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zzz thank you postman eche|off
zzz we could add support for it if it's in the classpath but I don't think we want to count on it
dr|z3d can't we just pull it into the workspace?
zzz huh?
dr|z3d the requisite jar file.
zzz on the build side or the user side?
dr|z3d I mean, I assume support is just a case of putting the relevant jar file in the work space and building with it. user-side, do we need anything special?
zzz well, yeah
zzz the build side has never been the problem, we're all building with 8 or 11
zzz unless the user can unpack, its a fail
dr|z3d yup, this much I understand, though I'm not yet clear on exactly what extra requirements are imposed at the user end of things, just that apache's commons-compress lib enabled pack200 with java14+
zzz the user would need that lib in his classpath, or bundled with i2p
dr|z3d ok, yeah, thought as much. so shipping it in advance of actually using it, both with updates and installer, should work then, with a couple of releases also offering a legacy non-pack200 build, as previously..
zzz and our unzip/unpack code would need to be updated to use it if available
dr|z3d ok, doesn't seem insurmountable then.
dr|z3d apache's lib apparently offers a superset of java's zip, so there may be even more compression to be had.
dr|z3d "As of Commons Compress 1.8 in addition to the compression methods "LZMA2", "BZIP2", "DEFLATE" or "COPY" filters can be used."
dr|z3d "As of Commons Compress 1.8 the supported filters are "BCJ_X86_FILTER", "BCJ_PPC_FILTER", "BCJ_IA64_FILTER", "BCJ_ARM_FILTER", "BCJ_ARM_THUMB_FILTER", "BCJ_SPARC_FILTER" and "DELTA_FILTER". The "BCJ" filters may improve compression ratio for executables for a given platform."
dr|z3d All I know is I miss the sub 5MB updates :)
zzz our thinking is that the update size doesn't matter much anymore, it's all over bittorrent and in the background
dr|z3d__ I have some sympathy with that view, but smaller updates tax the network less, smaller installers look better on the download page.
dr|z3d and presumably debian builds would also benefit.. dunno..
zzz we never pack200'ed the installer because it didn't always work with izpack and we never figured out how to bundle a lib in there where izpack would find it
dr|z3d ah, ok
zzz well, not never, we did do it for a couple releases and then reverted after failures
dr|z3d I guess it's a question of cost (time) vs benefit. Something to think about.
dr|z3d I added a few more options to the concept outproxy configurator btw: skank.i2p/proxyconfig.html .. still very much a sketch, make of it what you will.
dr|z3d zzz: about as far as I want to take itoopie, diff-wise.. code is messy, lots of commented out stuff, but if you're interested: skank.i2p/itoopie.diff
dr|z3d I've swapped around the tabs, moved the router text info to its own tab, tweaked the graphs and widened to fit the width of the frame.
dr|z3d graphs also less noisy now, don't think we need seconds on the vertical axis legend or the "Time" label.
dr|z3d also getAxisY().isStartMajorTick() added, again, less noise.
dr|z3d credits and the like don't belong on a tab, either, in my opinion, better left to a readme.
dr|z3d there are a couple of libs that can also be swapped out for later versions without issue:
dr|z3d - <pathelement location="${lib}/commons-logging-1.1.1.jar" />
dr|z3d + <pathelement location="${lib}/commons-logging-1.2.jar" />
dr|z3d <pathelement location="${lib}/json-smart-" />
dr|z3d - <pathelement location="${lib}/jchart2d-3.2.1.jar" />
dr|z3d + <pathelement location="${lib}/jchart2d-3.2.2.jar" />
dr|z3d iirc, json-smart was the only one that didn't work, probably deprecated calls or somesuch.
zzz already removed seconds
zzz already updated jchart2d
dr|z3d then we're on the same page I guess, or chapter at least
zzz already tweaked some layout stuff
dr|z3d I pulled from your branch, fwiw.
zzz will consider moving stuff to more tabs, e.g. config
dr|z3d yeah, app settings needs its own tab fo' sure.
dr|z3d have those open in a separate window is clunky.
zzz I don't think I did a branch, should all be at git.idk.i2p/i2p-hackers/i2p.itoopie
dr|z3d oh, well, wherever you pushed your latest commits is what I was working with.
dr|z3d skank.i2p/graphs.png is what I'm looking at.
dr|z3d (and what that diff will give you)
zzz I pushed a few things around this time yesterday, sounds like you don't have that yet
zzz I don't know why the graph shows half an hour's worth when the configuration is for an hour, thats what I see also
zzz don't have any docs for jchart2d, I grabbed the source to make a javadoc, but it's not much fun
zzz new UDP tracker proposal posted at i2p-projekt.i2p/spec/proposals/160
dr|z3d probably getAxisX().isStartMajorTick(); would fix that, dunno.
dr|z3d and no, you're right, it ain't much fun.
dr|z3d > void setMajorTickSpacing(double majorTickSpacing)
dr|z3d This method sets the major tick spacing for label generation.
dr|z3d pulled your updates, you've cropped the settings button and my graphs!
zzz was trying to make it look right on ubuntu but havent checked to see if it broke on other platforms
zzz but I'm sure it conflicts what you did, of course
dr|z3d I didn't tweak the setBounds values in, that's probably the only thing that needs reverting.
dr|z3d (in my workspace)
dr|z3d frame layout-wise, the only thing I did of consequence was widen the graphs to fit the frames and tweak the padding.
dr|z3d if you're intending to put the app settings in a tab, then doesn't matter that the settings button is cropped by the tab frame.
dr|z3d (that's all you)
zzz agreed that settings would be better in a tab but not sure I have the energy for it
dr|z3d random note to anyone who may be pinging the outproxy every 5 seconds with requests to please don't.
dr|z3d every 5 seconds, continuosly, 24.7. are you trying to get yourself banned?
dr|z3d_ oh well, ifconfig.something.else.instead.
RN some people have weird configs. LOL
dr|z3d_ and some people think it's cool to ping the proxy every 5 seconds just to make sure it's working.
dr|z3d_ hint: it is, but it won't be for you if you carry on like that :)