IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
orignal weko has discovered something interesting
orignal NTCP2 sessions got didconnected quiclky with his mobile operator
orignal while SSU2-only sessions stable
zzz is he in a censorship country?
R4SAS some operators just blocks torrent traffic
R4SAS so they think that NTCP2 is bittorrent )))
orignal in Russia
orignal it's not about censorship
orignal it's about p2p traffic I guess
orignal so my patricular question is if SSU2 should have priority over NTCP2 for mobile
zzz what we do is if there's a very high failure rate on one transport we prefer the other one
orignal good to know
dr|z3d what about this RI/dest compression, orignal? are you contemplating getting that into i2pd? see: git.idk.i2p/i2p-hackers/i2p.i2p/-/merge_requests/66
orignal what's this?
dr|z3d zzz said you're not sold on the idea..
dr|z3d would be good to get it into the next release.. zzz's contemplating a rekeying event, so maybe it would be good to make that happen around the same time SSU2 shift happens..
zzz dr|z3d, I'll bring it up when I'm ready, keep your pants on
dr|z3d orignal's all about performance, so it seems like a win :)
orignal I don't use a compressor
orignal usually I use mmecpy only ))
dr|z3d I don't think we're talking about a gzip event here :)
orignal then what's that?
dr|z3d the gzip you're referring to is related to on disk storage, that's a secondary benefit. the main thrust is this: Replaces the 256-byte ElG key in dests with padding.
dr|z3d Make all padding in dests and router identities be a repeating random 32-byte pattern.
orignal yes I know what you are talking about
zzz 0) Hi
zzz what's on the agenda for today?
orignal not too much and I need to run to another meeting at 3:30
eyedeekay fuck there's a dog attacking my cat outside, I'll be late for the meeting
zzz lol
zzz I'll add a brief 1) SSU2 blog post update
dr|z3d not funny, unless eyedeekay's been on the acid again :)
orignal yes please
zzz we'll put go-i2p on as 2) if the cat lives
zzz anything else?
orignal that Identity compression dr|z3d meantioned before
zzz 1) SSU2 blog post update
zzz and I've been getting some reviews and comments on my forum
zzz need to add something about performance
eyedeekay OK I'm back
eyedeekay He's fine
orignal you have missed Chacha2 crypto from the list
dr|z3d it's good, readable and pitched at a level mere mortals can understand, zzz.
zzz ok thanks for the feedback
zzz chacha is in there somewhere
zzz All I2P Noise protocols use the following standard cryptographic algorithms:
zzz X25519
zzz ChaCha20/Poly1305 AEAD
zzz SHA-256
zzz should I put it somewhere else?
orignal Just Chacha20
orignal not chacha/poly
zzz oh, ok
zzz will do
orignal that's my only note
orignal everything else looks good
zzz will keep banging away at it, hope to be done by end of the month, but feel free to steal whatever you or acetone want
zzz anything else on 1) ?
orignal acetone is MIA
orignal you know why, ritgh ? ))
zzz no, don't know him well at all
zzz 2) go-i2p
orignal he has got released from prison redcently
orignal hence he doesn't have plenty of free time anymore
zzz better than still in
zzz eyedeekay, what's the latest on go?
zzz 30 sec and we'll skip to 3)
eyedeekay re: go-i2p transports: I fixed the thing with the creating sessions on different ports and have been able start writing real connection tests, which I actually just started checking in along with the noise transport itself.
eyedeekay I would say it doesn't work right, but it's getting much closer
zzz oh great
eyedeekay also got to give it up to thulium, who has become a consistent contributor and I really like where his head is at about this.
zzz I saw the mapping fix patch
orignal zzz my point is that I might take care about SSU2 article on habr
eyedeekay Super helpful to have him around, many, many thanks to him
eyedeekay MVP of the week
zzz re: habr, yea I figured, maybe what I wrote will help you, maybe not
zzz you were assuming all integers were 8 bytes or something...
orignal definitly it will
eyedeekay Not on purpose, but yes I was
zzz ok, anything else on 2) ?
zzz go ahead dr|z3d
orignal yes, what's your pruposal and what's a goal?
dr|z3d well, it's really yours, zzz, but I'll say a couple of words by way of introduction..
dr|z3d the idea is to reduce the size of RIs and dests which should make for faster exchanges when they're used.
dr|z3d I think you mentioned something about the major benefit being for streaming, zzz?
zzz the MR is only WIP
orignal let me clarify
orignal originally we were trying to fit SessionConfirmed message
orignal but then we have found that fragmentation is still rteqeuired in some cases
orignal beside it I don't see any motivation to implemente it
zzz I'm working on a proposal. I'll have more to say when I'm ready. I'm not prepared to do any discussion at this time.
zzz it will be proposal #161
dr|z3d can you just summarize in a single line what you think the main benefits will be, zzz?
zzz the background is at zzz.i2p/topics/3294
zzz It seems like you're pressuring me to immediately try to convince others
zzz I'll state my case in the proposal
zzz you also have misquoted me when you said I was targeting the next release. I explicitly told you that was not true in #i2p-dev the other day
dr|z3d no pressure, but you obviously thought it was at a state where it could be included in I2P+, so a simple summary of your ideas wouldn't hurt.
zzz if you want to lobby somebody about something, go ahead
dr|z3d sorry, that wasn't my intention. I was hoping it _might_ be considered for next release in the event orignal was convinced to get on board, to sync with the SSU2 rollout, but that's all me. :)
zzz I'll do it when I'm ready
orignal it does't require a release
orignal because no protocol changes
zzz that's right, but for fingerprinting reasons it would be better to do the same thing
dr|z3d sure, but it will flag your router as having adopted the changes, which is why zzz mentioned possible rekeying. and what he said ^ :)
zzz anyway, I'll be leaving a big space in the proposal for a discussion of future changes and where we might be going, so I'll need help when I get there
orignal rekeing?
orignal you only care about first 32 bytes
dr|z3d to prevent fingerprinting, in essence.
dr|z3d because new routers will have a compressed dest, old ones won't.
orignal and we don't need rekeing for it
orignal just use existsing keys
dr|z3d then you have 2 classes of router on the network. if that's not a major issue, then fine.
zzz I'll let you all know when I get a draft up. maybe a week, maybe more
zzz anything else on 3) ?
zzz anything else for the meeting?
zzz ok, thanks everybody, have a great week