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anontor There seems to be an issue I have noticied with i2pd resolving i2p addresses in snap i2pd. The socks seems to work for outside addresses and the addressbook subscriptions and default url which has the address of the i2p site i was trying to seem to be fine.
anontor using socks proxy 4447
R4SAS socks will never show to you addresshelper page and information that nothing was found in addressbook
R4SAS so, issue can be confirmed only if http proxy has same thing
R4SAS anontor: ^
anontor I can try.
anontor 4444?
R4SAS so here no issue
anontor What you mean no issue?
R4SAS you trying to connect to reg.i2p, when here no records in addressbook
R4SAS so few reasons:
R4SAS 1. addressbook is broken
R4SAS 2. addressbook wasn't loaded
R4SAS 3. subscription url incorrect
R4SAS are you using clean snap installation with default configs?
R4SAS and can you check if there addressbook.csv in *datadir*/addressbook/ ?
R4SAS (but I cant say where snap stores datadir, so you must check webconsole for 'data path')
anontor I have tried changing up subscriptions and default url and same problem. default url is shx5vqsw7usdaunyzr2qmes2fq37oumybpudrd4jjj4e4vk4uusa.b32.i2p/hosts.txt and has reg.i2p listed.
anontor there is an addressbook.csv
R4SAS can you increase loglevel to level info and restart i2pd?
R4SAS to check if any addressbook loaded on start after 5 minutes
R4SAS any subscription**
anontor weird reg.i2p is not in the addressbook.csv
anontor neither is identiguy but a bunch of other addresses are their.
anontor thats the problem just tried an address listed and it works
R4SAS ofcourse, because they already in addressbook
R4SAS but somehow you haven't book from reg...
anontor looks like it might be the default url but I already tried changing that?
R4SAS default url must work
anontor so basically its not loading anything from the address book subscriptions or default.
R4SAS reg is online currently
anontor I tried two or 3 different default urls
anontor I can try again
R4SAS you cant use short domain in `default` field if you havent any records
R4SAS defaulturl*
anontor what you mean short domain?
anontor looks long to me :)
R4SAS like reg.i2p/hosts.txt
anontor I know that part you don't see my defaul url I was using?
R4SAS I see it
R4SAS just said as note
anontor does the hup signal work with reloading configs like this?
R4SAS hup only works for tunnels
anontor hang I plan on restarting :)
anontor2 still does not appear to be updating the addressbook
anontor2 its working though
R4SAS stop snap,
R4SAS kill addressbook directory
R4SAS increase loglevel
R4SAS start
R4SAS and let's recheck
R4SAS with monitoring logs
anontor I have an address book now. I think its fixed hang on
anontor its working
anontor thanks
anontor I guess it needed to be deleted not sure :)
R4SAS that's why I said 5 minutes )))
R4SAS your logs was 1 minute after start
anontor I understand but this was the exact same config I was using for addressbook but deleting addressbook.csv seemed to do that trick.
anontor I can repost
anontor but its back up
anontor before i2pd was up for hours and still did not update
anontor the addressbook
R4SAS if addressbook was loaded correctly, updates fetched once in day
R4SAS so after initial loading next will be loaded after 24 hours
anontor well the issues is something I have noticed for a while now but today is when I tried to really fix it. This did not start today but from days back when I noticied it
R4SAS days back you maybe got in touch with reg issue
R4SAS when router died
anontor before I had not really bothered to try to fix it
anontor could be but I recently had an uptime of i2pd for 2 days seems like it would have updated then.
R4SAS ~9 hours downtime as far as I know
anontor well im glad its up now :)
anontor Thanks for your help
R4SAS uptime can be 2 days, but initial addressbook wasn't loaded...
R4SAS so there can be thing that subscriptions wasn't reacheable
R4SAS (because of short domains)
R4SAS (which loaded by initial addressbook)
R4SAS reg now have 1+1 reservation using multihoming
anontor whats weird is that reg.i2p used to work unless an i2p address change it should have been even in an older addresssbook.csv that was not updated
R4SAS ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
anontor Thanks for your help :)