IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
Hayden Hello
whothefuckami <nil> how does one make a torrent available to everyone via i2psnark? (I have the original magnet link and the files, but I don't have a .torrent file.) The UI in i2psnark "add torrent" seems confusing.
whothefuckami wdym by "public"?
nil How does one make it show up on tracker2.postman.i2p? Is following add torrent enough? I added a torrent, but I don't see it available via tracker2.postman.i2p.
whothefuckami <nil> How does one make it show up on tracker2.postman.i2p? Is following add torrent enough? I added a torrent, but I don't see it available via tracker2.postman.i2p.
whothefuckami maybe it was banned
whothefuckami or is waiting for a moderator approval
whothefuckami go to tracker2.postman.i2p and add your torrent there
whothefuckami followint the instructions on the website
nil The UI is not clear, I have the original has a magnet link, I have the file downloaded elsewhere. Do I use "add torret" or "create torrent"? Do I do anything with the magnet link?
whothefuckami forget about UI
whothefuckami use website
whothefuckami also, both "add torrent" and "create torrent" buttons are wrong
nil How are they wrong?
whothefuckami I mean, you treat them incorrectly
whothefuckami They do NOT publish torrents
whothefuckami "add torrent" lets you download torrents
whothefuckami "create torrent" lets you create a torrent. BUT NOT PUBLISH IT
whothefuckami you have to create it first, then publish it manually
whothefuckami as I've said
whothefuckami to the website
nil I think I figured it out. Do create torrent. That will produce a torrent file. Then upload the torrent file to tracker2.postman.i2p. It seems that i2psnark when creating the torrent file, creates a different info hash then when it was downloaded. (Download program uses magnet link and no '.torrent' file is created.
cumlord Are you trying to cross seed a torrent from clearweb?
nil I am not trying to cross seed. Shouldn't the same hash be the same? (I don't know exactly how the hash is create, which probably means I should do some searching to better understand.
nil I found m2t (go lang) and demagnetize (python) that can convert from magnet URI to torrent file. Hopefully when I use/examine them; things will be a bit more clear to me.