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eyedeekay Hi everyone, welcome to the October 4 2022 meeting
eyedeekay 2. 1.10.0 development status
eyedeekay 3. next release 2.0.0?
eyedeekay 4. Publish source tarballs for bundle releases
eyedeekay 5. Free stickers for translators
eyedeekay 6. Windows Easy-Install Update/Out-of-Beta
eyedeekay 2. 1.10.0 development status
eyedeekay About 7 weeks to go
eyedeekay My big priority this month has been to get the Windows Easy-Install bundle ready to go out of beta
eyedeekay Lots of stuff on the forum about that, targeting stable updates, compatibility with existing/unbundled routers, and a more stable and flexible way to manage and launch browser profiles, more on all that in item 6
eyedeekay Also working on a "Split Tunneling" or "Per-App VPN" tool in Android(on the roadmap).
eyedeekay The utility is that it allow users to configure their browsers more easily, in a way which prevents WebRTC escapes by putting them onto an interface which corresponds to an I2P connection and not to their network provider
eyedeekay zzz, zlatinb what would you like to add that you're working on
zzz not a lot to report... SSU2 testing continues to go well...
zzz put up proposal 161 about compressible padding, we'll be discussing it in #ls2 meetings...
zlatinb Nothing specific I'm working on, just want to let everyone know that I'll be afk from 22nd Nov to 10th Dec so if the next release gets tagged on the 21st I may be able to build the mac bundles but will most likely not be able to seed the torrents
eyedeekay If you send me the files I'll seed them for you
zzz I have some peer selection efficiency improvements I'm going to try to get in soon, may or may not make it
zzz EOT
eyedeekay Thanks zzz, zlatinb, I don't want to rush anybody but we do have a long agenda today, anything else to add on 2?
eyedeekay 3. next release 2.0.0?
eyedeekay My vote is yes to 2.0.0
zzz yeah I put it up for comments on my forum and got I think 1 yes and no no's
eyedeekay I was a yes at the last meeting too I think
zzz I'd like to decide today because I have a SSU2 blog post ready to go and it would be helpful to refer to the next release by number
zzz yeah I didn't hear any strong opinions one way or the other last meeting which is why we pushed it a month
zzz I think it's a good idea
zzz so if there's no objections, let's call it 2.0.0!
eyedeekay Timeout 1m for objections
zzz make it 30 seconds :)
eyedeekay Yeah I already burned 30
eyedeekay OK there it is
eyedeekay 4. Publish source tarballs for bundle releases
zzz yeah this was my item
zzz standard open source practice is to post source tarballs, even if we can point to a git tag
zzz I understand that the Mac source doesn't change release to release?
zzz but the windows source does?
zlatinb well the mac bundle has evolved to enable arm64 but in general it doesn't change
eyedeekay What we both do is clone a copy of the repo and check out a specific release tag, ant distclean, generate our jars, and copy them into the bundle trees
zzz anyway, my recommendation is that we generate source tarballs as part of the build process and link to them on the respective download pages
zzz if they don't change, then I guess they can be unversioned
zzz so the windows source doesn't change release-to-release either?
zlatinb I would rather just tag and then fetch the tarball from github. I expect at least for a while the only thing changing in the mac bundle will be the changelog file
zzz you all can work out the details, but the goal is to have source and instructions so anybody can build it themselves
eyedeekay The i2p jars that get included don't change except to get updated, but the Windows source has changed in the launcher quite a lot since it started
zzz are you two willing to do that and add it to your release processes?
eyedeekay Yes absolutely
eyedeekay My release scripts and daily scripts now include tarball every time
zzz you don't need to include dependencies such as i2p, and probably shouldn't
eyedeekay zab's too IIRC
zlatinb the question is where to put the tarballs, should they be available on the site, etc.
zzz somewhere on the download server with everything else, with links on the bundle pages. You two can work out the details to be consistent
zlatinb well that's the thing, if we can just point to a gitlab tag then there's no need for any extraneous links
zzz disagree, I think it's good open source practice to publish source tarballs
zlatinb github and maybe gitlab allow tarball download off of a tag
zzz here's the binary, here's the source, here's the gpg sigs, here's the build instructions
eyedeekay It's not much more effort, I'm not against it, I tag in the same script I generate tarballs in
zzz it's also consistent with our mainline release to have tarballs
zzz sounds like zlatinb is not in agreement? should we push this off to next month?
zlatinb yeah I think it's unnecessary
zlatinb but don't mind doing it if that's what the decision is
zzz if it never changes, you only have to do it once and you're done
zlatinb it has changed very rarely historically
zzz if we don't want to decide today I'll start a forum thread to solicit more opinions
zzz ok = you're oppposed for now?
zzz no problem, eyedeekay put it on the list for next month
eyedeekay Kicking it down the road for now is fine with me, zlatinb and I can work out what we're going to do or not do in the meantime
eyedeekay This might be a situation where we have to be a little different because my bundle has been a little more rapidly-changing than his
eyedeekay Probably a good idea, and I'm pro tarballs
eyedeekay OK can do
eyedeekay Anything else for 4?
eyedeekay 5. Free stickers for translators
eyedeekay zzz this one was also yours, take it away whenever you're ready
zzz yeah, credit sarah jamie lewis on twitter
zzz for her project which I've forgotten the name... cwtch?
zzz anyway, thought it was a good idea, but we'd need a) stickers and b) people to mail them
eyedeekay That's the one
zzz both of which we used to have but are now out of both people and stickers?
zzz so, do we want to do it, and should we order stickers (even if we don't)
zzz EOT
zzz sadie and eche|on used to be the sticker people I think
eyedeekay I went through and counted mine up, I've got maybe 35 of the old ones(Toopie) and 91 left of the run I ordered in the spring, but I'd be fine with ordering more
zzz anyway, comments please... yes/no/maybe?
eyedeekay I can mail them within the US and Canada but the EU isn't great for me
zzz we have hundreds of translators registered. only a few are probably active
zzz who is the sticker-orderer-person?
eyedeekay The last person to order stickers was probably me, but I did them on my own time/out of pocket so I would have them for conventions
zzz who's in charge of PR?
zzz who has an opinion about stickers for translators?
zzz well, you could have / should have gotten reimbursed... echelon used to be the sticker guy
zzz we're going to need his buyin both for the cost, and to make him the EU mail person, and to send half to you and half to him
zzz since he's not around, put this on the list for next month, I'll try to get his attention
eyedeekay I think that if translators request stickers we should be able to get them some stickers, but that it should be contingent on request
zzz sure, we don't have anybody's address, they have to ask. but we would have to tell them to ask
zzz if anybody's going to CCC then you need to hop on more stickers, independent of translators
zzz EOT, push it to next month, no answers today
eyedeekay Ack, I do plan to go so I'll make sure I have some stickers
eyedeekay So next step is start an email chain with Ech about it
eyedeekay EOT from me, anything else on 5?
eyedeekay 6. Windows Easy-Install Update/Out-of-Beta
eyedeekay This one's mine obviously
eyedeekay So 1.9.5 point release happened technically because of the reseed application context timer obviously
eyedeekay But it was a convenient time to also keep an eye on how the updates performed
zlatinb and how did it behave?
eyedeekay It wasn't without complications, people who were using fell into 3 groups
eyedeekay 1. People for whom it worked perfectly
eyedeekay 2. People for whom it resulted in corrupted router.config files for un-bundled routers
eyedeekay 3. People for whom it it did not update because the router.config files were from un-bundled routers
eyedeekay 2 and 3 were problems, I followed up with the fix in a forum post on zzz.i2p
eyedeekay I believe they are fixed now and cannot recur in the future
eyedeekay Therefore I think the update process will be ready by what is now 2.0.0
eyedeekay I actually think it's ready now but 7 weeks to test
zzz we don't have documented criteria for out-of-beta, really
eyedeekay So I would like to move it out of beta in November
zzz but for me it's that the release processes are solid, things aren't getting missed
zzz we're not doing point releases a week later to fix stuff
zzz but you may wish to list your own feature goals
zzz for example, are you two solid on reviewing the java updates every three months and jointly deciding to release or not?
zzz I didn't see any on-IRC discussion. did it happen off-IRC perhaps?
zlatinb the last discussion happened here, there has been no off-IRC discussion regarding jre point releases since
eyedeekay Didn't we talk about it on Whereby a little after that?
eyedeekay IIRC we only release in the Java cycle if there's a CVE which affects the last release?
zzz just to take an example, August 18 2022 fixes a JIT bug that crashes the JRE. Are you two both on that, or did you jointly decide it wasn't necessary?
zlatinb I'm not on that I don't think
zlatinb and don't remember discussing that bug; I usually look only at the CVEs
zlatinb 21:43:29 zlatinb: I'm not on that I don't think
zlatinb 21:43:42 zlatinb: and don't remember discussing that bug; I usually look only at the CVEs
zzz back
eyedeekay I am on but because I pushed back my release to try and make sure I addressed some stability issues and by that time Java had updated
zzz that's what I'm getting at about processes. If the build and release processes aren't yet stable and being reliably followed, these procucts aren't ready to graduate
eyedeekay Also my point release was built with an updated JDK
eyedeekay So that's got us out-of-sync again I think
zzz so when you updated, to, did you tell zlatinb you were doing it and suggest he do the same?
eyedeekay No I didn't, I simply let it auto-update and built with the latest version
eyedeekay So... there's another process to revise on my side
zzz I'd suggest you work on a solid bug-free release in november (together with whatever feature goals you have) and if that goes well put yourself on the agenda for december
eyedeekay OK can do
zzz or january because the release is likely to be late nov., may not have enough info by 1st week in dec.
eyedeekay If there's not enough to go on by then I'll move it
eyedeekay Anything else for 6?
zzz a brief 6a)
zzz zlatinb, reported that the mac arm update went well, so as far as I'm concerned it's out of beta as discussed on my forum
zzz zlatinb, you need to update your page to remove the beta label
zzz eot
zlatinb will do soon
eyedeekay All right that puts us at just shy of an hour, anything else for the meeting?
eyedeekay timeout 1m
zlatinb if StormyCloud reads the logs, I encourage them to address the concerns raised on reddit
zlatinb the longer that question stays unanswered the worse it looks
eyedeekay agreed, they do sometimes come to reddit and it would be good to hear from them
eyedeekay Thanks zlatinb
eyedeekay Anything else for the meeting(again)? timeout 30s this time
eyedeekay Thanks everyone for coming, I'll post the logs tonight, see you around IRC and same time next month
zzz zlatinb, if you need to get Stormy's attention, DM on twitter
zlatinb I don't think they follow me
zzz would you like me to?
zlatinb yes I think it's important to have them at least ack on the question
zlatinb please
zzz done, don't forget to follow him
zzz if you havent
zzz zlatinb, already heard back, he followed you but can't DM? did you follow? in any case he's going to come to IRC I think
zlatinb ok, just followed him back
zlatinb hi StormyCloud
StormyCloud zlatinb: Howdy
zlatinb someone on reddit is asking about audit of your infrastructure and stuff, and it's been a few days now without any response. Doesn't look too good :(
zlatinb 1 day
StormyCloud oO Could you link me or is it on the i2p beta post?
StormyCloud Got it, sorry Im not logged into reddit all that often
StormyCloud Ill reply and I appreciate the heads up
StormyCloud Gotta make the kiddos some dinner first and ill reply, but if you need to get ahold of me ASAP twitter be the fastest way