IRCaBot 2.1.0
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zzz dr|z3d, wrapper MR is up if you'd like to test it or take it
dr|z3d thanks, zzz, will have a look
zzz eyedeekay, you have an update on the gitea transition schedule? I assume it's delayed, and we don't want a March 16 transition anyway, as that's our release day
zzz I'm going to keep doing MRs on gitlab until you tell me to stop
dr|z3d have you tested with windows, zzz?
zzz nope, and no change to windows wrapper, as discussed yesterday
zzz I may have broken the debian build, not sure if our CI does that, and haven't tested it yet
dr|z3d ok, you've probably got your own strategy for ensuring you don't get the wrapper.jar and dll files with conflicting versions.. I think I had to retain an older wrapper.jar file for windows in order to not break things.
zzz we have that all baked in, for 10 years
zzz installer/lib/wrapper/win-all/wrapper.jar
dr|z3d yeah, I had to rejig things when I updated the windows stuff, probably my screwup.
zzz debian build seems to work
zzz looks like you're using win-all/ , dont see any screwups
dr|z3d this was a "long time ago", I think I may have accidentally replaced the window jar, don't recall exactly, but I had to mess with stuff.
zzz not that long
zzz commit 7c5dce38194c9b4dff1317a384f5c74ed95d0fa5
zzz Author: dr|z3d <>
zzz Date: Wed Mar 15 01:14:37 2023
zzz that rev looks right to me
dr|z3d ok, thanks for the reminder. you have my codebase locally now? :)
zzz ofc
dr|z3d *** chuckles. ***
dr|z3d and you're running a secret i2p+ instance, but you'd never admit to that :P
eyedeekay Yeah everybody's getting an extra month
eyedeekay Gitea will go up on the same schedule but gitlab will not go down until April
zzz ok please update the schedule on the forum
Irc2PGuest60509 what does 'Network: UDP disabled and inbound TCP host/port not set' actually mean?
zzz if it just appears briefly and then goes away, you can ignore it, that's a bug
zzz if you do have UDP disabled, it means set the TCP host/port on /confignet
zzz found one more fix needed in tunnel test, will be bumping to -7-rc shortly
orignal yes, and you mujst specify host= in i2pd
orignal if you know it for sure
zzz orignal, FYI I gave up on the memcpy reseed serving old RIs, still haven't heard from hottuna
orignal memcpu ?
orignal *memcpy
orignal oh you mean particaulr reeeed
zzz yes.
orignal do you want me to remove one?
orignal I though you are talking about the function like buffer overflow, etc.
zzz it's up to you. it's serving files from Jan. 1.
orignal if you say so I will remove
orignal then mamoth's shit
orignal should have removed it
orignal btw, eyedeekay, did you fix ipv6 ressed?
zzz usually he gets back to me, don't know where he's gone
orignal so, what would be with itoopie?
orignal since it's his project
zzz I maintain it now, he hasn't touched it in years
orignal I was going to play with it to add local sockets support
zzz speaking of reseed, eyedeekay, StormyCloud, weekly reminder to figure out the upgrade
orignal people say it's possible to use them in Java
orignal upgrade?
zzz the go-reseed upgrade to not put old versions in the reseed
zzz eyedeekay did the changes but when StormyCloud tried to upgrade it isn't working right
orignal huh? I thought idk was th one who has implemented new reseeder with this check
orignal got it
orignal the use ours )))
zzz idk's reseed is doing it right, so probably just some installation issue for stormy
zzz re: domain sockets, yeah, you can do it in java, you need JNI binaries
eyedeekay I had some dns issues that should be fixed now, but if it's different between I2P and i2pd I need to look again
StormyCloud I nuked the old
StormyCloud Installed and installed the newest version so not sure what else I could try
zzz ok let me retest
zzz yeah that looks good StormyCloud, thanks
orignal so, can I do it in itoopie?
orignal btw, I say you repo with scripts for i2pcontrol
orignal do these scripts work?
zzz the one?
zzz", line 149, in <module>
zzz class UnauthenticatedHTTPSConnection(httplib2.HTTPSConnection):
zzz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
zzz AttributeError: module 'httplib2' has no attribute 'HTTPSConnection'
orignal right
orignal so it's outdated
zzz not a python guy but maybe I can figure it out
zzz looking at the httplib2 changelog now
orignal it's not suatable for me anyway because I need local sockets
zzz it's really broken
orignal I need to rewrite code to use sockets rather than wrappers over sockets
zzz I did some import fixes so now it compiles for me but doesn't work
orignal how do you currently test i2pcontrol beside itoopie?
zzz thats it
eyedeekay I checked the jsonrpc library I use in go-i2pcontrol it does not support local sockets either
orignal however you curl scripts work
orignal I used that one
zzz where are those? I forget
orignal jsonrpc? it justbuils and p[arses JSON
orignal come on
orignal nothing to do with sockets
orignal I found somewhere on github
orignal and it was eyedeekay 's repo
eyedeekay Oh those curl/bash scripts are just terrible, not surprised if they're broken
eyedeekay I don't think I even used jq, just sed abominations
eyedeekay they're not zzz's work either, I wrote them quick-and-dirty for some purpose I have forgotten
zzz oh good, I didn't forget
orignal they work
orignal also with local sockets
orignal beucase curl supports it
eyedeekay Glad to hear it. YMMV, I expect them to be somewhat brittle
dr|z3d pip install -U {module}
dr|z3d pyenv also recommended.. sometimes you'll need a specific python version to get a package working.