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eyedeekay Nobody push to gitlab for about 5 minutes.
zzz 0) Hi
zzz what's on the agenda for today?
orignal SSU2 introducers
orignal and release results
zzz ok, 1) is SSU2 introducers
zzz 2) is release results
zzz I'll add 3) SSU2 development status
zzz anything else?
zlatinb yes, startup expl. tunnel build optimizations
zlatinb just want to check how i2pd does it really
zzz ok that's 4)
zzz one sec while I write it all down
zzz 1) SSU2 introducers
orignal so as I see we bulish the same keys but iHost and iPort
orignal because we want to take it from RI
zzz I'm already lost :(
orignal what fields do we publish in SSU2 address interoducers?
orignal iTag, iExp, iKey (or iIdent)
orignal and we don't publish iHost and iPort
zzz right. itag, iexp, and iIdent or maybe call it iRouterHash for now
zzz right, no ihost, no iport
zzz that's the proposal from last week
orignal yes, that's what I meant
orignal and we also agreed an RI might have two SSU2
orignal ipv4 and ipv6
zzz right
orignal and we take one from router's caps
orignal so if we see "4" we must use ipv4 adddress
zzz I _think_ so, but I haven't really thought that far
orignal I'm trying to write that code
orignal basically data structures
orignal beside it everything is clear
orignal so should we leave iKey or use another name?
zzz ok, but my head is full of "phase 1" and about to explode, so it's hard for me to help on phase 2 right now
zzz re: leave Ikey or not, I don't know
orignal phase2 is fine
orignal but I need to finish parser
zzz for now, I suggest you guess what is the best way to do it
zzz just remember that router infos are untrusted input from other users, don't ever die on missing/bad values, bad base64, bad lengths, etc.
zzz anything else on 1) ?
zzz 2) release results
zzz about 23% of net updated
orignal do you see improvements?
zzz doesn't look like biglybt has updated yet
eyedeekay Anecdotally the Reddit crowd is pretty happy
zzz I think I see a little improvement, but of course I've been running with fixes for a month
zzz I just asked on zzz.i2p for feedback for people that did NOT run with any fixes a month ago
zzz I've had good luck talking to our gitlab in the last week
zzz eyedeekay, could you elaborate on the reddit consensus?
orignal improvement about failed tunnels of course
zlatinb I see big improvement in muwire
eyedeekay The reddit users who have contacted me have, in particular, noted improved reachability of popular sites, getting to sites in <=1 refreshes
zzz I don't have any tunnel fail data, but of course I've been running with the fixes for weeks
eyedeekay Much more acceptable behavior for browsing eepsites in general
orignal good to know
zlatinb the big improvement came suddenly when the old i2pds crashed
orignal that's what I mean
zzz my expl. build success chart is up from about 43% to 46%, but a little too soon to really know what the average is
orignal so most of i2pds are new now
zzz because there's variation on weekday vs. weekend
orignal Transit: 599.35 GiB (1800.96 KiB/s)
orignal I see more transit traffic than before and on all my nodes
zzz bottom line, all seems good so far
zzz anything else on 2) ?
zzz hi RN
orignal not from me
RN :)
zzz 3) SSU2 development status
zzz I guess I'll go first
orignal and tell me your idea to publish it as SSU ))
zzz I've checked in about 5000-6000 lines of code and comments and related changes
zzz since the release
zzz mostly untested and not hooked in yet
zzz the changes broke my test code in a few places and I'm fixing those now
zzz the bulk of the changes are now in and within a few days I'll be able to start testing on a testnet
zzz and fixing what's probably dozens of bugs
zzz I'm still ready to do testing with test code vs. i2pd whenever you're ready
orignal I'm not ready yet
zzz hope to have things working in the testnet in maybe a month
orignal so tell me how do I recognize if SSU address is SSU2?
zzz so, same as for NTCP: it will have a v=2, a s=.... and (if inbound) a i=...
orignal got it
zzz that's the end of my status, orignal how are you doing?
orignal so, I have implemented parsing of incoming packets
orignal first I try to decrypt first 8 bytes
orignal I calculate key using my own intro key for that address
orignal then I try to find session by connID in the table
zzz great, good start
orignal if it's not there I try to find it amoung pending session requests by endpoint where a packet comes from
orignal if still not found I assume it's new incming session
orignal that's all for now
zzz super, thanks for the update
zzz anything else on 3) ?
orignal from another side I develop code to support SSU2 address
orignal in my RI
orignal so I will start publishing it sson
orignal as SSU2 of course ))
orignal that's all
zzz 4) startup expl. tunnel build optimizations
zlatinb so I did some analysis and 75% of exploratory tunnels build in less than 500ms
zlatinb and the longest successful was about 2500ms
zlatinb right now java sets the timeout to 13 seconds. What is the timeout for tunnel build for i2pd?
orignal let me check
orignal const int TUNNEL_CREATION_TIMEOUT = 30; // 30 seconds
orignal so I delete pending tunnel after 30 sec
zlatinb how many exploratory tunnels are built in parallel on startup?
orignal depedning on config
orignal 3 by defualt
orignal for each side
zlatinb and how many tunnel build attempts are allowed in parallel?
orignal all tunnels of exploratory?
zlatinb exploratory
orignal as many as I need
orignal usually 3
orignal at the beginning
zlatinb ok thanks
zlatinb that's all from me, was just curious
zzz ok sounds like that's it for 4)
zzz anything else for the meeting?
orignal I also build cleint tunnels
orignal but each pool builds tunnels in random intervals
orignal to avoid spikes
zzz didn't mean to cut you off, feel free to keep going
zzz but that's it for me
orignal if zlatinb has more questions
zzz thanks everybody
zlatinb no more questions thanks
orignal I hope nobody is going to ban Russian IP addresses?>
orignal since it's new hysteria
eyedeekay That would probably be self-defeating wouldn't it?
orignal I saw one idiot who banned Russian IPs on his yddsrasil node
orignal seriously
eyedeekay Bummer. Nobody with a brain has a problem with regular Russians.
eyedeekay This is clearly on Putin.