IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
mesh 2.0.0 == .956 right?
mesh yeah, forgot about the Local Router tab
mesh must say, the 2.0 ui is a bit less satisfying
mesh I used to be able to tell what other flood fills my flood fill router was connected to, but now this information is missing
R4SAS zzz: kk
mesh I do wonder what the "cost per torrent" is on postman is. I guess it's less kilobyte
mesh but there is no way to mark a torrent as hidden I guess?
mesh this gives me an idea...
mesh zzz: btw, is there any example code of signing data using a destination?
zzz i2cp RequestLeaseSetMessageHandler; streaming PacketLocal; datagrams I2PDatagramMaker
zzz basically just _context.dsa().sign(...)
mesh zzz: very interesting. So DSAEngine.sign takes an InputStream and a SigningPrivateKey. How do you get a SigningPrivateKey? Destination has a SigningPublicKey?
zzz if it's your destination, it's in the i2cp session. Of course you don't have the private key for other people's destinations
zzz I2PSession.getPrivateKey()
mesh zzz: Cool. So I2PSession#getPrivateKey can be passed to DSAEngine#sign(InputStream, SigningPrivateKey)?
zzz yup
mesh and then the reverse operation is presumably DSAEngine#verifySignature(Signature, InputStream, SigningPublicKey) with the SigningPublicKey retrieved from the I2PSession#getMyDestination ...?
zzz there's a lot of sign() variants for byte[], etc, look around in DSAEngine
zzz yup, verifySignature() and all the variants
mesh And when it comes to serializing a Signature presumably it's just a matter of preserving the 'SigType' and the underlying byte[] returned from getData
zzz sure, a Signature is a DataStructure, so there's stream and byte methods there
zzz that covers the data only. there is no standard serialization format for adding the sig type, that's on you
mesh zzz: how... kosher is it to use postman to upload quasi-private torrents that are of interest to only a few users you think? I'm leaning towards (1) shutting down my ftp servers and (2) having users go a Destination, get a pointer to a torrent, downloading the torrent, and then verifying a Signature on the downloaded data
zzz in general you just infer the sig type of the Signature from the sig type of the key you're signing or verifying with
zzz I don't set policy for postman, ask him about kosher-ness
zzz but if they're private why not run your own tracker or just rely on opentrackers and DHT?
mesh hmm yeah. now that I see how it easy it is to create a torrent and upload it to postman I realize running my own ftp servers is pretty dumb.
zzz ftp in general is dumb
mesh zzz: what is opentrackers? I mean the nice thing about postman, in theory, is that users have a nice "experience." Just go to postman, copy the magnet link, post it into i2psnark, and it will work like magic.
zzz opentracker is just a tracker with no registration rules and no UI
zzz no web listing
zzz you could put your files on a eepsite and add it as a webseed to the torrent
mesh not sure if postman would be okay with me uploading torrents called "mesh-distribution-$VERSION.$DATE" every month.
mesh zzz: where might I learn more about webseeds and opentracker? that actually sounds nice. does opentrackers have some sort of http-api for working with it even if there's no web ui?
zzz google?
dr|z3d enjoy your new role, zzz. you have become google :)
zzz the zzzot opentracker plugin has a basic webpage for stats and is extensible so you could add info to pimp your torrents
mesh alright I'll look into it. I do see people distributing games and linux distros over postman.
zzz tl;dr just host your .torrent files and/or magnet links on your eepsite, you don't need postman for that
mesh zzz: hmm, might that work
mesh though postman does track the number of downloads which is kinda nice, as well as alternate seeds. but yeah in theory running a private tracker would be ideal
dr|z3d mesh: if you want an opentracker, zzzot (zzz's open tracker) is a java plugin that'll do exactly what you need. stats.i2p/i2p/plugins
dr|z3d install and you're all set, no need to restart your router.
dr|z3d patch opentracker with a download/hit count, and send a merge request to zzz.
mesh would be great to have an automated system integrated with the build system to build a distribution and then create a torrent
dr|z3d check i2p's build.xml .. there's a target to automate torrent creation.
mesh yeah I'm looking at the source for zzot right now,
mesh dr|z3d: there is? holy moly, there's nothing build.xml can't do hehe
mesh huh, that's interesting. the mktorrent build.xml target automates torrent generation to postman, which is almost exactly what I would like to do
dr|z3d like zzz said, with zzzot you don't need postman. zzzot runs its own jetty instance, so you can just dump torrents in a folder and use the file listing feature to expose them.
mesh zzzot has the ability to automatically detect new files added to a folder and generate torrents?
dr|z3d no. you'd create torrents, copy them to a folder within zzzot's docroot, and link to that folder on the front page.
mesh yeah I'll play around with zzzot. it's a cleaner solution then polluting postman with a bunch of crap I guess
dr|z3d all your outstanding questions re zzzot should be answered with the supplied help document.
mesh dr|z3d: which is where? I see a README.txt at but I'm not seeing any other docs
dr|z3d install it first.
mesh ah ok
RN zzz: chicken shawarma near me
RN hmmm.. this new google no workie so good.
zzz obscuratus, re: CyLg, I see a lot of his tunnels, but not enough to blow out the network tunnel graph like the previous one did
dr|z3d something's causing occasional spikes still.
zzz maybe, but that graph is really noisy
dr|z3d not quite as prolonged as before, and maybe not as pronounced.
zzz on a month scale, both quantity and volatility is increasing, but we have a network upgrade in there
zzz plus i2pd turning off SSU 1