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zzz orignal, it's fixed so you can't create thousands of tunnels anymore with i2pd?
dr|z3d oh, sim608.
dr|z3d if he's on irc, great, hopefully he takes the hint.
orignal no, BOB is fixed
orignal to replace previous session rather than create new one
zzz what, so now it's even better at creating thosands of tunnels? (((
zzz oh ok
orignal you can create thousands of tunnels
orignal if you need to
dr|z3d "After some time, on a neighboring computer included in the same router as Linux with I2PD, the Internet begins to fall off slowly until the router reboots."
zzz can you put a limit on it to stop the idiots?
orignal I don't see your point
zzz to stop terrible bob/sam applications from clogging up the network
orignal how much?
zzz or you think this is just an i2pd bug, not a client-side crazy application?
orignal I can a limit parameter to this config
orignal this is reroshare bug
zzz Blinded message
zzz Blinded message
orignal they did it wrong
orignal and i2pd also handled this situation worng
zzz so we default limit to 100 destinations, with an router option to override
orignal will do
zzz won't prevent an intentional attack, but might prevent something stupid
zzz thanks
orignal will set to 500
dr|z3d I'm a bit more relaxed than that, but not much, on the defaults.
dr|z3d 256 I've got here.
orignal I'm pretty sure people use more than 100 already
zzz for what?
dr|z3d notbob's scanner will hit several hundred quite easily.
orignal to shit on kislitsa ))
orignal from different addresses
zzz lol
orignal I know because they write about it
zzz I added our limit in 2014, and nobody has ever complained, and I don't think the option is even documented
orignal but tell me why number of tunnels is a problem?
dr|z3d you hit the limit, it gets logged as a warning iirc.
dr|z3d with the config option.
zzz it's doubling the number of tunnels and number of leasesets in the network.
zzz which doesn't seem to be a problem for now, but if he gets a bunch of his friends to do it also, it might be a problem
dr|z3d only needs half dozen cretins running broken retroshares for bad things to start happening.
zzz it's also wasted a huge amount of our time trying to figure out whats going on
dr|z3d I think I'm going to bump max session to 512. enough to accommodate pretty much all legitimate uses without allowing things to get out of hand without manual configuration.
dr|z3d does a single server running on a router count as a single session?
dr|z3d say a webserver, for example, not necessarily hosted on jetty.
dr|z3d ah, you asked him on the forum, zzz. probably better to nudge him to update his retroshare for better performance.. more persuasive :)
orignal there is also issue on github
dr|z3d "if you don't want to see your router crash repeatedly, updating retroshare might be a good idea"
zzz I don't know enough to give any other nudges
dr|z3d well, his router's crashing, orignal's suggesting he's using a buggy retroshare + bob combo.. that's enough. if a newer retrsoshare fixes the issue, everyone wins and he feels like he's won something. just telling him to stop doesn't incentivize him.
zzz join the party over on 333.i2p or GH then. I don't know enough to provide nuanced advice
orignal my suggestin is again
dr|z3d also, chceck orignal's bug report.
orignal use SOCK+inbound tunnel
orignal like we did from day one
orignal and it works
dr|z3d it's amusing.. "After a day of work, virtual memory is more than 20 G."
orignal "virtual memory"
orignal he is just a noob
orignal zzz what language do you see at 333?
orignal I remeber if it was a traslation or I replaced texts directly
zzz ru. we block accept-language header in the proxy
orignal that's why I'm asking ))
orignal 333 is modified eldorado
orignal the translation is mine ))
orignal but being drunk if I remeber right
zzz heh
orignal but pretty identical to yours
orignal btw maybe you can advise
orignal intiially I have made a strategic mistake by using sqlite for database there
orignal now want migrate to mysql but don't know how
orignal I though eldorado can do it somehow
orignal it's not just database also update configs of eldorado etc
orignal maybe drivers
orignal like ruby gems etc
zzz I don't remember anything, it was 15 years ago. I'm still on sqlite, db is still only 20 MB
orignal that's fine
orignal it's not about size, I just don't now sqlite commands ))
orignal *know
zzz definitely don't ask me for advice, I know nothing ))
dr|z3d well, if you can migrate the content db to mysql, you can probably reinstall eldorado and point it at the converted db. probably worth testing on a dev box.
orignal me too
orignal I even don't remeber how I comipled ruby of that version
orignal dr|z3d the problem that eldorado requires some old version of ruby
dr|z3d sounds like fun :) maybe run it in a container of some sort, snap or whatever.
orignal who cares ))
dr|z3d unlikely, but triz isn't pimptrizkit?
orignal gents I see bunch of routers like [2602:fc05::24]:7777
orignal 9 so far
orignal I'm pretty sure the all belong to the same owner
obscuratus orignal: Aren't those StormyCloud routers?
orignal maybe, just curious
dr|z3d if they are, they should have a family attached.
orignal the question if
orignal why all IP from the same range
obscuratus dr|z3d: Yup, that's why I noticed.
orignal that makes me confused
orignal same subnet
dr|z3d the why is because that's the ip range he owns :)
orignal owns?
orignal how can you own an ip range?
dr|z3d if you're only seeing 9, you're not getting the full picture.
orignal no, I see at least 9
dr|z3d ips and ranges can be bought and sold like any other commodity :)
obscuratus It looks like StormyCloud is usually firewalled on IPv6. But a few routers seem to think they're not firewalled. Much more routers on the IPv4 address range.
dr|z3d I see around 80 routers here.
dr|z3d orignal's obviously impressed by the vastness of StormyCloud's enterprise, obscuratus ;)
StormyCloud IPv6 isnt firewalled, but you said there might be an issue with the pv6 peer test
StormyCloud but yes I "own" an IPv6 and IPv4 range
dr|z3d single ips are now going for, what, $50 each, StormyCloud?
dr|z3d of course you can also rent them. just to confuse orignal even more :)
StormyCloud I have a /22 block I am renting for 0.53 per IP
orignal I noticed it on ipv6 only router
dr|z3d orignal, do you throttle floodfill leaseset publication?
dr|z3d so in i2pd-land, an infinite number of multihomes is possible then.
dr|z3d except java i2p throttles which enforces a 4-5 max limit (3 hops).
orignal how can you recognioze multihoming at FF?
dr|z3d by destination.
dr|z3d ff sees foo.i2p, there's a limit to the number of leases it'll process before it drops requests to publish in a given timeframe.
dr|z3d wb zzz
dr|z3d spike central on the part tunnels happening again.
orignal number of leases is 16
orignal but multihoiming is different story
dr|z3d per period? so you do throttle then.
orignal 16 leases in one LeaseSet
dr|z3d sure. that's a fixed limit.
orignal probably I check if one if get updated to frequitly
orignal al least a second
dr|z3d ok, so that's a throttle of sorts, but nothing that will limit a client dest to 4 3-hop multihomes.
dr|z3d I'm just wondering if having different/no limits on java and i2pd floodfills is detrimental to the network.
orignal if you tell me how
orignal I receive a new LS how do I know if it's the same instance or another
dr|z3d you don't. all you can measure is the frequency it's being published to your floodfill.
orignal but I still don't know number of instances
dr|z3d if you work on the assumption that a single instance will publish every 10 minutes, you've got a rough idea of number of instances, though that's not the specific point.
dr|z3d you're not throttling the number of instances per se, you're throttling the number of publication requests for a given dest.
dr|z3d or at least java i2p is.
orignal this assumption is worng
orignal i2pd publishes as soon it builds new IB
dr|z3d ok, maybe I've got the details slightly wrong. but the general point is there's a predictable cadence for publishing new leases.
dr|z3d given each lease lasts 10 minutes, or 11 minutes with grace period, there's a quantifiable number of leases coming from a single host.
dr|z3d zzz: any merit to ensuring i2pd and i2p are on the same page wrt floodfill lease publication limits? any downside to the current mismatch?
dr|z3d so it doesn't matter than i2p's throttling leasests puts on floodfills and i2pd isn't? doesn't that make the max number of multihomes a bit of a lucky draw?
zzz if you're trying to convince i2pd to do something, fine, good luck, I don't have time to join the party
orignal zzz, huh?
orignal I suppose if there is a problem I try to resolve it
dr|z3d I'm trying to work out if synced limits for publication of leasesets to floodfills is of benefit to the network, and what the downsides are with the current ad-hoc arrangement.
orignal but I can't understand the problem so far
dr|z3d if having a network wide limit benefits the network, then I'm sure orignal will consider it.
zzz whatever you're proposing, state your case, I have nothing to offer
dr|z3d what I'm proposing, if it's not already clear, is an agreed network-wide limit on publication of leases to a floodfill in a given timeframe, with a throttle as i2p already implements, to make the limit of multihomes that can reliably be hosted predictable without any measure of guesswork involved due to the difference between i2p and i2pd.
orignal I can trottle by time but not number of instances
orignal because I can't recognize them
dr|z3d yeah, that's what i2p does, enforces a limit time-wise.
orignal what's the limit?
orignal in seconds
dr|z3d let me dig out the relevant code.. one sec.
dr|z3d I'll get back to you on that, orignal, it's evading my searches right now.
orignal no rush
orignal btw SSU2 produce false "Firewalled" much rarely than SSU1
dr|z3d I *think* that's the code.
orignal 50 lookups per ... ?
dr|z3d though it's for lookups not publication. so hmm.
orignal per 3 minutes?
dr|z3d 3 minutes.
dr|z3d (clean time)
dr|z3d 30 in default java.
dr|z3d (lookups that is)
orignal no. 50 lookups per 3 minutes?
dr|z3d 50 in 3 minuutes before the throttle kicks in (i2p+) or 30 lookups / 3 min (vanilla i2p).
orignal R4SAS
orignal we must mind it for reg.i2p
orignal I think it's too small