IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
orignal implemented fragmented SessionConfirmed
zzz handshake failures last 12 hours:
zzz 30 ImQCa~
zzz 30 BpATV4
zzz 26 k8vhnd
zzz 25 YXEAXl
zzz 15 CEFnjX
zzz 8 bAU~6X
zzz 7 ~GIB3b
zzz 2 p~8-FO
zzz 2 3PYq0v
zzz 1 Qreu1M
zzz 1 PeGQYG
zzz 1 PCKdUl
zzz 1 oBZUnh
zzz 1 jGiQZ8
zzz re: will I use a ipv4 connection as a ipv6 introducer? no
zzz re: why was it disconnected? idle timeout
zzz R4SAS, please report if any of your routers on the list above were updated
orignal no 2FFY?
orignal *2RRY
orignal zzz but why idle timeout if it's intriducer?
orignal you must send "keep-alive"
orignal druing an hour or so
zzz last failure to 2RRY was 3:50 PM our time yesterday
zzz I see a lot of R4SAS routers on the list above but he said he updated, so waiting to hear from him
zzz re: why idle timeout if introducer, he wasn't an introducer. he just sent a relay tag, I didn't use it
orignal then why you didn't use it
orignal you didn't publish ih and didn't use relay tag
orignal the problemn was
zzz I keep more relay tags than I need
zzz as backups
orignal you didn't publish any ih
orignal at that time
orignal because I was trying to connect to you
orignal and your RI didn't have ih
orignal looks like something wrong with your logic there
zzz I only republish every few minutes. I'm not going to republish immediately just because I got a relay tag
orignal I was trying in about 10 minutes
orignal e.g. enough time to receive updated RI
zzz you're right, the logic could be better, but it's a balance. can't update RI too often
zzz there's also some test code in there to prefer ssu2 but it may not be production quality
orignal not too often
orignal but when you have zero introducers you shoulkd publish asap
zzz all utc+2:
zzz 20:38:11 rebuild address with 4 SSU 1 introducers
orignal I cared about SSU2 only
zzz 20:51:05 connect to 2RRY
zzz 20:56:26 send termination to 2RRY
zzz 21:28:27 rebuild address with 2 SSU 1 + 2 SSU 2 introducers
orignal so why you didn't rebuild at 20:51?
zzz I do have test code to replace a good SSU 1 introducer with a SSU 2 introducer, but it doesn't run that often
zzz <zzz> I only republish every few minutes. I'm not going to republish immediately just because I got a relay tag
orignal technicall 30 minutes is also "few minutes"
orignal but it's too much in my opinion
zzz in general I don't rebuild my address with introducers unless at least one introducer is about to expire.
zzz I set expiration to 80 minutes, so it could be almost that long
orignal but case of zero introducers
zzz sure, if I don't have enough, I will rebuild pretty quickly. 2 minutes
orignal your problem is
orignal you have SSU1 introducers only and thought that was enough
zzz that's true, but I'm not going to worry about it right now, it's not important. It will all be fixed next year when we disable SSU 1
orignal Back to channel's topic. I'm thinking to diable publishing LS1 completely
orignal and remove that cide
zzz so you'd publish SHA-1 dest as LS2?
zzz or, I mean, elgamal I guess
orignal what's wrong with it?
zzz i think that's allowed but you should check the spec
orignal what? how do you publish 0,4 then? ))
zzz I'm talking ElG-only
orignal then you put 0
orignal what does it change?
R4SAS zzz: yesterday I had updated all my routers
R4SAS I see that orignal pushed new commits
orignal if you can publish Elg with LS2 together with ECIES you can publish it without
orignal R4SAS yes it might affect your BpAT
zzz re: what does it change? probably nothing, I'm simply suggesting you check the spec to see if it's legal
orignal but I didn't test it
orignal zzz, people use it for many years
zzz R4SAS, orignal, either you still have bugs with large session confirmed, or R4SAS doesn't have all the fixes, please investigate
R4SAS ok, I'll rebuild them now
orignal he might have updated later
R4SAS zzz: because I rebuilt everything earlier than orignal pushed fix
orignal since you cllected stats for last 24 hours
zzz no, above was for 12 hours, starting 10 PM UTC last night
zzz which was after R4SAS said he updated
zzz just reporting test results, up to you to investigate
zzz I said I would report this morning. that's the report.
orignal maybe he hasn't updated with right commit
orignal because you don't see mine in the list
zzz I leave it to you and R4SAS to figure it out
R4SAS my uptime is 18.5 hours, commit was pushed 14 hours ago
R4SAS updated
orignal what's you RI size now?
R4SAS mine?
orignal yes BpAT
R4SAS 1557
R4SAS YXEA - 1561
orignal most like it will not fit
orignal let's see
orignal I see 12 SSU2 links on 2RRY now
dr|z3d I'm starting to be suspicious of QPUV1b
orignal is it Java or i2pd?
dr|z3d Looks like Java, assuming cost 14/11 is Java? I forget.
orignal do you see SSU or SSU2?
orignal it's easy
dr|z3d no SSU2 on that one.
orignal do you see SSU with s and i?
dr|z3d It's unreachable, so I guess those details would be unavailable.
orignal it doesn't matter
orignal if it's reachable or not
orignal SSU2 must alsways have s and i
dr|z3d pretty sure this isn't ssu2 we're looking at, java's netdb would indicate if it was.
orignal then what are you trying to say?
dr|z3d anyways, ssu2 or not isn't the point. this router is repeatedly making a HUGE number of participating tunnel requests.
dr|z3d it's hosted from a hideme vpn ip.
orignal how do you know it's an originator?
dr|z3d I don't.
dr|z3d but apparently that specific router is repeatedly making a huge number of requests. nothing else comes close.
dr|z3d I'm going to turn on logging of throttling events on several more routers to see how frequently it's getting snagged.
orignal maybe it has a good bandwidth?
dr|z3d well, it's rated X, but is firewalled. go figure.
dr|z3d anyways, there are plenty of routers with good bandwidth that aren't making excessive requests to a single router. this one's an outlier which is why it's turning up in logs. just suspicious.
orignal I can tell you something why it might happen
orignal retroshare
orignal they have implemented Bob wrong
orignal look at the thread at 333.i2p about it
dr|z3d oh, interesting, if it's non-malicious and just a coding fuckup. either way, I'm tempted to add that id to the blocklist.
dr|z3d thanks
R4SAS that's when I added some checks and fixes?
orignal but in trunk
orignal I guess people still use release version
obscuratus dr|z3d: I noticed that router also.
dr|z3d obscuratus: oh, you too? making a huge amount of part tunnel requests in short order?
obscuratus I see a pretty consistent high amount of tunnel requests.
zzz orignal, R4SAS, last 4 hours and 10 minutes, since R4SAS said "updated" :
zzz 10 YXEAXl
zzz 9 BpATV4
zzz 6 CEFnjX
zzz 4 bAU~6X
zzz 3 k8vhnd
zzz 2 Qreu1M
zzz 2 p~8-FO
zzz 2 ~GIB3b
zzz 1 kyY2Tx
zzz 1 2RRYXk
orignal let me check 2RRY
orignal I don't see AEAD errors
orignal or unexpected messages from you
orignal SSU2: Unexpected message type 183 from [2a02:180:2:92:92:92:11:15]:16799
orignal I see only one
orignal and it means I don't have a session on my side anymore
orignal and it doesn't seem it's about SessionConfirmed
orignal but SessionRequest
zzz nope. 9:26:31 our time, got session created, send session confirmed, sent 3x more times, sent at least 4x data packet, expired 9:26:42
zzz same failure as reported for many days
orignal yes I see it, but it's much before
orignal SSU2: Unexpected message type 229 instead 2
orignal that's what it is
orignal I expect SessionConrimed but got some crap
orignal and terminate the session on my side now
zzz the "crap" is my big RI. Did you test your changes yesterday? because I see no improvement
orignal yes I did
orignal do you know if you sent two sessionconfirmed
orignal I see improvement
orignal because yeasterday I couldn't handle your RI at all
orignal today I see incoming connections from you all the time
orignal -Akx: [2a02:180:2:92:92:92:11:15] => [65380:315756] [itag:2249102499]
orignal even right now. how can you explain it?
zzz I can't, you'll have to investigate on your side
orignal yes, I know. That's what I'm going to do
orignal I only mean ivprovement you don't see
orignal you are definitly able to connect now
zzz yeah but about the same with YXEAX, for example, yesterday 25 failures in 12 hours; today 10 failures in 4 hours
orignal let's concentrate on 2RRY
orignal are you sure hat YXEA is ours?
zzz that's what my notes say, along with BpAT and kyY2, but of course my notes could be wrong
zzz in last ~10 hours I see 11 success and 1 failure to 2RRY
orignal BpAT yes
orignal so let's inverstigate this failure to 2RRA
R4SAS YXEA as I said is mine
R4SAS 14:12:58 <+R4SAS> YXEA - 1561
zzz ok let me look for any difference between the 11 that worked and the one that didnt
orignal <orignal> R4SAS can you check your log?
orignal <orignal_> you should see error from zzz's IP
zzz don't see anything different on the one that failed. wasn't the biggest RI, wasn't the smallest
zzz pkt sizes: 1452, 293
orignal I don't think it's related to fragments
zzz R4SAS, are all your interfaces on all your routers 1500 MTU?
orignal but let me check how I handle is second fragment comes from first
orignal zzz it doesn't matter now
orignal becuase const size_t SSU2_MTU = 1440;
orignal so we never send 1500
zzz I'm sending a 1500 byte ipv6 pkt to you. so if you can't handle it, it's a problem
orignal maybe
orignal let me check mine
orignal mtu 1420
orignal voila )))
zzz because you're not publishing MTU in SSU2 address so I'm assuming 1500
orignal mtu 1480 for HE tunnel
orignal btw, do you know if this failure is about ipv6 only?
zzz i already looked. It's almost all ipv6, but I prefer ipv6, so that doesn't mean much
orignal how about xZ9N?
orignal it's ipv4 only
zzz how big were the crap packets you got from me?
orignal and as you can guess 2RRY is 1500
orignal I didn't print size
orignal but again 2RRY is 1500
orignal it means it's something else
orignal and I will add mtu shortly
orignal as you see 1420 in one router
orignal that less than my packet side
orignal *size
zzz no xZ9n failures since yesterday
zzz R4SAS, please report your MTUs
orignal let me start publishing it
zzz BpAT and YXEA both reporting 1472 for ipv6 SSU address
zzz well, that was one time in 12. I'm logging the session confirmed and data packet sizes, so whenever you have the logging to tell me what you got, we can chase that one further
orignal let me implement mtu first
zzz yup
orignal also I have that issue with 1420
orignal meaning it's not only publishing
zzz don't see any 1420 mtu routers right now
orignal because it's ipv6 only )))
orignal do we publish mtu without address?
orignal please remind me
orignal I mean without host
orignal also do you know where this code comes from?
orignal if (mtu > 1472) { // TODO: magic constant
orignal mtu = 1472;
orignal hence you don't know what is his real MTU
zzz yes
zzz originally the default and max mtu was 1484
orignal do you thinl I should change it to 1500 ?
zzz so then ipv6 had to be lower, or 1472
zzz later, we did a proposal I think, and said ipv6 could be 1488
orignal what's you suggestion ?
orignal for this code
orignal that's where I set mtu for publushed address
orignal and again do I publish mtu without host?
zzz SSU 1 IPv6 must be mod 16 == 0, so the max is 1488, as of Proposal 127, 0.9.28, 2016-12-02
zzz yes you must publish MTU if it is not the default, whether you have a host or not
orignal then where 1500 come from?
orignal I can change to 1488, not a problem
zzz 1500 is the max and default for SSU2, as specified in proposal 159
orignal fine 1488 for SSU1 and 1500 for SSU2
zzz because no mod 16 required
orignal right?
zzz max is 1484/1488 for v4/v6 SSU 1. default is 1484 for SSU 1. max and default are 1500 for SSU2, both v4/v6
orignal I publish mtu for ipv6 only
zzz when published as "SSU", you must use the SSU 1 default for SSU2. As specified in prop. 159.
orignal I don't publish SSU2 as SSU
zzz right, but those are the rules for getting the MTU from addresses published as SSU
orignal R4SAS netsplit
zzz you must, of course, publish non-default MTU for ipv4 also
orignal I doubt we have a code for ipv4 mtu
orignal but that's another task
orignal you should see mtu=1420 for MNcW
R4SAS zzz: ipv4 - yes
R4SAS 1480 for ipv6 because I use tunnels
zzz ok, so that's probably the issue
orignal please take last commit and re-create
R4SAS also one router crashed, but I didn't built binary with symbols
orignal it's possible
R4SAS that's first time
R4SAS updated