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zeroya Dear NAMBLA,
zeroya I will be out of this jail in nine months for good and will lend my services as needed to further the fight for freedom to chose whom a man, as well as a boy, can be with and LOVE. We both know that sex is not the main thing. It's the love and care that is shared between the two.
zeroya I myself have been involved in a relationship with a boy since he was eight years old. He is 16 years old now and we still have the same love, care, and joy. Foolish people may think he is "too young to make up his mind" or that "I made up his mind for him.” To that I say BULLSHIT! Everything has been consensual, plus we did not even have any sexual contact until the year of his sweet sixteenth birthday (a
zeroya nd boy was it sweet). As life isn't fair, we are apart for the first time in eight years, but only for nine months. He comes to see me every weekend and we talk and laugh, then a sad time comes when he has to leave.
zeroya This kid is very normal. He does things all boys his age do. He has a girl friend and a boy friend (me). I respect him and he respects me. Maybe one day he'll get married and have kids of his own, but for now he says, "not to fret.” He'll always love me for the things I've taught him, the love I've given him so freely, and the happiness we've shared with each other.
zeroya So in closing, I say keep sending the Bulletins. After I read them I send them to my friend and love.
zeroya If loving Robbie is wrong, I don't want to be right!
zeroya Courage to all the other boys, men, girls, and women that want to just love each other. You're not alone! One day these fools will see that LOVE IS GOOD in whatever form it comes in.
zeroya Dear NAMBLA,
zeroya When I was 13 years old I had my first sexual experience with someone older: my adult camp counselor. He had been my counselor for three years, was a school teacher somewhere, and was very kind to me.
zeroya My first year in camp I was very home-sick and this kind and gentle man would hold me close to him, in private, and allow me dignity as I cried onto his shoulder. He held me, stroked my back but in no way did he take "advantage" of me.
zeroya Over the next two years I had my parents request this man, whom I believed to have been in his late 30s, to be my counselor because I liked him and thought he was a very nice man.
zeroya During my third and final year I began having sexual desires for him, wanted him to kiss me, and tried to give him several hints. While other boys were working their way towards medals and projects they could take home, my project was to climb in bed with this man.
zeroya My chance finally came on a rainy night after all of us went to bed. I could not sleep and instead I went into his private quarters where he invited me to climb under the sheets.
zeroya He finally took the chance and fondled me finally kissing then sucking me over and over again. It was the most exciting sexual experience I have ever had.
zeroya The next day and for the final week of camp we reacted toward each other as if nothing had happened. I left camp never to see or hear from him again.
zeroya As a gay man in my early 30s I am not now attracted to children but to older men; perhaps thinking of my counselor. But my case is one to refute the charges that once molested as a child, a person grows up to be a molester of his own. I was not molested. I was loved and I feel I am better for it.