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orignal so we have found the problem
zzz zlatinb, thanks for the great testnet work yesterday
zlatinb np it was fun
zlatinb except for the "apt get openssl libboost-all-dev" which took forever
zzz sure I can try to find the ntcp-only problem, will put it on the list
zlatinb should have done it in the first container before the cloning :)
zzz I see an i2pd checkin last night, is that the fix?
zlatinb yeah, verified
zzz as in tested on the testnet?
zlatinb out of ~600 tests only 1 failed, I didn't bother investigating it
zzz so it's an SSU problem?
zlatinb looks like it; I imagine it renders the object pool foobared
zlatinb but I know next to nothing about std and boost
zzz is this object pool isolated to SSU or it foobars the whole router?
zzz need to know how to avoid the problem from our side
zlatinb need a working ntcp-only testnet for that lol
zzz orignal, how can we work around it?
orignal zzz give the priority to NTCP2
orignal basically SSU dropped too many packets
orignal that's was the rpoblem
orignal this pool problem is specific to SSU
orignal how we merge fragments
orignal I will rewrite it later
zzz what versions have the problem?
orignal 0.9.52
zzz only?
orignal I tried to optimize memory usage for it
zzz so nothing about STBM or anything like that, it's just an SSU thing?
orignal basically I copied code working well for NTCP2 to SSU
orignal but SSU works differentyl due the fragments
orignal it's only SSU thing
orignal packet drops
orignal maybe there is something else
orignal but zlatinb doesn't see any issues in testnet after this change
zzz sure, there always could be more bugs ))
orignal and ofc I didn't see any problem with that routers from the list because I used NTCP2
zzz good job finding it
orignal for 1 hop
orignal this job is not done yet
orignal because I need to find out what exatcly wrong in SSU with fragments
orignal maybe there is one more old bug
orignal but it doesn't affect functionality
orignal but also I see another issue
zzz I can use NTCP2 only for connections to i2pd 0.9.52
orignal no, never mind
orignal yes, it would be nice
zzz but maybe should also avoid i2pd 0.9.52 in tunnels
orignal up to you
zzz do you plan to do a release soon to fix it?
orignal no. let's wait for regular release
orignal also you might use 0.9.52 in tunnels if they are connected trough NTCP2
orignal I don't know if you have the code for it
zzz do you know how many SSU packets are being dropped? about what % ?
zzz yeah but I don't know how the 2nd and 3rd hops are connected
orignal I would day 1/20
zzz me either, will have to look
orignal also remember that i2pd always prefer NTCP2
zzz do things get corrupted and it starts dropping everything? or it's just random?
orignal if possible
orignal random
zlatinb I didn't count but eyeballing before the fix about 40-50% of the java tunnel tests failed
orignal it's not corrupted compeletely
zzz we were going to release on feb. 28 but we could probably do it on the 21st instead
orignal just override some start of buffer for some packets
zzz whats the earliest you could release?
orignal most likely by multi-fragments
orignal I need to ask R4SAS
orignal if he is not busy
zzz I think 21st is the earliest we could do it
orignal I can do at any time
orignal 21st is fine
orignal also it affects to data messages only
orignal and not like peer tests, etc.
orignal also Tunnel creation success rate: 73%
orignal after rebuild on some VPS
zzz but you could go before us
orignal I want to mark it as 0.9.53
orignal maybe few days before yes
orignal but not more
zzz workarounds tested and pushed
orignal works?
orignal implemented clock skew change for NTCP2
orignal Bob sends SessionCreate now and then closes the session