IRCaBot 2.1.0
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eche|off 23rd looks good for me
mesh zzz: did I miss the Tuesday meeting?
eche|off looks like
mesh eche|off: did it actually happen? I never saw a topic change
eche|off yesterday evening, yes
eche|off <eyedeekay> Hi everyone, welcome to the development meeting
mesh eche|off: what time? when do the meetings usually happen?
eche|off I2P dev meeting, May 3, 2022 @ 20:00 UTC
eche|off each first tuesday
eche|off of a month
mesh eche|off: huh ok. I was watching the chan topic and didn't see anything.
mesh anyways git.idk.i2p/i2p-hackers/i2p.i2p/-/issues/353 remains a big issue. I wanted to bring this up again and figure out how to submit a pull request
dr|z3d pull requests are pretty straightforward, mesh. from the i2p repo, start a pull request. the source is your repo, the target is the upstream repo.
mesh dr|z3d: which i2p repo?
dr|z3d that's the one.
mesh dr|z3d: thanks
dr|z3d weird error, zzz, some sort of bug on the port detection?
dr|z3d [XXX] told us we have an invalid port 2049
dr|z3d • Check NAT/firewall configuration, the IANA recommended dynamic outside port range is 49152-65535
dr|z3d definitely not hosting i2p on that port.
dr|z3d the router complaining about the port is running 0.9.29 fwiw.
zzz 2049 is on the bad port list
dr|z3d sure, that's not the issue. the fact that the router's incorrectly identifying the port is the issue. definitely NOT running on 2049.
zzz I assume your router is doing the complaining, and it's the other router that is running .29
zzz mesh, thanks, but a PR will not speed things up, as you stated it's not that hard
dr|z3d the remote router thinks I'm running on 2049 and is sending the complaint.
dr|z3d the remote router is .29 of course.
dr|z3d it's probably nothing of consequence, but I thought I'd mention it seeing as the notification keeps repeating in the logs.
zzz no, the remote router is telling you you're on port 2049
zzz your router is complaining that the remote router is doing that
zzz there's no i2p protocol that 'sends complaints'
dr|z3d sure, that's what I meant. the remote router is doing the informing, I'm receiving the info, the local router is relaying that info in the shape of a complaint of sorts. semantics :)
zzz looks like that's coming from a logAlways(), probably shouldn't
mesh zzz: why do you say it's not that hartd? this is a major issue for us. do you understand the problem?
mesh zzz: right now if you use i2p and httpcomponents in a single program **the java virtual machine will not start** depending on what platform the user is running
zzz renaming the classes isn't difficult, you said so yourself. I don't need a PR for that
mesh zzz: renaming the classes how?
mesh zzz: if I give you i2p.jar and httpcomponents.jar and they both different versions have the same class how does the user fix that?
zzz as you suggested, moving our org.apache.http classes to a net.i2p.something package in our source is a straightforward fix on our side. not the user
zzz I don't need a PR to rename files
zzz so it's not necessary, don't do the PR, save the effort
mesh zzz: the issue is a blocker on my side. right now I can run code in eclipse by explictly listing all our dependencies and customizing the order of jars on the classpath. users can't do this though.
zzz as discussed many many times already, you have a workaround to set the classpath, therefore it's low priority for us
mesh zzz: I would like to get this fixed in the 1.8.0 release and release with that version of i2p
dr|z3d yeah, logAlways, zzz.
zzz you've also been very secretive about what you're working on, so we're completely in the dark as to impact
zzz is your software released, does it have users, when is your next release, what does it do, etc.
mesh zzz: we don't have a work around. as I explained, *developers* have a work around. for users who are not running code in an IDE
mesh the issue is a blocker
zzz your released software doesn't set a classpath?
mesh zzz: I'm not sure what that has to do with anything. we're talking about renaming a package. it could be done in 30 seconds (more time than I've wasted trying to explain it)
mesh zzz: my released software uses the the wildcard mechanism: eg "-class-path lib/*" is what usually ends up in the scripts
dr|z3d not even sure we need the second log entry? if (ourPort < 1024 || ourPort > 65535 || !isValid(ourIP)) should be sufficient, no?
zzz you previously said you had a workaround, now you're saying you don't, that's new information
zzz the hard part is looking for external out-of-tree users of the API in plugins or other code
zzz if we find any we'll have to deprecate the classes and keep them there for a while
zzz that will take some time
zzz if you want to help speed things up, that's where we need help
mesh zzz: out of tree code that depends on org.apache.http?
zzz yup
mesh zzz: how would you go about finding out if such code exists?
zzz thats the hard part :)
zzz I of course have the source for all my plugins, plus some others, plus some well-known apps, scattered around
mesh zzz: that code is literally a glorified null check. if others are using that code I would think it'd be pretty easy to fix
zzz unfortunately claiming that something is probably easy doesn't work very well to shift my priorities, you can ask your buddy dr|z3d that's one of his favorite tactics
zzz can you release your code with a patched version of i2p.jar, either after patching the source or just removing the offending classes from the jar?
dr|z3d he's taking us both on now, mesh :)
zzz heh
mesh actually it's all org.apache.http packages
mesh zzz: I would rather fix the issue then waste time creating a fork of the codebase to fix such a trivial issue
mesh zzz: tell me what to do and I'll do it. What git repos out there do you think might be using this code?
zzz yeah, agreed the fix is trivial, just always need to be careful before changing an API
zzz not sure how much made it to git, some might still be in mtn... but I think I said that we added these classes 7 years ago?
zzz so older plugins definitely wouldn't have it
zzz let me double check that
zzz yeah 4/25/2015
zzz when is your next release?
mesh zzz: end of the month
mesh zzz: you just need somebody to go through all the repos in and grep for references right?
zzz that would be helpful, yes. that's not the only place I need to look but it's not a bad place to start
mesh zzz: ok, I'll take a look. Last time I grepped through master I found three classes -- HostCheckHandler, Addresses, I2PSSLSocketFactory -- referring to org.apache.http. I can check the other repos for usages.
zzz sure, I know where our internal uses are
zzz plugins and external java apps are the issue
zzz bote, syndie, android, etc
zzz I doubt we'll find anything, but I gotta look