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orignal I think it couldn't detect MTU and falled back to 1280
zzz 2a06:a004:, could be windows w/o the fix
orignal maybe
orignal see I set 1420 max
orignal but it might be less from real interface
zzz ok, here's today's problem
zzz two simultaneous sessions with i2pd
zzz I don't think it's caused by lost termination messages
zzz I have an outbound IPv6 session to i2pd
orignal then why do you allow them?
zzz I get an inbound session request on IPv4 from the same router
zzz and first thing he sends is a peer test
orignal cdoF ?
zzz still researching whats going wrong on my side, but the fact that it's a different IP is part of my problem
zzz YXEA gpUB jLgO iNmq
orignal are you talking about your firewalled router?
zzz yes
zzz and no.
zzz happened on two routers, one firewalled, one not
orignal so when that i2pd connect to you it had to relay request firt
zzz no. I'm firewalled on v6, that's the outbound connection. Then I get an inbound on v4
zzz for a peer test
orignal is it possible that you have created that outging session during relay request?
orignal thanks
orignal will take a look
zzz will research further on my side, don't have all the answers yet
orignal I should check if there a session with router already
orignal not by endpoint but by ident
zzz yeah that would help if you're not doing that now
zzz seems to be for peer test msg 1
orignal I will check
orignal also cdoF is special case
orignal because it connects to you explicitly
zzz haven't seen it from him
orignal when you see two session does one of them gets terminated shortly?
zzz it should but I think I have some bugs
orignal I should send termination in this case
zzz looking to see what I do for SSU 1
zzz I don't send destroy in SSU 1 or 2 now
orignal I do. Thta's why it's strange
zzz agreed that we should
zzz let's add new termination code 22 for it
orignal I send code 1 now
orignal in this case
zzz 1 doesn't sound right. can we make it 22?
dr|z3d interesting error re packet pusher, not sure if it's an error or should be classified as a warning..
dr|z3d […DPPktPusher] …rt.udp.UDPSender: Dropping large UDP packet 1473 bytes:
dr|z3d • Address:
dr|z3d • Size: 1473 bytes; Priority: 200; Message Type: 19; Fragment Count: 2
dr|z3d java.lang.Exception
dr|z3d at net.i2p.router.transport.udp.UDPSender.add(
dr|z3d at net.i2p.router.transport.udp.PacketPusher.send(
dr|z3d at
dr|z3d at java.base/
dr|z3d at
zzz hmm, off by one
dr|z3d 1472 max packet size?
zzz +28 ipv4/udp overhead = 1500, yup
dr|z3d ok, so we can blame the sender then I guess.
zzz is SSU2
dr|z3d French, I have 4 routers on that address.
zzz to be clear, the sender is you
dr|z3d oh, right, I guess we're pushing packets not receiving them doh
orignal yes, let's do it
orignal I used first most suitable
zzz ok great orignal I'm going to add a section about multiple sessions to the spec
zzz also, forgot to tell you, but I am sending termination reason 1 in response to termination now
orignal me too
zzz have not yet implemented "closing state", not sure when I'll get to it
zzz dr|z3d, thought I fixed all my oversized pkt bugs months ago, I'll try to track it down
dr|z3d zzz: router's fairly current, it's got everything up to your >=256 bitfield shift fix.
zzz happen to have PacketBuilder2 logging on WARN or better? if so you should have a WARN message starting with "Size is" just before the error, that would help
dr|z3d unfortunately not, but let me enable that now. router wasn't logging much at all, default ERROR level.
dr|z3d ok, 4 ssu2 classes setup as warn level.
zzz rats, but ok, trap is set for next time
dr|z3d yeah, very rare that one, only seen it once on one router as yet.
zzz note that you'll get "Size is" msgs without the subsequent error too, those are fine
zzz orignal, I see a couple of i2pd routers with IPv4 MTU now, so it looks like you have that fixed
zzz no?
orignal you only see it if local address is specified explicily
zzz ok, got it
orignal I still don't have a code to find it
orignal due the NAT
zzz just reporting what I see, didn't understand the details
orignal I know, just explaining what's this
orignal another "bind" thing
orignal but strange that people bind ipv4
orignal it's usually v6
dr|z3d I'm getting a lot of ".PeerState2: ACKed but not found in outbound messages" warnings.. I guess that's nothing unusual, zzz?
zzz yeah thats fine
zzz but should be rare?
dr|z3d 5 in the last 1/2 hour
dr|z3d and ongoing.. seems to be fairly regular.
zzz I have 120 in 17 days
dr|z3d ok, I'll keep an eye on it.
orignal 12:25:15@683/debug - SSU2: Block type 4 of size 1138
orignal 12:25:15@683/debug - SSU2: First fragment
orignal 12:25:15@683/debug - SSU2: Block type 5 of size 989
orignal 12:25:15@683/debug - SSU2: Follow-on fragment
orignal nice split
orignal found the issue with duplicated session
R4SAS I'll update my routers part by part now
R4SAS with sessions fix
orignal and with windows
zzz great, thanks. I'm testing my fixes on my side
R4SAS I see bunch of transit now on ssu2-only router
orignal because I have made resend interval 10 times less then before ))
zzz your retransmission timer?
orignal yes, 300 ms
orignal but now I will use calculated RTO
orignal 300 ms for first reatrans ofc
orignal then it's gorwing
zzz I'll give you ours:
zzz min(1000, max(60000, RTT + 4*RTTdev))
orignal why 1000?
zzz w/ exponential backoff
orignal yes the same
orignal but why 1000?
zzz will research and get back to you, gotta run
orignal in my opinion if your RTT is more than 300 you shouldn't mantain this ession
orignal session
orignal remeber RTT between Toronro and Chicago is 6 ms
orignal hence 1000 is extremely high
zzz yeah sounds high to me also. But remember it's measured RTT, which includes both real RTT, queueing time, CPU time, delayed ack, ...
zzz but I'll figure out how we got here and what QUIC recommends
orignal you know I limit client tunnels by 250 ms per hop
orignal if exceed I exclude such tunnels
zzz ok we went from 250 to 1000 min. in Feb 2019, ref: trac ticket #2443. I'm sure zlatinb was involved
zzz QUIC minimum is 1 ms
zzz our streaming minimum is 100 ms
zzz i doubt I can find the trac ticket but the title is "Make SSU compliant with RFC 6298"
zzz (2.4) Whenever RTO is computed, if it is less than 1 second, then the
zzz RTO SHOULD be rounded up to 1 second.
zzz Traditionally, TCP implementations use coarse grain clocks to
zzz measure the RTT and trigger the RTO, which imposes a large
zzz minimum value on the RTO. Research suggests that a large
zzz minimum RTO is needed to keep TCP conservative and avoid
zzz spurious retransmissions [AP99]. Therefore, this specification
zzz requires a large minimum RTO as a conservative approach, while
zzz at the same time acknowledging that at some future point,
zzz research may show that a smaller minimum RTO is acceptable or
zzz superior.
zzz and here's the AP99 reference:
orignal I will try
zzz zlatinb, do you recall why you considered RFC 6298 as the gold standard as opposed to some other recommendation?
zlatinb it contained the most detailed description of the calculations to my knowledge
zlatinb not just the min RTO but the whole computation
zzz the document says it's conservative, and clearly it is, but that doesn't mean it's wrong. interesting though that our end-to-end streaming protcol has a 10x smaller minimum
zzz orignal, here's what I see for measured SSU RTTs on two boxes:
zzz box 1 (hosted): min 3ms, max 4sec, median ~110ms
zzz box 2 (home): min 43ms, max 689ms, median ~175ms
zzz orignal, the analysis, of course, must be based on efficiency, i.e. % retransmissions. What's your retransmission rate before and after the change?
zzz for me: box 1: 1.6%; box 2: 6.5%
zzz a lot higher than I would have guessed
zzz not sure if an average across all conns is the best metric though
dr|z3d looks like another part tunnel spike is in progress
zzz yeah I've been keeping an eye on things. we are going into the weekend, with higher traffic in general, but that's also when the last big event was
dr|z3d yeah, this is definitely an abnormal spike, the second obvious one today, but less pronounced than previously.
R4SAS testing now 0-0/1-1 tunnel (server/client) with ssu2
R4SAS 1.2 MB/s in peak