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Opicaak Hi, will another I2P Con happen again?
zzz eyedeekay, ping re: schedule
R4SAS Yesterday I finally took the time (almost a year after the discussion) to dig into opentracker. As a result, it was possible to implement i2p support with the conversion of the received b64 addresses into binary b32.
zzz R4SAS, I did that like 15 years ago
R4SAS Yup, but I take latest master commit to do that
R4SAS If I remember correctly, we have also have discussed about the UDP tracker
zzz did you fork/merge what I did or start over?
R4SAS started over, because opentracker's code changed a lot since i2p.i2p-opentracker
R4SAS but I looked how it was done there
zzz iirc their code was really hard to follow
R4SAS I took yesterday about 4 hours to understand it, now it is a bit easier )))
zzz re: UDP trackers, first we need to finish datagram2 (proposal 163) then we have to rewrite the tracker proposal 160
R4SAS btw: -> "Proposals" -> -> "Yep... the resource, you were searching for, is named differently, doesn't exist or was removed."
zzz don't know, file a ticket
zzz this one works
R4SAS because /en/
zzz you were smart to do it with a WANT_I2P ifdef. Should be much more maintainable than the mess I made of it
zzz and you did compact support? that's really nice
zzz you should steal my README-i2p.txt and update it
zzz compact works?
zzz oooh yours is compact-only
zzz so you're storing 32 bytes instead of 516+
zzz nice job, you did in 4 hours what I didn't in 10 years
R4SAS I can store full base64 too, but in that case I must add check for compact everywhere, so for now - only b32
zzz thats fine
zzz working with snark?
R4SAS currently testing with psi's XD, where it works perfectly
zzz sweet
zzz if it works with snark it's officially better than my version :)
zzz only compact is fine
eyedeekay re: schedule discussion I am thinking about one last push back to January to extend test time
zzz where are we at right now?
eyedeekay I don't have any more big changes to implement or test, and we've got a little less than a month to the December date on forum
zzz so are we at the big changes deadline as of today, more or less?
eyedeekay Couple days after but more or less yes
zzz ok I have 3 or 4 MRs I put up yesterday for you
zzz I'd call them 'medium' but up to you
zzz if we could squeeze them in that would be ducky
zzz but I'm fine with you declaring big changes are done
zzz ok?
eyedeekay Sure that's fine
zzz ok, thanks for your review
zzz next is tag freeze, you've declared 11/19 but that seems way too early even for a 12/18 release
zzz 10 days before should be plenty
zzz but the real question as you state is whether to hold onto 12/18
eyedeekay Yeah I'll move that up let's see...
zzz 4 weeks instead of 5 for testing should be fine
zzz the real issues are:
zzz 1) does that leave enough time for whatever else may have been neglected for months - android, bundle, etc
zzz 2) is 12/18 practical with the holidays - what is your schedule - are you going to CCC
zzz 3) do you consider the deb repo a blocker for release, or are you willing to release without it, what is the status there, etc
zzz eot
eyedeekay 1. Bundle yes, Android yes as long as I don't add anything else
eyedeekay 2. 12/18 is OK for my schedule as long as CCC is after Christmas, but I am going to go
zzz it's the 27th-30th as usual
zzz but I still haven't received vouchers
eyedeekay 3. I am willing to release without it but I should be able to resolve it before the beginning of December
zzz you said a week ago you made contact with the hoster. Is there a chance it comes back at the same hostnames or not?
eyedeekay Well, we, gotta regroup with Ech
zzz he said he's 99% busy, I've had zero luck on a couple other things I've asked him for, so anything that depends on him is a problem
zzz it certainly would be better if we had a deb repo before the release, it makes the messaging a lot better
zzz rather than the release notes full of 'sorry, no deb repo, see here for ugly workaround'
zzz if you can just get the hoster to bring it back then we don't need ech
zzz but remember you still gotta upgrade again from focal to jammy
eyedeekay I can do most of the work, just gotta get an ack on my plan
eyedeekay I doubt the old hostnames will be coming back in any hurry but I am working on that too
zzz the old hostnames would be a lot better
zzz ok I suggest we try to hold the 12/18 date for now but move the tag freeze to about 12/4, and let's review where we are after thanksgiving
zzz because a push would be several weeks to mid-Jan due to holidays and CCC
eyedeekay Sounds good I will update the forum
zzz ok. also please keep i2pd informed, they always seem to be in the dark
eyedeekay Yeah basically talking at least 3
zzz I also suggest this is a good time for you to review and close tickets and get to work on the more minor but blocker ones, and make a todo list
zzz there's still a lot, don't leave them to the last day, everything needs testing
eyedeekay Sure thing. Today's to do item is a pass over the Javadoc for places where it became incorrect
eyedeekay For me anyway
zzz ok you may wish to look at my MRs first so you don't bump into conflicts
zzz for me, I'm mostly moving on to 2.5.0 ideas
eyedeekay I'll check the MR's out first
eyedeekay Thanks for 155, that was also on my list
dr|z3d good work, eyedeekay, you've been super busy.
dr|z3d and props to zzz, too, for the surgical analysis.
dr|z3d both dev and release update paths for I2P+ now have the latest -91+ build to aid extended testing.
zzz thaks
zzz thaks
zzz thanks
zzz stupid n key
zzz eyedeekay, shortly after this release, whenever it is, let's have a discussion about the goals and processes for 2.5.0
zzz eyedeekay, the roadmap on the website could use an update
orignal zzz I have implemented SAM accept queue. will be in the next release
orignal you can change the specs
orignal could you also remnding stream accept timeout? I will also implement it
zzz orignal, what's your next i2pd version number?
zzz orignal, 3 seconds timeout, 50 max queue size
orignal thanks, my max queue size is 64 now
orignal will add 3 sec
R4SAS zzz: what is problem with deb repo?
zzz we tried to upgrade the OS and restart and it never came back up
Opicaak is accessible, no TLS.
zzz CCC voucher update: "We ask you for a litte more patience"