IRCaBot 2.1.0
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orignal zzz, I see some issue
orignal looks like Java doesn't like my HolePunch
orignal only i2pd connect after it
zzz ok, will investigate
orignal I see 4 RelayIntro
orignal 3 from Java and one from i2pd
orignal i2pd connected Java didn't
zzz I'll have to change log levels to see anything, nothing in current logs... ask me in a day or two
orignal thanks
orignal my suspect signature failed
zzz I would have logged that
zzz besides, even if it failed, it still punched the hole
orignal the problem is it doesn't try to connect
orignal after holpunch
zzz you have the three java router hashes?
zzz it's just really hard to test, I've only tried to connect to you about twice a week
zzz we need more ssu2 firewalled i2pd routers
orignal I don't have hashes but have IPs
orignal 2a07:e01:3:1cf::1
orignal 2a00:6020:b2c5:d8c6:6df3:f918:edac:89bf
orignal I see the problem. I send Bob's endpoint in RelayResponse block instead Charlie's
orignal i2pd ignores it and uses enpoint where HolePunch came from
orignal but it seems Java checks it
zzz oooh that sounds right, good job
orignal will fix
zzz ok, I'll also add a check that it's not equal to bob's IP
orignal it's obviously my bug
orignal but here is a question
zzz just to catch any other buggy routers, and for sanity check
orignal say I received RelayIntro
orignal and couldn't extract endpoint
orignal what address do I put into reposnse?
orignal all i2pd are buggy now
zzz looking...
orignal see my point
orignal you respond not just with Charlie's address but one compatible with one in RelayIntro
orignal because it might be ipv6 received through an ipv4 session
orignal maybe we should change the specs that address is only presented if code = 0
zzz spec says csz (endpoint length) can be 0 for some rejection codes, meaning no port or IP follows. I have code to do that, but haven't tested it
zzz so I think the spec already does what you want ))
zzz it should also be 0 if bob rejects
orignal it only says about Bob
orignal but nothing about Chrarlie
orignal fine if zero if allowed I will implement it this way
orignal if success I send an address and csz zero if error
zzz "csz :: 1 byte endpoint (port + IP) size (0 or 6 or 18)
zzz may be 0 for some rejection codes" --- doesn't say only for bob reject... but I can also say it down below in the charlie signing data section
orignal fine then
zzz yup, I'll fix it up a little
orignal another question. what is Chralie doesn't know his IP?
zzz if charlie has introducers, he has outbound connections
zzz if he has outbound connections, he got his IP in the address block in the handshake
orignal wrong
orignal charlie might have introducers through a sessin of another type
orignal e.g. he has an outbound session through ipv4 and publishes it in ipv6 address