatibility issues to think about
zzz anything else for the meeting?
orignal I could never understand the idea of full base64 for destinations
eyedeekay Nothing else from me
orignal because we need signature key/type only
zzz all goes back to 2003, before my time, before sigtypes, before b32
orignal I know but it's time to simplify