IRCaBot 2.1.0
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orignal zzz, what do we need relay tag in relay response message for?
orignal we only need nonce in my opinion
zzz noted, will take a look
orignal for relay request it's obvious, for relay intro charlie should compare it with his iKey
zzz do you want to flip the ip/port order in peer test block also?
orignal yes, every endpoint should have the same format
orignal doesn't matter flip or not
orignal just the same code
zzz setting up testnet to try peer test now
orignal and also we should call it "endpoint" rather than "ip/port"
zzz we haven't ever used that term in our specs before, but I can add it
orignal up to you
zzz right now I'm just keeping a list of changes, not updating anything yet
zzz lets see how peer test works on the testnet...
orignal I don't run anything either
orignal just write the code and data structures
zzz public static final boolean ENABLE_PEER_TEST = true;
zzz lets see what explodes ))
orignal I started wtih relays
orignal will do peer tests later
zzz great
zzz boom, found first explosion
zzz first batch of fixes done, I got messages 1-4 from a to b to c to b to a
zzz now exploding on message 5
orignal will join you soon with peer tests
zzz working on the 25% of peer test I never coded...
zzz of course you're finding more issues with relay spec since you're coding it before I am, so I haven't gotten to find and fix the problems yet
zzz I turned on ssu2 on the whole testnet (previously I was just testing with 2 out of 16 enabled) and seeing a bunch of problems
zzz I'm sending 1 byte packets from somewhere?
zzz byte[] data = null; // TODO
zzz grrrrrrrr
zzz I have it almost working but not really and the whole testnet is going firewalled which is annoying