IRCaBot 2.1.0
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RawDawg_ Im running i2pd on a vps, and i ssh tunnel the IRCP port to my host machine. Is this ok or is there a better way to do this this?
AreEnn you could run a local I2P and connect through a custom tunnel setup and run the ssh through that tunnel
RawDawg_ Oh i see so i would ssh through the localhost
RawDawg_ Just need to make a IRCP tunnel server and client
AreEnn exactly
RawDawg_ Sweet! what the benefit of doing is this way?
RawDawg_ And is the way I'm doing it now still ok?
RawDawg_ Or safe
AreEnn this way your ssh session goes through I2P and the ISP doesn't see your vpn's address
AreEnn also you don't need to worry about the ip changing on either side sinc the I2P dests are used
RawDawg_ Ok i see, im going to try and set this up
RawDawg_ Im a bit confusd as how to do this
RawDawg_ Do i make a server tunnel on VPS with IRCP port? and then client tunnel on host with IRCP port?
RawDawg_ Does the server not already have IRCP port open.
AreEnn ircp? you can just use a connect/standard tunnel
AreEnn server on remote machine, and client on local
RawDawg_ The ircp server is already running as i can connect to it via ssh already so do i just need a local tunnel?
RawDawg_ Sorry still kinda learning
RawDawg_ I read the docs but still a little confusing
RawDawg_ Or do i have to make an ircp-in and and ircp-out
RawDawg_ There already is a ircp client tunnel on vps do I leave that and make a server one to?
AreEnn do you mean irc2p?
AreEnn tunnels: server on remote machine, and client on local
RawDawg_ sorry i mean i2cp for i2psnark to connec to
RawDawg_ I got confused lol
AreEnn an you're running i2pd so I can't help much with the config details
AreEnn that is different
RawDawg_ I will jump over to the i2pd chat
RawDawg_ Thanks for your help :)
AreEnn also if you connect to that by IP and portnumber that connection isn't inside I2P
AreEnn oh, but you are using ssh for it