IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
orignal Look like you don't like token I use from HolePunch message, because you don't reply to my SessionRequest
zzz yeah I see it in the logs, don't know why... but you should have gotten a retry
zzz investigating...
zzz don't see anything obvious, but I'm not logging the token I sent, only the one I got. will have to update the log msg and restart
orignal so it's token issue?
orignal no, I have gotten nothing
orignal that's a problem
zzz yes token issue
zzz 06-28 14:38:53.322 INFO [ handler 1/1] nsport.udp.IntroductionManager: Send relay response 0 as charlie nonce 2417426456 to bob [2a09:7c44:0:0:0:0:0:e9d]:15110 2RRYXk OB2 recvAge: 10m sendAge: 10m sendAttemptAge: 10m sendACKAge: 0ms lifetime: 39m RTT: 18 RTO: 1000 MTU: 1408 LMTU: 1500 cwin: 2919 acwin: 2919 SST: 2560 FRTX? false consecFail: 0 msgs rcvd: 1 msgs sent: 115 pkts rcvd OK/Dup: 112/0 pkts sent OK/Dup:
zzz 121/5 IBM: 0 OBQ: 0 OBL: 0 theyRelayToUsAs: 3814582535 for alice [2001:470:1f06:405:0:0:0:2]:29948 [RouterInfo:
orignal please check if token in HolePunch header and RelayResponse block is the same
zzz 06-28 14:38:53.451 INFO [ handler 1/1] ort.udp.InboundEstablishState2: Invalid token -1217973377808424861 in session request from: /[2001:470:1f06:405:0:0:0:2]:29948
orignal I take on from header
orignal last 8 bytes
zzz no it's after the signature
orignal what's in HolePunch?
orignal I meant last 8 byte of header
orignal 24-32
orignal or it's different token?
zzz I think it's just random, ignore it. that's what the spec says
orignal that's the problem
zzz because the token is part of the relay response block
orignal my point is
zzz ok. that's what the spec says anyway.
orignal if I receive HolePunch I even don't need to process payload
orignal why don't you put token there?
zzz it's a good question
orignal anyway I will fix it
zzz i guess the point was just to send the same relay response block in the hole punch also
orignal yes, but it's for verification only
zzz that's what we decided but it was like two months ago, I don't remember
orignal you don't need it to start session
orignal yes we did
orignal to verify signatures etc.
zzz I didn't do a lot of work about it. We decided to add a token and I did, I didn't think too hard about it
orignal my point is
zzz we can put it in the header too, just like retry, if you want
orignal we need relay response block to verify address
orignal if it matches enpoint HolePunch came from
orignal I can extract it from relay response no problem
orignal Just confused about token field
zzz yup
zzz oh also good job on finding the followon fragment problem. I haven't looked in the logs for it yet
orignal just typo
orignal we will see
orignal more imporntant bug is error code 70
orignal this frag field in RouterInfo breaks everything really
zzz if i2np followon fragments work, we should see much more traffic, tunnels will stay up longer
orignal we will see
orignal I see the problem with retry
orignal will fix
zzz got a followon fragment from xZ9s i2pd
zzz invalid
orignal what exactly wrong?
zzz sec
orignal it's possible
orignal I will check
orignal but it's good that you even receive it now
zzz have you verified it's working? please don't make me your only tester...
zzz 06-29 14:09:04.944 INFO [ handler 1/1] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: Got FRAGMENT block: 2557150930 fragment 0 len 1381 isLast? false on x
zzz Z9nsA OB2 recvAge: 86s sendAge: 86s sendAttemptAge: 87s sendACKAge: 87s lifetime: 87s RTT: 162 RTO: 1000 MTU: 1280 LMTU: 1500 cwin: 5186 acwin: 5186 SST: 52428
zzz 8 FRTX? false consecFail: 0 msgs rcvd: 1 msgs sent: 2 pkts rcvd OK/Dup: 4/0 pkts sent OK/Dup: 2/0 IBM: 0 OBQ: 0 OBL: 0
zzz 06-29 14:09:04.944 ^^^ 1 similar message omitted ^^^
zzz 06-29 14:09:04.944 WARN [ handler 1/1] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: Message invalid: IB Message: 2557150930 from [Hash: xZ9nsAJAxQ~nrN4HBDco2BG9vwbnsaZ5uGMp
zzz utC7W9g=] completely received with 2139 bytes in 2 fragments lifetime: 0 PeerState: xZ9nsA OB2 recvAge: 86s sendAge: 86s sendAttemptAge: 87s
zzz sendACKAge: 87s lifetime: 87s RTT: 162 RTO: 1000 MTU: 1280 LMTU: 1500 cwin: 5186 acwin: 5186 SST: 524288 FRTX? false consecFail: 0 msgs rcvd: 2 msgs sent: 2 pk
orignal I check that it's created proeprly
zzz ts rcvd OK/Dup: 5/0 pkts sent OK/Dup: 2/0 IBM: 0 OBQ: 0 OBL: 0
zzz I2NP length in TGM: 2129 but remaining bytes: 2124
zzz Caused by: Block 1 type 125 length 19891 at offset 766 runs over frame of size 788
orignal so please exaplain
zzz there's a length problem
orignal length of what? I2NP?
zzz when I reassembled the two fragments
zzz and then the next block was bad too
zzz looking...
orignal where do you have that length?
zzz so it was a tunnel gateway message
zzz the length in the TGM header was 2129, but the remaining bytes in the message was 2124
zzz so you're 5 too short
orignal so you found the problem when tried to process I2NP message. right?
zzz the followon fragment block size must have been wrong also, because the next block was bad too
zzz that's right
zzz and also hit the same problem when I tried to process the next block
orignal worng block size and 5 bytes difference can't be a coincidence ))
orignal let me check
zzz you're off by 5 bytes somewhere
zzz note that the followon fragment block has 5 bytes at the front :)
orignal yes, that's what I mean
orignal let me check
orignal found it ))
orignal let me commit
orignal updating routers
zzz great. you really need to do some more testing on fragmentation and reassembly. it has to be perfect, we can't have any problems
orignal but I did ... with a single blokc
orignal going to write a test but today ))
orignal I copied the code from SSU for it
orignal xZ9s restarted
orignal and I see you connected
orignal 2RRY also updated
zzz got my eye on it, will let you know when I see anything from i2pd
orignal I will continues testing this afternoon