Updates on i2pgit.org: it should be stable again now and through the next few months, but we are migrating providers so there will be some planned downtime. This planned downtime will happen after the 2.8.0 release. I will write and post a plan for this downtime to the forum within the next week.
super, thanks eyedeekay. money isn't always the best fix but it's often the fastest ))
saw an interesting post about doing backups from a hosted machine with really high security
it's kinda handwavy and complex and uses 'NBD client' which is over my head though
Hm, always open to improving my backup strategy if I can keep it simple, I'll take a look
thanks zzz
eyedeekay, for my stuff on eche's server I just have a cron job on my side that scp's over a list of a few files I care about, that's simple and secure, good enough for me
Where I had that huge tarball before I was doing basically the same but with rsync-over-ssh so I could have resumability, for now I am doing rsync without the tarball which is actually saving me data too since I'm only downloading the changes now
direct rsync w/o tarball sounds pretty good
almost anything w/o tarball sounds better than what you were doing
It was nice for filing them away on the backup server once I downloaded them. I've got a 6TB disk on my NAS which is just these backups, one a week, named for the week they were taken
I like rsync but it always takes me 15 minutes to get the args right
Yeah and then you end up with that confusing 1st-target-dir-copy/2nd-target-dir-copy business, pretty sure that's why I was doing the tarball actually...
just wrote a dumb crontab script to gzip my jetty logs, after trying and failing to do it for everybody from java
zzz ACK both MR's, merge them when you're ready
thx for the review
thx for the MR's :)