IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
orignal I might be late today due the stationry holiday in canada
zlatinb and newsxml updated
orignal please do it wihtout me. I have something urgent to do
zzz ok, thanks for letting us know
zlatinb did the flippening just happen?
zlatinb I'm seeing people downloading the mac torrent
zzz I haven't heard back from echelon, so my guess is eyedeekay1 yes, echelon no
eyedeekay1 I just pulled translations and updated my news a few minutes ago, I don't think ech updated yet
zlatinb who's the primary?
eyedeekay1 Wait no ech
zlatinb still surprising that so many people are hitting the backup
zlatinb actually not surprising given most ppl don't have the tunnel testing fix
zzz I think there's also some bots or bot-like humans that download everything on postman
eyedeekay1 and are updated
eyedeekay1 zlatinb I don't have your DMG yet, where can I download it in order to add it to the mirrors?
eyedeekay1 Thank you
orignal I'm back anyway
zlatinb zzz: ping, dev beating
zzz 0) Hi
zlatinb sorry, hi :))
zzz lag
zzz what's on the agenda for today?
orignal release
zzz release is 1)
zzz how about SSU2 is 2)
zzz anything else for the list?
zzz 1) release
orignal works well so far
R4SAS I'm almost done i2pd release
orignal do you see some improvements?
R4SAS only openwrt left
zlatinb too soon to tell. I'll wait 1 week then try with 1.6.1 to see how it works
R4SAS f-droid pulled release, so tomorrow we will see 2.41.0 on official repo
zzz too early to see any improvement, and I've been running with fixes for weeks, so would be difficult to tell anyway
orignal when do you release?
zzz R4SAS, you have a link to your official fdroid so I can add it to the dashboard?
zzz we released this morning, but the primary in-net update news site isn't updated yet
zzz thanks R4SAS
zzz PPA and deb repo will be tomorrow
zzz eyedeekay1, ETA for website and android and maven?
eyedeekay1 Website will be ready to flip over within the hour, I'll start Android tonight but all told it will take about a day to get done
zzz super
zzz anything else on 1) ?
R4SAS I fixed my repo build tool
R4SAS so I can add impish releases as usually
R4SAS nothing more
zzz I don't have a build tool, I just let launchpad do it :)
R4SAS zzz: I'm about debian repository itself
zzz oh, ok
R4SAS (aka
orignal people say better tunnel creation rate
orignal and more transit
zzz if you tweet about your release I'll RT
zzz I see zlatinb put something up on reddit
orignal will do tonight
zzz 23.6K members on reddit, pretty impressive, I only have like 4K followers on twitter
zzz eyedeekay1 and zlatinb are doing good work over there
eyedeekay1 Some of them are even natural
zzz heh
zzz 2) SSU2
zzz I guess I'll go first
zzz lots of updates to the proposal
zzz and starting to think about how to adapt my test code into real code
zzz on the proposal, I guessed at a schedule and put it at the top
orignal yes, introducers
zzz and a lot of updates on relay and peer test, as I think I came up with a plan on how to do it
zzz we can talk about it now, or I can just give a high-level explanation, or we can wait a week to give you all more time to look at it
zzz up to you
zzz orignal, what's your status?
orignal nothing
orignal I was busy with release last week
zzz I understand
orignal going to keep working this week
zzz I think I'm ready to do testing with you whenever you're ready
zzz so, does anybody want to hear anything about relay and peer test today, or would you rather wait a week?
eyedeekay1 I'd probably benefit from a high-level overview
zzz one sec while I find something to copypasta
zzz ok here's SSU 1 peer test:
zzz Alice Bob Charlie
zzz 1. PeerTest ------------------->
zzz 2. PeerTest-------------------->
zzz 3. <-------------------PeerTest
zzz 4. <-------------------PeerTest
zzz 5. <------------------------------------------PeerTest
zzz 6. PeerTest------------------------------------------>
zzz 7. <------------------------------------------PeerTest
zzz 1-4 are in-session, 5-7 are out-of-session
orignal yes, I reemeber
zzz Relay is similar, but nothing is in-session
orignal and what will be in SSU2?
zzz there's two main problems in ssu 1
zzz #1, the fact that relay is all out-of-session, so it's vulnerable to spoofed source addresses and stuff
orignal tell me
zzz #2, for both relay and peer test, if Bob is a malicious router, all sorts of bad things can happen
orignal agree
orignal and what's your proposal?
zzz so I have two main ideas
zzz #1 Alice signs the request with the signing key in her RI, and Charlie signs the replay with his signing key
zzz the request has timestamps, nonces, IPs, etc in it
zzz #2 make the relay all be in-session. Even though it's going to mean more round trips, it's worth it
zzz and #3
zzz the requests and responses have router hashes in them, not just IPs and ports
orignal so charlie verifies Alice's signature and Alice Charlie's
zzz so charlie and alice can decide if they want to talk to that router or not
zzz correct orignal
orignal you can't do in-session
orignal becuase 5 is unsolicited
zzz correct, 5-7 of peer test are still out-of-session
zzz I think that's fine, I don't see a security issue
zzz end of overview
zzz ask questions now if you like, or think about it and read the details in the proposal and we can talk more next week
orignal let's do next week
orignal but I like the idea with signatures
orignal to make sure that Bob doesn't spoof peer tests
zzz it also means that in your RI, instead of IP, port, intro key, tag, and expiration, it's just router hash, tag, expiration
zzz but it means alice has to lookup the RI for the introducer if she doesn't have it
zzz but alice can skip introducers that are banned, and just pick a good one, or one she already has the RI for
zzz glad you like it so far
zzz anything else on relay and peer test? or on SSU2?
orignal good idea
orignal btw, I never unserstood
orignal why we have to pass all data
orignal what if a Router has multiple addresses
zzz good point, I'm not sure I've thought through all the cases
orignal say Alice publishes SSU address with introducers
zzz I put the ip/port and the router hash in the messages
zzz so alice says 'here's the ip/port I want you to test'
orignal that's how we should know
orignal in my oponion RI hash is enough
zzz the details may need some work, but I'm glad you like the high level
orignal let's discuss next week
zzz sure.
R4SAS Blinded message
R4SAS oops
zzz this will be a while, we have a lot of work to do before we get to relay and peer test code
zzz anything else on 2) ?
zzz anything else for the meeting?
zzz guess that's it, have a good week
eyedeekay1 zlatinb d681e6a7645ce09d7e3dd511bed829e4cb46bf77ebfdd42116b89a4b8667312b releases/1.7.0/I2P-1.7.0.dmg just want to make sure this is the hash I should be getting, otherwise I've got site changes ready to push
eyedeekay1 Awesome they'll be up in a few minutes
eyedeekay1 Oh right, zzz, blog post ready to undraft? Looks ok in my local site
zzz yes
eyedeekay1 OK good
zzz I'm going to DM eche now for a switch flip
eyedeekay1 Sounds good to me
zzz ech says no way today, 24 hour ETA
zlatinb does that mean no bouncing of the website either?
zzz they're independent
zlatinb eyedeekay1: let me know if / when you need to sign the easy install win bundle
eyedeekay1 Will do, probably going to do it tomorrow during the maven/gplay hurry-and-wait period
eyedeekay1 Site updates are pushed, should be visible any second
zlatinb but it can't pick the version number change w/o a bounce, right?
zlatinb or did we fix that?
zzz define "bounce" ?
zlatinb web server restart
zzz I thought that was fixed
zlatinb we'll find out soon :)
zzz but I don't know about 'visible any second', it only yanks from gitlab every hour? half hour?
eyedeekay1 Half hour, seems to be ~:33, :3
eyedeekay1 At least, last time I checked, if you and ech worked on it a few weeks ago then it may be hourly now
eyedeekay1 Nope, there it went
zlatinb nais!
zlatinb btw the systray popup did work on Mac OS
zlatinb zzz: I'm wondering if it isn't better to delay the initial popup until after netdb and exploratory are built
zlatinb or have a second popup
zzz sure, not opposed. let's see how the masses like or hate it