IRCaBot 2.1.0
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orignal i2pd doesn't send ping packets
orignal pongs only
orignal about this RI
orignal do you know if it was compressed or not?
zzz not a real ping, just an empty packet with padding only we use for keepalive for introducers. Since it's empty it needs 5 bytes padding minimum
orignal yes I send such packets
orignal size_t payloadSize = CreatePaddingBlock (payload, 20, 5);
orignal 5 bytes min
zzz anyway, that's what I fixed
zzz re: RI, I've seen the issue on both compressed and uncompressed, in the RI in the session confirmed
zzz maybe an off-by-one issue, missing the last ';' ?
orignal was it frgamented?
orignal I will check
orignal I'm wornding if it was close tomax packet size
orignal maybe buffer was full
orignal I will check
zzz looking...
zzz saw several times on Sept. 15, nothing since then
orignal that's why I think it might be a perfect match of size
zzz I've seen it both in session confirmed (always unfragmented) and in data phase
zzz both compressed and uncompressed
orignal packet size matters
orignal but I will check
zzz packet sizes, not including IP/UDP overhead:
zzz 913, 915, 918, 991, 996, 1000, 1004, 1235
orignal so it's not this
orignal I will check
zzz working on a performance section of the blog post. What was your i2pd-i2pd SSU2 vs. SSU1 max speed improvement?
orignal R4SAS seen 1.7 Meg/s with SSU2
orignal SSU1 is not more than 500K
zzz ok thanks
orignal everybody is busy in politics now ))
orignal wait for second
orignal how about signature?
zzz I parse the RI before validating the sig, so I don't know
orignal why do you do it?
orignal anyway it's not just 1 bytes off because signature
zzz that's the way it's always been, have to do both, doesn't matter what order
orignal if signature doesn't match you don't waste resources to parse
zzz sure, but if there's parse errors or invalid values, you don't waste resources validating signature :)
zzz 99.9% of the time doesn't matter, because both are successful
orignal do you see this issue with one router or few?
zzz looks like only one router, / 2a02:25b0:aaaa:aaaa:6407:e5dc:1aa9:1 port 23154 dBl1ZP
orignal maybe memory corruption
zzz didn't realize it was all the same router until now because it was both ipv4 and v6