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Xeha i2psnark dosnt use socks directly, but I2CP AFAIK
zlatinb zzz: I have the junit deprecations cleaned up but the ssh tunnel to gitlab izded
zlatinb (the cat ate my homework) j/k
zlatinb !50 and !51 for your review
zzz batting .500
zlatinb will commit java7-ification in a second
eyedeekay Anybody else getting this: [javac] error: error reading i2p.i2p/core/java/build/i2p.jar; invalid header field (line 13)?
zzz ant distclean should fix it
zzz eyedeekay, GH several days behind again
zzz I worked with echelon to change the website to pull from gitlab so it's not dependent on your frequently-broken sync system
eyedeekay OK I made some changes, maybe that broke it again, I'll get it today
orignal I didn't change tunnel build code since 0.9.51
zzz 0) Hi
zzz what's on the list for today?
orignal SSU2 and tunnel failures
zzz ok ssu2 is 1), tunnel failures is 2)
zzz I'll add 3) ntcp2 clock skew followup from last week
zzz ok, 1) SSU2
zzz I updated prop. 159 with the header protection KDFs as promised
zzz probably not perfect, but it's a start
zzz I plan to start writing some test code this week
R4SAS рш
zzz anybody else make any progress?
zzz рш
orignal not from me
eyedeekay No I'm still not at the point where I can really code SSU2 yet
R4SAS "рш" - is "hi" misprinted on russian layout _))
zzz ok. I'm sure once we start coding that will uncover problems in the spec, so that should start happening soon
zzz рш рш рш
zzz anything else on 1) ?
orignal I started but didn't make any progress yet
orignal had some issue with motherboard
zzz 2) tunnel failures
zzz as you know I've been working on this for two months
zzz at one point I thought it was an i2pd issue, then I changed my mind
zzz also been working on changes in java but nothing helped
zzz until I enabled tunnel testing
R4SAS I can say that I found thing, that can make partitially be reason
zzz so then I started doing tests to see what routers were failing
zzz and this last week I did tests with 1-hop as orignal suggested
orignal yes, and I didn't too
zzz with the other direction being 0-hop, so the other direction could not be "blamed"
zzz I've spent probably 40-60 hours on this over the last two months
orignal the suspecious routers failed with short tunnel build
zzz so my last test showed 72% of the failures were i2pd routers
zzz when i2pd is only 26% of my netdb
zlatinb that's what's most interesting, java builds tunnels fine, but then no traffic
zzz 98% of the i2pd failures were 0.9.52
zzz right, these are tunnel test failures after a successful build
orignal how do you build?
R4SAS in mid of december i2pd was added to MSYS2 distribution by user outside of our team. If someone used it from here, there was incorrect configuration with disabling network state verifyer (USE_MESHNET=yes for make)
R4SAS so I router incorrectly set R cap to tlags
orignal my question is
orignal does every i2pd routers fail?
R4SAS so router **
zlatinb orignal: no, only some 0.9.52s, mostly in .ru from my experience
zlatinb Xfr caps
zzz there's still a few "random" causes possible - the router goes down, or it hits connection limits
zzz so the data's never going to be 100%
zzz my last test was expl. tunnels configured for 1-hop outbound, 0-hop inbound, I think 5 tunnels
zzz run for 24 hours
zzz and then add up all routers with at least one test failure
zzz 129 total routers failed. 36 java, 93 i2pd, 24 were in RU
zzz so at this point, I think it's an i2pd problem
zzz what do you mean 'how do you build'?
orignal "some" what's the percentage?
zzz 93 i2pd routers failed at least once, out of about 1450 i2pd routers in my netdb on average
zzz but I have no idea how many routers were built through in 24 hours
orignal I trid to build 3 hops tunnel through my routers
orignal no problems at all
orignal that's whY I'm confused
orignal R4SAS it might another problem
zzz could it be a crypto problem or openssl 3?
orignal build for 21.10
orignal opessl 3 exists in Fedora only
orignal and I tried
orignal no probems with it
R4SAS in archlinux too
R4SAS but not defaulted to it yet
zzz since these are 1-hop, almost all 0.9.52, it's STBM
orignal what was the real problem
orignal broken build for 21.10
orignal that was rebuilt and fixed later
orignal how about VTBM?
orignal can you test?
zlatinb I tested VTBM, same behavior
zlatinb with that hash I found last week
orignal and it works for me wtih VTBM
zzz I can also post a list of router hashes if that helps
zzz or I can test with 0-hop OB, 1-hop IB
zzz orignal, can you test the broken 21.10 build to see if it drops tunnel messages?
orignal no, it just didn't work
orignal for us
orignal but maybe it worked for somebody else
zzz so, in summary, I'm out of ideas, I think it's an i2pd problem, and if you can't figure it out in the next 4 weeks I don't know what I need to do for the release
orignal zzz however the source of problem is not this
orignal the problem is
orignal 1. i2pd doesn't see this problem.
orignal 2. if it's around 100 routers, any advesary can put the network down
orignal by doing it intentionally
zlatinb agreed
zzz can I give you a list of routers to test with?
orignal yes please
orignal I will see
orignal give me few
zlatinb but tunnel testing works around problem 2
zlatinb so maybe there's no need to do anything else?
orignal that's what I meant
zzz tunnel testing makes it better but is not a magic fix
orignal if tunnel testing solves the problem just change profiling
orignal also I can say there is no problem with i2pd in trunk or relese
orignal but there are also many forks
zzz the thing is, we started seeing the problem right after the .52 release, and it steadily got worse
orignal because you swiches to STBM
orignal in 0.9.52
orignal Tunnel creation success rate: 69%
orignal I can't see it gets worse
zzz yes I switched in 0.9.52, but will use STBM for routers >= 51
orignal that's what happened
orignal you build a lot of STBM since 0.9.52
orignal that's why you see it
zzz I don't follow your reasoning
zzz but I can do a VTBM test if you like. zlatinb said it didn't matter
orignal becuse failed routers works fine with VTBM
orignal and data goes through
orignal please do
orignal because VTBM works for me
zzz so you did testing where STBM failed and VTBM passed?
orignal even with failed routers
orignal yes, I did
orignal that's my pint
zzz so you DO see the problem
orignal only STBM causes that problem
orignal yes, I do
zzz <orignal> 1. i2pd doesn't see this problem.
orignal with that router provided by zlatin
orignal i2pd just doesn't care
orignal tunnel failed
orignal we build another one
orignal and not huge amount of failed tunnels
zzz it still hurts reliability. Let's not say "doesn't care".
orignal everything works as ecpected
zzz this is a major problem
zzz and tunnel testing isn't free
orignal major problem where?
zzz major problem with the reliability of the network
orignal I can't control every single fork
zzz major enough for me to work my ASS off trying to find the root cause for two months
zzz let's not assume it's a fork. maybe it is, maybe not, but you can't assume that and say you're not going to investigate
orignal I can't iverstigate because the code in trunk works properly
orignal what and how should I investiagte?
zzz take all the info, go look for possible problems. I don't know your code, how can I give you advice?
zzz this can't just be that you give me more work to do, more things to test. I need help
orignal I will try few more scenrios
zlatinb I'm happy to help with a mixed i2pd+java LXC testnet if anyone is interested
orignal zlatinb good point
orignal try to reproduce the problem there
orignal because I can't
zlatinb ok, over the coming week I'll build from the (which?) tag
R4SAS 59%, 68%, 83%, 47%, 56%, 52%, 60%, 67%, 48%, 52%, 76% - success rate of my routers
zlatinb and maybe try to reproduce with a broken build too
zzz this has nothing to do with build success R4SAS
zzz it's about tunnels that don't work after being built
orignal zzz it does
zzz why?
orignal when you try to build OB
R4SAS failed tunnels counted too, as I know
orignal you must specify IB
orignal and if IB is bad OB will fail
orignal so we will see tunel build ratio degradation
zlatinb orignal & zzz: there's difference in behavior between java and i2pd which means there's difference in the crypto somewhere
zlatinb let's focus on that
zzz I'll post a list of hashes shortly
zzz anything else on 2) ?
orignal But I also saw the problem with that router
zzz 3) ntcp2 clock skew
zzz I implemented all the recommendations from last week
zzz also, I reported that on my ff I see about 180 skewed connections per hour
orignal as we agreed we will adjust clock from SSU
zzz I assume they're mostly i2pd
orignal ofc they are
orignal if time difference more than 15 sec we adjust
zzz so I recommend you enable NTP by default
orignal we don't want to
orignal it's leak
R4SAS We will do it other way
orignal as advesary can regnize i2p by that ntp packets
zzz funny, I thought you told us that using DNSoverHTTPS for NTP server lookup was a waste of time? but maybe misremember
R4SAS on peer test we will check offset with local time, if it more than 15 seconds, we will switch "adjust" flag and apply diff local-external
zzz however you do it, it's a huge number of routers out there that can't work at all because of clock skew, it needs to be fixed
orignal no I didn't suugest it
orignal zzz many routers uses system daemon for it
R4SAS next few peer during peer test will be used to calculate average difference and it will be applied
orignal and mobile clients use network time
orignal as I said, adjust with SSU during initial peer test should eliminate the problem
zzz anything else on 3?
zzz anything else for the meeting?
orignal basically we use ntp sync explicitly on OpenVZ VPS only
orignal where you can't adjust system clock
orignal please gimme the list
orignal and I will test
zzz I'll have the router list in 10 minutes
orignal thanks
orignal I will give you the stats with STBM and VTBM
orignal downloaded
orignal will let you know in few days what I see
zzz thanks
zzz will start a VTBM test shortly
orignal no mine among them